I know it has been forever since I have posted anything...
I realized that I have not shared anything about my trip to Utah (in August) and Kjarom and Liz's wedding.
Opa and Oma went on a trip to Alaska and needed some help covering the club. Oma has not been away from that club longer than two days at a time for the past 25 years. So Opa thought is was time to get her away. Knowing Oma would not leave unless the club was covered, Opa asked if I would go out and help. Between Kayla, Jeannine, and myself we ran the club. No one quit and club didn't burn down, so I think we did just fine.
The second week there Kjarom and Liz got married. The night before the wedding the "family" dinner was at Oma and Opa's house. To get ready for the crowd Opa had this brainy idea that he needed to enlarge his deck, so this is what he did:
It was a lot of work, but it really did turn out beautiful.
For one thing, there is less lawn to mow!
Sorry this picture is sideways, but I'm having trouble with my
iphoto. I made matching aprons for Oma and myself since we
were the primary cooks for the dinner. I embroidered "Wedding
Chef" on her pockets and "Sous Chef" on mine. Kind of cute!
We wanted Kayleen in the picture with us.
The following pictures are some of the
family members who attended:
Aunt Lucille and Aunt Bev
Aunt Lucille turns 90 this year.
The Bride and Groom
Sisters: Kayla and Katelyn
Aunt Bev, Uncle Frank and Aunt Shari
Ryan, Kyle, Renae and Liz's dad
Aunt Lucille, Opa and Natasha
The young boy is my cousin Jan's son and don't
remember his name.
Kesner and son Ronin
Kjarsten, Nadja, Michael, Amanda
Katelyn, Kayla, Tyson, Lyska and Kent
The Three Musketeers: me, Kenneth and Kayleen
Kathy and Kenneth
Boy, do we have enough "K's" in the family?
I count 15. Is that right?
(Karen, Kevin, Kenneth, Kayleen, Katrina, Kendall, Krista, Kathy, Kristin, Kyle, Kayla, Kent, Katelyn, Kjarom, Kjarsten)