Tuesday, January 28, 2014


There have been a lot of activities and
adventures since we have been in Arizona:

We went on a walk with Tyson and Sam and decided
to do some Geo-Cacheing along the way. We found
one in a tree. Just above Sam you will see Tyson getting
the cache. We were glad the boys were with us
because there is no way Tom or I could have ever
reached the box.

Paige loves playing games. This is a new one they
got for Christmas called Suspend. It's a lot like
Pick-up-Sticks but suspended in air.

Quinten and Kate were able to leave for a few days to
attend a conference in Las Vegas so we got to
babysit. It was my job to get the girls ready for school.
Of course I can't compete with Kate on the speciality
hair-do's but I think they turned out pretty good.

At the park:

Allie's a real monkey.

We were able to visit our dear friends, the Gilchrists who
have now moved to Apachie Junction from New York.
It was so nice to spend some time catching up and
seeing some new Arizona sites

Dan and Tom are still crazy:

A third temple we were able to visit on this trip is the
new Gilbert temple. We attended the open house. It is
absolutely gorgeous temple and decorated around the
Agave plant.
The Agave plant is quite interesting. It grows for about
30 years and then finally produces these beautiful flowers
but then dies. So if you see a flowering Agave plant you
know that it is at the end of its life.
(sorry the picture is a bit blurry

Quinten took this picture of us after we toured the temple.
Allie was sick so Kate had to stay home with her.

It was a great day.

Friday, January 17, 2014

Road Trip Continues...

Thursday, Jan 16th, we said a sad goodbye to family in
Salt Lake City and headed south. We decided instead of going
straight to Arizona we would do some site-seeing. 
We wanted to go to Mesa Verde in southern Colorado so
we headed in that direction and ended up seeing several
awesome areas along the way.
Tom wondered where the "hole in the rock" was and
just as he said that we went around the corner heading
towards Moab and there it was.

Around the edge of this rock is just a bunch of tourist stuff.
Not a thrill.

But then we got to Monticello and found the new temple.
It wasn't hard to find since it is about the only thing in

As we continued south we decided to take a detour and
go to Natural Bridges National Monument. There are
three natural bridges. You can hike down to them but
we didn't have time to hike to all three.

Bridge #1

Bridge #2

We did hike down to Bridge #3.
It wasn't too bad climbing down, but climbing up
was a different story. The altitude was a killer.

We took another detour and the road took us down this
switch-back dirt road down the face of this incredible
mesa face. You can't imagine this road unless you
were on it. Very scary!!!!

We stayed in Cortez, CO and then today went to Mesa Verde.
I really didn't know what to expect, but this place
was really fascinating. To think that the Pueblo people
built and lived in the face of these cliffs in unreal.

Another homestead….

We got to hike down to "Spruce Tree" which is one
to the three areas that they allow you to explore.

This is the opening to one of the "Kivas" which is where
they would go to get warm. They had fire inside and
there are places to sit.

Inside one of the Kivas...

There water supply was from springs that flowed
through the rocks.

We then headed for the Four Corners site.
It was a joke but as least we can say we saw it.
I'm standing in Utah and New Mexico.
The little booths behind me are all around the site where
the Indians sell their jewelry and stuff.

Finally we made it to Snowflake, AZ where we
spent the night. As we approached Snowflake, we could
see the temple up on the only hill in the area. It's a
beautiful temple and built around a golf course.
Of course Tom said he knew golf was a
celestial sport.

Tomorrow we head to Mesa to see Quinten and his family.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

ROAD TRIP Dec 2013 - Feb 2014

We decided to take our road trip West to spend Christmas with
some of our family members in Salt Lake City. But on our
way we had some important stops to make:

Cincinnati was our first stop to visit Nicholas and Jenny.
I'm sorry I didn't take a lot of pictures. But we had a
great time visiting with them and having a pre-christmas
gift opening party.

Onto our next stop, Laramie Wyoming.
We loved spending several days with Cecil and Dorthella.

We opened gifts with them and Cecil loved looking
over the calendar we all received from Krista.
It has become an annual tradition for Krista to design a
calendar and we all look so forward to seeing it.

Cecial, Dorthella, Joe, Mark and Tom. Don't they
look excited about the holidays!!!!!!

I couldn't leave this picture out. Dorthella sometimes
disappears but we discovered her hiding place:
the closet with the furnace. 

Christmas Day in Salt Lake with Kendall and her family,
Krista and Avery and Oma and Opa Plumb.
Avery and Harper loved playing with their new toys together.

Opa Plumb was also engrossed with Krista's calendar.

He also loved playing with his great-grandchildren.

A trip to Skeels (an outdoors store).

Kendall and Marlee on the Ferris Wheel.

Avery loved playing with the "animals."

Rhaegan and Marlee with the grizzly.

On Jan 4th we all went to Caldwell, ID to be with Rhaegan when she
was baptized. I felt so bad that I didn't get a picture of her in
her pretty white dress, but we had a wonderful day with her.

We stayed with Jim, Robbie, Jamie and Mattie in Boise.

Sisterly love…..


Of course you can't go to bed without playing several games
of Rummy-down and eating bowls of popcorn.
A true Cupps' tradition.