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Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Africa. Mostrar todas las entradas

martes, diciembre 18, 2007

El Churchill antropólogo

A mi edad Churchill escribió The river war: an acount to the reconquest of Soudan, relatando la experiencia de haber estado allí en la unión de los Nilos, donde lo llevaron la vida, la aventura y la vocación de servicio. La crónica que quedó es de una descripción minuciosa y precisa, si bien etnocéntrica como eran los cánones de la época, de la campaña militar y sus prolegómenos. Creo que más avanzado en edad abjuró de la pretensión de acudir a preceptos raciales -negroid, mongrel- como base de estudio de otras culturas.
La siguiente cita pertenece a las primeras páginas de la edición de 1902.

Although the negroes are the more numerous, the Arabs exceed in power. The bravery of the aboriginals is outweighed by the intelligence of the invaders and their superior force of character. During the second century of the Mohammedan era, when the inhabitants of Arabia went forth to conquer the world, one adventurous army struck south. The first pioneers were followed at intervals by continual immigrations of Arabs not only from Arabia but also across the deserts from Egypt and Marocco. The element thus introduced has spread and is spreading throughout the Soudan, as water soaks into a dry sponge. The aboriginals absorbed the invaders they could not repel. The stronger race imposed its customs and language on the negroes. The vigour of their blood sensibly altered the facial appearance of the Soudanese. For more than a thousand years the influence of Mohammedanism, which appears to possess a strange fascination for negroid races, has been permeating the Soudan, and, although ignorance and natural obstacles impede the progress of new ideas, the whole of the black race is gradually adopting the new religion and developing Arab characteristics. In the districts of the north, where the original invaders settled, the evolution is complete, and the Arabs of the Soudan are a race formed by the interbreeding of negro and Arab, and yet distinct from both. In the more remote and inaccessible regions which lie to the south and west the negro race remains as yet unchanged by the Arab influence. And between these extremes every degree of mixture is to be found. In some tribes pure Arabic is spoken, and prior to the rise of the Mahdi the orthodox Moslem faith was practised. In others Arabic has merely modified the ancient dialects, and the Mohammedan religion has been adapted to the older superstitions; but although the gap between the Arab-negro and the negro-pure is thus filled by every intermediate blend, the two races were at an early date quite distinct.

The qualities of mongrels are rarely admirable, and the mixture of the Arab and negro types has produced a debased and cruel breed, more shocking because they are more intelligent than the primitive savages. The stronger race soon began to prey upon the simple aboriginals; some of the Arab tribes were camel-breeders; some were goat-herds; some were Baggaras or cow-herds. But all, without exception, were hunters of men. To the great slave-market at Jedda a continual stream of negro captives has flowed for hundreds of years. The invention of gunpowder and the adoption by the Arabs of firearms facilitated the traffic by placing the ignorant negroes at a further disadvantage. Thus the situation in the Soudan for several centuries may be summed up as follows: The dominant race of Arab invaders was unceasingly spreading its blood, religion, customs, and language among the black aboriginal population, and at the same time it harried and enslaved them.

The state of society that arose out of this may be easily imagined. The warlike Arab tribes fought and brawled among themselves in ceaseless feud and strife. The negroes trembled in apprehension of capture, or rose locally against their oppressors. Occasionally an important Sheikh would effect the combination of many tribes, and a kingdom came into existence --a community consisting of a military class armed with guns and of multitudes of slaves, at once their servants and their merchandise, and sometimes trained as soldiers. The dominion might prosper viciously till it was overthrown by some more powerful league.

La edición de 1899 incluía estos párrafos, removidos en la 1902.

“How dreadful are the curses which Mohammedanism lays on its votaries! Besides the fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia in a dog, there is this fearful fatalistic apathy. The effects are apparent in many countries. Improvident habits, slovenly systems of agriculture, sluggish methods of commerce, and insecurity of property exist wherever the followers of the Prophet rule or live. A degraded sensualism deprives this life of its grace and refinement; the next of its dignity and sanctity. The fact that in Mohammedan law every woman must belong to some man as his absolute property, either as a child, a wife, or a concubine, must delay the final extinction of slavery until the faith of Islam has ceased to be a great power among men. Thousands become the brave and loyal soldiers of the Queen: all know how to die but the influence of the religion paralyses the social development of those who follow it. No stronger retrograde force exists in the world. Far from being moribund, Mohammedanism is a militant and proselytizing faith. It has already spread throughout Central Africa, raising fearless warriors at every step; and were it not that Christianity is sheltered in the strong arms of science, the science against which it had vainly struggled, the civilisation of modern Europe might fall, as fell the civilisation of ancient Rome.”

lunes, diciembre 17, 2007

Zulu dawn

Otra película recomendable, Zulu Dawn de 1979, con Burt Lancaster y Simon Ward. Trata la épica batalla de Isandlwana (escena) entre británicos y zulúes. En las primeras imágenes se dan a conocer ciertos términos del últimatum de aquellos hacia los nativos. En voz alta lee Bartle Frere, alto comisionado de sudáfrica, la propuesta que los zulués no podrán aceptar:
Cetshwayo's Zulu army to disband and the warriors permitted to return to their homes.
Present military system to be abandoned. New regulations concerning the defence of the realm worked out.
All who do not submit will be dealt with as enemies of the Crown. We will not permit the arbitrary killing and unjust oppression which the Zulu people have suffered from their own King Cetshwayo.

Antes de estampar el sello real, Frere le aclara al comandante Lord Chemsford que la letra del últimatum desnuda la sola decisión del gobierno colonial, y que el gobierno de Su Majestad preferiría arribar a un arreglo negociado, a lo cual Chemsford con toda confianza responde
Her Majesty's government confidentially hope that by the exercise of prudence and by meeting of the Zulus in a spirit of forbearance and reasonable compromise it will be possible to avert the very serious evil of a war with Cetshwayo.

Portando el mensaje, el emisario Mantshonga comunica al rey Cetshwayo.

MANTSHONGA: I bring greetings from your friends, the British, and from the Great Lord
CETSHWAYO: And what do your Masters say?
MANTSHONGA: They are angry and send these demands. They say you rule in old ways that are wrong, that you kill your people without triaL The Great White Queen herself cannot kill her lowliest subject though she rules forty lands, each greater than all of Zululand.
BAYELE: Kill the Traitor, Father'
CETSHWAYO: I do kill, under the customs of the Zulu, and I shall not depart from that. Do I go to the country of the white man and tell him to change his laws and customs?
MANTSHONGA: The British say your armies grow larger and they demand that you disband your lmpis of War.
CETSHWAYO: Tell the British I will not cross the river which divides our lands. But ask Lord Chelmsford if he would disarm his warriors in the face of such threats.
MANTSHONGA: I will ask him but his answer will be to start war against your 30,000 warriors.
CETSHWAYO: My armies will defend this land.

Más adelante Lord Chelmsford junto a gran parte de la oficialidad está almorzando lejos del campamento de Isandlwana, cuando el Coronel Hamilton-Brown llega a notificarlo que el mismo se encuentra bajo ataque. Sin perder nunca la tranquilidad, Lord Chelmsford lo invita a quedarse a comer.

General Lord Chelmsford: After lunch Brown, I want you to return to Isandhlwana and instruct Col. Pulleine to join us here immediately.
Col. Hamilton-Brown: If you'll excuse me, my lord.
General Lord Chelmsford: No appetite, Colonel?
Col. Hamilton-Brown: My men haven't eaten since yesterday and there won't be any suplies until I get them to Isandhlwana.
General Lord Chelmsford: Well they can sod off now and you can join them when you've eaten.
Col. Hamilton-Brown: Kind of you, my lord, but I don't think it will be proper for me to sit at your table, they with their bellies stuck to their backbones.
Col. Hamilton-Brown: [Brown leaves]
General Lord Chelmsford: [to Lt. Harford] Learn nothing from that Irishman, Harford, except how not to behave.

Entre los historiadores no hay acuerdo sobre cuál fue la mayor causa de tan estrepitosa derrota. No se discute, en cambio, que la llegada de la noticia a Londres mudó súbitamente el humor del desinterés hacia el apoyo unánime a la vindicación. (Si Galtieri hubiera leído un poquito de la historia británica de hacía un siglo, lo habría pensado mejor....; y si vio la película recién estrenada, habrá creído que la historia terminaba ahí, con la victoria zulú). En seis meses y un par de batallas los zulues serían sometidos. Mientras los imperios se terminaban de repartir lo que quedaba de Africa y el mundo, los anglos no iban a aparecer como los vencidos por unos negros en taparrabo.

lunes, diciembre 03, 2007

Algo parecido a la normalidad

Hoy respiramos un poco más de lo que a tientas podríamos denominar normalidad. Chávez "solo" se va quedar hasta 2012. Entonces podrá poner a la mujer, intentar otro referendum, renunciar y volver a intentarlo...den ideas. Lo cierto es que en la eventualidad de que desconozca el resultado de ayer, Chávez quedará cada vez más aislado y perderá lo poco que le queda de legalidad. Políticamente, según Hugo (que no es Chávez), la sociedad venezolana está polarizada. La reflexión debería persuadirlo, al igual que su ídolo Bolivar, a desistir de toda forma de cargo vitalicio, esté o no refrendado electoralmente. Alberto Benegas Lynch (h) lo dice: Cuidado con Chávez.

Common sense has prevailed, dijo Gordon Brown después que el presidente de Sudán perdonara a la maestra Gibbon, no se de qué, pero si le permite vivir, bienvenido. Todo este mamarracho de condenar a la maestra Gibbon por el affair del osito Mahoma no enseña sino el decline and fall de Sudán, otro país atrapado en el aislamiento, cuya situación sólo iba a empeorar si daba cumplimiento o agravaba la sentencia. Si será representativo del grado de atraso, que el ensañamiento haya sido contra una maestra extranjera.
Se dice que la liberaron por presión de la comunidad musulmana británica, lo que confirma lo que ya sospechaba: no es lo mismo un musulmán en Sudán que en Gran Bretaña. Otra confirmación más, si se quiere, es que efectivamente el lobby musulmán en Gran Bretaña está munido de poder tal como para influir en las decisiones de otros. Lo que podemos sacar de positivo, es la utilización dada a los resortes de influencia para salvar vidas. En realidad le estaban haciendo un gran favor no solo a la maestra, sino a su religión toda, cuya relación institucional no podía más que crisparse con el cumplimiento o agravamiento de la sentencia, y aún debe remontar todo lo perdido por efecto del intento.