October 29, 2010

My New Best Friend

Macam tukar baju
Kawan-kawan pun begitu
Boleh tukar selalu
Boleh pilih mana satu
yang kau suka dan mahu.

Dicari dirayu
Bila saja kau perlu
Andai mahu dibantu
Seboleh mungkin dicari aku
Tapi bila ada kawan baru
Kau pergi berlalu
Tinggalkan aku

Entah aku pun tak pasti
Apa aku yang salah
Tapi sumpah aku tak kisah
Apa-lah susah
Kawan-kawan lain bersepah
yang lebih mengerti
dan tahu menghargai
yang sudi menangis bersama
bukan ada masa ketawa saja.

Bukan membenci
Bukan merajuk
tapi cuma penat
Kata kau.
Dan aku yang makan hati
tapi tak suka dipujuk
namun aku bukan cuma alat
buat kepentingan kau.

Tapi jangan kau risau
I'm doing just fine
without you.

And don't you worry
I'm not judging you
After all we've been through
After all the things I did for you
Everything is meaningless
Now that you chose
to have distances keeping us apart.

I've my new best friend too
and for sure that friend is not you
I enjoy my time being lonely
with my new best friend named ME.

But we're still friends.
That's the plan.
And we'll always be friends
Till the end.

October 19, 2010

Writing Academically

Citarasa perasaan manusia yang bersifat subjektif akan membentuk nilai estetika yang indah. Keindahan menyedarkan keperluan manusia. Ia berpunca daripada natural compulsions iaitu perasaan terdorong secara semulajadi terhadap sesuatu objek atau kejadian. “Important moral, ethical, and philosophical ideas are taught in every show, while entertaining the audience at times with roaring humor and special action-packed scenes.” (Harris, 2009)

Tahap kesempurnaan manusia boleh dicapai apabila manusia berjaya untuk melepaskan diri dari belenggu–belenggu materi duniawi (obstacles) yang sering kali menipu dan menjerat. Dengan mencapai tahap kesempurnaan (teori harmony, menurut Santayana) seseorang manusia akan lengkap dari segenap aspek – mental, fizikal dan spiritual. Malah, seorang manusia dikatakan mencapai kesempurnaan dan menjadi manusia yang hebat (super man) atau Übermensch, menurut Friedrich Nietzsche. Dalam konteks Kosi dan Serawi, setelah berjaya melalui semua rintangan dalam pencarian Raja Seri Rama, boleh dilihat sebagai super man kerana mampu mengatasi kesemua aspek halangan dalam pengembaraan mereka.

Secara tuntasnya, segala teori dari lima ahli falsafah yang diutarakan mempunyai relasi antara satu sama lain bukan disebabkan mereka memiliki ilmu yang sama, tetapi kerana semua ilmu di dunia ini datangnya dari Allah dan ia adalah mutlak milikNya sahaja, sumber segala sesuatu. Dia berhak memilih untuk menurunkannya kepada sesiapa yang dikehendakiNya tanpa mengira agama. Memetik sepotong kata-kata dari Jean-Paul Sartre, “I have no religion, but if I were to choose one, it would be that of Shariati's (iaitu syariat Islam)."

: : Alhamdulillah... I'm almost out of the chaos of completing tonnes of assignments. There are just a few more to go and it is not so much driving me nuts anymore. As you read above, that was the conclusion of my philosophy findings as we were asked to write an essay relating wayang kulit Kosi and Serawi with the philos from five different philosophers; Andre Bazin, Henri Bergson, George Santayana, Immanuel Kant and Friedrich Nietzsche - now I've no problem to spell their names correctly, LOL!

At first, it was kinda exhausting to know what is so special and important to find the truth out of what these philosophers were saying. But getting deeper and deeper into it, I understand better. I thank God for giving me the chance to learn this subject; of which I found my self-discovery and self-completion. I realize it brings me to another level of thinking. And I'm completing the tasks not just for the sake of getting good marks, indeed it is a no-ending journey towards finding yourself in you. Most importantly, the seek of knowledge brings me closer to God. It never feels this good and I am calmer than before. Alhamdulillah.

Through the subject too, I just got myself another good news but that isn't yet to be revealed. I'm all excited! All praises to Allah.

Really, thanks Lord... =)

: : And oh, just to have an escapism for a while, we're going to Paramore, baby....! Woohoo! : :

October 14, 2010

Lagi... Socrates yang Cakap, Bukan Aku

Having the fewest wants, I am nearest to the gods. ~Socrates

Having less wants, I am nearer to Allah. ~Me

October 8, 2010

Important Things I'm About to Miss but You SHOULD NOT...!

Salam ukhuwwah fillah...

There are so many things happening this weekend. I'm taking this opportunity to somehow promote these events that involve many important people in my life. This (too) is some kinda my biggest apology for not being able to attend and be a part of all these events.


1st poster
*credit to Shazlan Photographer

KAKI LIMA Cinephoto Exhibition
Pudu Sidewalk

9th. & 10th. October 2010
(Saturday & Sunday)
8.00 am - 5.00 pm
Admission : Free

*poster taken from here

credit to Baju and gang


Honours Stage (HOST)
Must-watch show :
Oedipus directed by Fasyali Fadzly
Perkarangan Dewan Bahasa & Pustaka (DBP)
9th. & 10th. October 2010
(Saturday and Sunday)
Admission : RM 5 only

*Poster design: Credit to Byxura Photography

Last but not least...

BCSMTKRC: A short film
*All the best to Jaja, Zairul, Hans, Zul and the rest of the production team!
(pedulikan yang lain, I know you guys can do it....!)

I'm off to Taman Negara today - we're going to dig and hunt for some artifacts yaww! Hope it would be fun though I have to let go of these important events I've been looking up to. I wish everybody the best of luck...!

October 3, 2010

Busy + Sick Life Updates

Salam ukhuwwah fillah...

Seminggu ni... kerja berlambak... I've been working like a pig (cuter, no? or like a buffalo? mana-2 lah....) less time to have fun + going out + sleep = M.I.S.E.R.Y.

Until I fell sick... I need Mama more than anything else...

Runny nose... fever... so not my favourite...

But some good things did happen though...

I received two awards during Anugerah Kecemerlangan Akademik... woohoo! There were the MPPs, all the award receivers (the DLs, Anugerah Pelajar Harapan and our handsome dean... cewah!)
*and yeah... for the group picture, I was looking somewhere else (atau mungkin jugak tengah mengumpat...!)

Me with my girls... my besties... my BFF... ♥ ♥ ♥
(ya... ya... I'm that fatso... need some workout...)

K.a.m.i. aka Us... (after all the formalities, we turned out being gila-gila, just the way we are)

Kudos to Wewe the photographer for the day... you rawk, babe!
(yea, sure we're gay... you got prob, mate? haha...)

And back with tonnes of assignments... and more assignments... and... MORE ASSignments... *sigh...

It's Saturday! My sis took me out and we gained some weight. Haha! Nice....

Since I'm sick, I could hardly finish those 5 pieces of meatballs.
(but it made me feel way way way better... TQ Hayoyom & Abg Amin!)

... and some activities to cheer me up...!

Now I can sleep with all the hearts and love on top of my bed... I just love wall stickers...!

Sometimes, being ME is a whole lot of fun...!

Some blog readers think I'm a guy... duh... (well, I don't know if I'm gay...LOL!) so I put up some photos of me and more me... see? I got no gender confusion problem, just some overweight issue... blah blah blah....

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