Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Busy Bees

After reading a great article about beekeeping in our Your Big Backyard magazine we wanted to know more. (For those of you who remember the Ranger Rick magazines, this is the preschool version, distributed by the National Wildlife Federation. We love it. You should check it out!) We just happen to have our very own resident beekeeper - E's dad! We loaded up and watched from the car as Mr. Matt worked. We saw him use smoke to calm the bees, learned that boy bees don't sting, and we tasted some sweet local honey. Everyone, including Mrs. Mandy, learned a lot! What a fun day.

Mr. Matt in his beekeeping gear.

Baby bees, larva, if I remember correctly.

The queen bee in all of her glory! Were you looking for something a little more flashy (like a crown)? Me too :)

Fresh honeycomb. Yum!

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Mrs. Mandy's Batch Plants a Pumpkin Patch

It all started last fall... we saved the seeds from our class pumpkin. In the spring we created some tiny terrariums and sprouted a seed for each student. We planting the seeds in cups and learned that all plants need sunlight, water, and soil. A few weeks ago we transplanted our young plants into the first ever "Mrs. Mandy's PreK Pumpkin Patch!" (Thanks Mom and Dad for letting us dig up your yard.) I can't wait to see what happens in the fall!

Each student painted a stake to mark their very own pumpkin plant.

In you go little plant.

A little water makes it official. Now we just sit back and watch them grow!

In Full Bloom

A cute spring picture that I forgot to post:

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Jesus is Alive!

Back by popular demand (marlo :)...... sorry for the delay. Things are always so crazy around here and the blog has been neglected, but I just had to post these little cuties. Hope you enjoy.

Cute Little Bunny Faces

We painted eggs, played games and made bunny cupcakes, but the most important thing we did was read about the gift Jesus gave us on the very first Easter.
Our memory verse for the month - Jesus is Alive! John 20:18

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Puppet shows and indoor recess

It was too chilly to go outside today so we had a great and creative time staying indoors!

The kiddos have fun with this. They most enjoy watching Mrs. Mandy put on shows, but they are starting to do shows of their own. I look forward to the interesting story lines that will be played out in this theater.

This pop out tunnel is so much fun.

Did anyone else get one of these for Christmas? My girls think it is pretty fun and it keeps them moving. (It has a camera that allows them to see themselves dance on the tv.)

Thursday, January 8, 2009

P for pottery

We reviewed the letter P today...... and we all became potters! Check out the book below for a pretty book about the art of pottery making. The kids practiced their molding skills with Playdough and tested their "bowls" to see if they would hold items.

'A' made a "nake" AKA snake.

'J' made a bottle!

Monday, January 5, 2009

The ever changing Mrs. Mandy's PreK

I love being a stay at home mom. To have extra kiddos in my home is just added blessing. Things continue to change around here - students, days, hours, etc., but one thing stays the same - we have a lot of fun. Today was our first day back from the holidays and the girls were glad to see each other.

These are called WikkiStix. They are a lot of fun and are great for teaching all sorts of things.