June 23, 2008

Menghitung Hari...

Salam... ukhuwwah fillah...

There are another two weeks to go til the day I'll be back in Puncak...
Huuiii.... rindu seyhh nak balik kolej! It's been a lame boring two months staying at home doing nothing.... adehh... jadi so-called bibik ader arr kut.. ahah!

Stuck at home with nothing - no internet, no Astro channel (actually not even 8tv n TV9...huhu....), no nothing! - we got no big malls or even a small cinema here in Taiping (sorry my hometown peeps...no offense... tapi memang takde pape kat Taiping nih...!! adess...) hurm...so guess what i do... main game... basuh kain... sidai kain... bace novel.... tengok TV (sekadar channel yang ade such as RTM 1 & 2, TV3, NTV7... huhu...) nak online pun macam skali dalam sratus tahun...! (huish...perumpamaan yg sangat dahsyat) so, here I am... finally got to put my hand in here again.... updating my blog after what seemed like a century...!

So... kekawan blogku semua... (semua lahh... no exception...) do drop by and share ape yang korang buat sepanjang cuti nie okehh...

p/s: Ini adalah sejenis kaum keluarga TAG... so sape je yang terbace wajib reply.... hihi.... chill... =)

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