We decided to take a break from the house building, golfing, sailing and take a road trip to meet the Nobles. For 13 years we vacationed with them in the Outer Banks and a highlight spot for the "adults" was to go to lunch on Ocracoke Island at Howard's Pub. We got up early this morning, drove 2 hours to the ferry, took a 2 1/2 hour ferry ride from Swanquarter to Ocracoke Island and met the Nobles there.
We immediately drove to Howard's Pub to have our craving satisfied and to our horror, Howard's Pub was "Closed for the Season." We remembered the sign that says "open 365 days a year" and we looked at their website before we went and did not see any change. What a disappointment. So we decided to take the Hatteras ferry to Hatteras Island so we could go to our other favorite place; The Scotch Bonnet. Their fudge is to die for. After another 30 min ferry ride and 15 mile drive we arrived at the store; "Closed for the Season." Both of these places need to update their websites!!
At least we got to see Avon again, ate at Subway and visited
the Hatteras lighthouse.
We are staying at a bed and breakfast on Ocracoke Island tonight
and then head back to Hertford tomorrow.
Just so you can see a little bit of progress on the house:
Both of these pictures are of the backside of the house. The one above
is the sunroom,
This angle is of the screened-in porch and the sunroom.
It shouldn't be long now...