Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Way too LONG...

update:  Alrighty... So its been so long since I have been on here. Mitch has posted random pics from his phone.
 A lot has happened{ing} in our family. Ill start with getting pregnant with our third babe... we were actually trying to get pregnant.... Mitch and I both kept getting the feeling that we needed a new little somebody.   Makai was born June 11, 2012 six days before Paityn's birthday.  He was such a fun, sweet lil newborn. I really missed having a baby in our home and enjoyed every second of it and still do :) and boys seem to be oh so special!!! He is 10.5 months now and non stop joy. Paityn is about to turn 4 and is excited to start preschool , Lexey just turned 5 and is ready to start Kindergarten in the fall. As for Mitch and I... we are just boring and being parents of 3 crazy kids. 
I am going to try and update this blog more often as it is more of a family Journal!!!

 Look at my hott Hubby who has lost over 30 lbs.

 Makai's CHEESE face...

 Makai's Blessing

 Lexey's 5th birthday

Friday, April 19, 2013

Love this little boy

Thursday, April 4, 2013