There have been a lot of activities and
adventures since we have been in Arizona:
We went on a walk with Tyson and Sam and decided
to do some Geo-Cacheing along the way. We found
one in a tree. Just above Sam you will see Tyson getting
the cache. We were glad the boys were with us
because there is no way Tom or I could have ever
reached the box.
Paige loves playing games. This is a new one they
got for Christmas called Suspend. It's a lot like
Pick-up-Sticks but suspended in air.
Quinten and Kate were able to leave for a few days to
attend a conference in Las Vegas so we got to
babysit. It was my job to get the girls ready for school.
Of course I can't compete with Kate on the speciality
hair-do's but I think they turned out pretty good.
At the park:
Allie's a real monkey.
We were able to visit our dear friends, the Gilchrists who
have now moved to Apachie Junction from New York.
It was so nice to spend some time catching up and
seeing some new Arizona sites
Dan and Tom are still crazy:
A third temple we were able to visit on this trip is the
new Gilbert temple. We attended the open house. It is
absolutely gorgeous temple and decorated around the
Agave plant.
The Agave plant is quite interesting. It grows for about
30 years and then finally produces these beautiful flowers
but then dies. So if you see a flowering Agave plant you
know that it is at the end of its life.
(sorry the picture is a bit blurry
Quinten took this picture of us after we toured the temple.
Allie was sick so Kate had to stay home with her.
It was a great day.