How do you train to run a half marathon on Saturday and a full marathon on Sunday? You run Sat and Sun training runs - Saturday half the distance of Sunday. So when it was time to run our last 20 miler for the Disney Marathon, we had to do it after running 10 miles on Saturday.
I did this 10/20 combo in early October - when I was at the top of my running game. Time wise the October run went better than this weekend's run. But somehow, this weekend's run seemed like more of an accomplishment.
This weekend, I was fighting back an illness that hasn't completely let go since San Antonio, and perhaps some recovery from that same race - which was just 1 month ago. But my husband and I got out there and did it!
The 10 mile run on Saturday felt really good - a 12:15 min/mi pace with an AHR of 149 bpm.
The 20 miler was a surprise to me. I didn't feel too great the morning of the 20 miler - my head was aching so I actually went back to bed before getting up at 2:30 pm to start the run. The temperature was about 78 deg F and the sun was out. Fortunately, the air was not humid and there was a nice breeze. My husband and I suited up and off we went. I tried a new strategy for energy. My chiropractor had given me a supplement called CoQ-Quinol. It is supposed to supply some energy. I had previously taken about 2 tsp with water before a run, but this time I mixed some in some of my water bottles and took it during the run. I never once felt that "run down I want to lay down and sleep" feeling. Although my legs were beginning to ache beginning around 14 miles onward, I still felt strong in my run - focusing on relaxing my body, running even and keeping my posture correct.
We finished 20.2 miles in 4:19 hrs - 12:53 min/mi with AHR of 152 bpm.
After the run I had a date with the bathtub and 20 lbs of ice. Then out for dinner.
It was a good day to run!!!!
And now, we are tapering to Goofy!!
Anyone who is running Disney and wants to meet up with some blogging / twittering running folks, go to and post a reply to the Disney post. We would love to meet you!