Thursday, June 18, 2009

Home From Arizona

Our visit with Quinten and his family had to come to an end and we had to return home. It is always hard to leave family. Just wanted to share a few last minute photos, BUT after posting them I realized I didn't have any pictures of Kate. I'm soooo embarrassed. She is so busy being a taxi cab driver, piano teacher, cook, maid, teacher etc. it was difficult to slow her down.

We had a great time though visiting with them and can't wait until we see them again.


Loving Brothers

Sweet Little Paige

She loved Papa (couldn't say grandpa yet).

We went to Red Robin for dinner the night before we left and I was just amazed at what good eaters they were. I had to take a picture of each one. They aren't picky and eat all their food.

Tyson and his grilled cheese

Paige loves mac and cheese

That hamburger was huge. Sam ate the whole thing.

It was a wonderful trip and we are looking forward to the next one.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Hot Day in Arizona!

A favorite thing for me to do with the boys is to walk down (they ride their bikes) to the Circle K and get drinks. They love getting Icees and of course I get my diet Dr. Pepper. We went down today (not our first trip) and it was a HOT walk, but made the drinks taste even better. The pits was getting home.

We were so hot that the pool was the
only option...

Tyson and Sam are total fish.
They are going to be just like their dad
in their swimming abilities.

But what they really like to do is to goof-off.
It's a boy thing...

Grandma and Grandpa with their
Arizona grandchildren.

We are trying to get as much as we can in today because it's our last day. It has gone by too
I wish I could say we will be going back to cooler weather, but adding the humidity back into
the heat is not something to look forward to.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Visiting Quinten's Family

Quinten and his family do not get to go with us this year to the beach so we thought we better go visit them before our grandchildren forgot who we were.

After a horrendous plane ride (due to weather we had to spend the night in Atlanta and then fly back to Cincinnati the next day to catch a flight to Phoenix), we finally arrived. The boys asked us to bring our Wii MarioKart and of course was the first thing they wanted to do.

Grandpa and Paige were instant friends. What is it
with Grandpas and Granddaughters?

Paige wasn't sure about Grandma, but soon
had adjusted to all the changes.

Our first big adventure was eating at Cafe Rio...
Sorry Krista, but we were in pig heaven eating
the awesome food. Tyson is missing because he
is taking the picture.

Off to the grocery store. We needed a
few snacks for our trip to the north.

Our friends, the Townsends, have moved to Sedona and we wanted to go visited them and see their new home. Dr. Townsend was Tom's major professor at the University of Utah and the University of Michigan and we have stayed in close touch with them. They hadn't seen Quinten since he was a little boy so it was fun for them to meet his family.

Sam, our grandson, thought it was pretty cool that Dr. Townsend's wife's name is Sammy. She is such a great cook. We were stuffed after eating a wonderful meal and visiting with their family.

Their new home is beautiful and very Southwestern.

Grandpa had fun showing off his grandchildren.

Luckily today is Sunday so we all get to rest, but of course MarioKart is in full swing. 

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Papa Cupps Meets Marlee

Tom was able to go to Utah this past week to spend a few days to meet our newest grand-daughter and visit with the rest of the family. Of course Rhaegan really kept him occupied, and so did Kendall. He really enjoyed spending time with all of them and meeting their friends.

The day he arrived he was able to participate in
Marlee's blessing.

Even Opa got a chance to hold little Marlee
on her special day.

The next few days brought a lot of fun trips 
to giant slides, malls and various stores.

Marlee looks so much like Rhaegan did.

Very Alert!

Tom fixed leaky faucets, broken doors and
even installed a new ceiling fan.
Yes, he is Tom the "Tool-Time" man!

But the best part of his trip was to
spend time with Kendall, Shae, Rhaegan and Marlee.

Can't wait for the beach!!! 

Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Today I got to go and meet little Norah.
What a sweet little girl.

I told them that I would bring in dinner and asked what they were craving. Matt's request was Carbonara and rolls. So that's what he got along with asparagus, fresh pineapple and homemade cookies. But I know that it's not going to be the dinner that he will rush home from work for.

I see a lot of Matt in little Norah but it is still too
early to totally tell. But she definitely has Matt's chin
dimple and his cow-lick, it's darling.

Sorry no pictures of Colleen, but she is doing well and looks great. Her mom has been there helping out, but Colleen really looks like she has things under control. 

It's going to be so much fun at the beach with two new little babies, I can't wait!

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Our Visitors from New York

This past weekend has been a busy one. First our good friends from New York, Roger and Janice Kent, drove down to spend the Memorial Day Weekend with us. They have never been to Cincinnati, so it was fun to anticipate where we should take them to show them what this area offers.

On Friday we also had three extra house guests arrive:

No, not Nick, Denise and her sister Danni, but Charlie, Chandler, Blair (their dogs). We were asked to "grand-dog sit" while they went on a camping trip to the Red River Gorge in Kentucky. The six A.M. walks and feeding and all the other things you have to do with dogs haven't been bad. But I have not slept the last two nights. These dogs are so use to sleeping near their owners that they freak out being alone in a cage. So the past two nights I have slept on the couch so they could be near me. Well I only have one more night, I think I can do it. 

It really hasn't been that bad because Tom and the Kents have really helped out. Especially walking and picking up poop for three dogs can require real talent.

On Saturday we explored some places that we have never experienced, like the Findlay Market. It is a wonderful place that has everything from fresh meats to flowers and everything in-between. We had a great day exploring Cincinnati.

It has been so much fun having friends come to visit because we also get to eat at restaurants that we have wanted to try. We took them to the "Sleepy Hollow". This restaurant was open during the Korean war time. The family who owns it had a son who left to fight in the war. He was going to be home for Christmas so they decorated the restaurant for his homecoming. Well he never made it home. In his honor they have left the place decorated with the Christmas theme for all these years. The food was really tasty. We will have to take any other guests who come to visit (just a hint that we love visitors).

It's been a great weekend and will be sad to see them leave. But we enjoyed every minute and hope they will return soon.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Trip to Ann Arbor

There's nothing like being in "Big Blue" country!

We spent the past three days in Ann Arbor to attend the 5th "LeRoy Townsend" Symposium. When Dr. Townsend retired the Chemistry department honored him by creating this annual lecture series. When this symposium was first started, Tom was asked to be the first presenter since he was the first to graduate with his PhD from the U of M under Dr. Townsend. It was a great honor and he looks forward to attending this event each year.

There is a lot of work being done on the "Big House".
$30, 000 box seats are being added.
We couldn't even afford the $90 annual football
tickets when we were there.

After the lecture was over we all gathered at the
local bowling alley to bowl, eat pizza and visit.
Besides being Tom's major professor, Dr. Townsend
and his wife have been very close friends and
were like surrogate grandparents to our children.

Tom will always have great admiration for LeRoy.

After bowling and on our way to the picnic and softball game, we drove by student housing where we lived. It hasn't changed a bit except the trees are a little bigger. Our place was the second window to the left.

This was our front door.
They did take the "moon house" out of the sandbox.
The boys use to love playing on it with their friends.

Our last day we were able to spend some time with LeRoy and Sammy really getting caught up on how and what our families are doing. Tom even fit in time to hit golf balls.

We also went and saw "Angels and Demons." It was an excellent show. I have no idea why the critics have been so hard on it. I would recommend it to anyone.