Hello readers. Firstly, my apologies for an extended absence from the blog. This has purely and simply been because there hasn't been a great deal to report. For a while now I've been busy reading a printout of the book and I've been marking it like a school teacher. Perhaps I should have a red pen for this! Whilst the bulk of the book is almost there this host of little corrections should add considerably to the quality of the finished product.
As I have this week off work the pace has quickened with this process and when I've finished I also intend to add some little nuggets of information to the book that I learnt during my trip to Berlin early last month. I've almost finished writing a piece about my tour of MG's Studio Roma and then there are some other bits and pieces too.
Whilst all of this is happening the wheels on the path to publication have been set in motion. All will be revealed in due course but this part of the process is sort of out of my hands for now. No matter, as I have lots of my own little improvements to make for the time being...
I will hopefully be back at some point soon when I have more news to report but in the meantime I hope you enjoy some more photographs from Ashra's concert in Berlin six weeks ago.