Monday, May 7, 2012


Up date.... Just becasue

Here is Benjamin in the Christmas play as the Candy Cane Kid.  He was fun to watch!

Friday, December 9, 2011

Asa is 5 months

Asa is growing so fast but they always do!!

He turned 5 months this week and here he is sitting up...

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Snow Day...

Last week the kids had a 3 day weekend because they had a snow day.
On Friday we woke up to 15inches of snow...

I couldn't believe it. This is the most we have had at once since we have lived here.

Mary went out first thing to check on the chickens...

Ruthie and Leah posing outside the family room so I didn't have to walk out into it!!!

Harper got prepared for disaster and has helped people throughout the week get out of snow banks and pull their cars out of driveways...

The kids played all day and the next!

Harper came home and pulled them on the sled.

It was a fun day!!

A neighbor & his wife were hanging out at our house since it was warm and helped the kids build an igloo.

A little crazy since our power was out for over 14 hours. We cooked dinner on our stove it was nice to know we could. The power line right next to our house was down so after the Power company visited our house we had power again. What a blessing!!!!

It has been a week and we are still covered!!

Friday, November 4, 2011

the last 4 months...

Halloween! Here we are at the trunk-or-treat.

In my rush to get there I forgot to take a picture before hand.
The kids all had fun and got way too much candy!!

Asa rolling over at 3 1/2 months... wasn't expecting that one!

Man he is too cute for words!!

Enjoying my stay at home kids!!!

The boys aren't here it is safe to play with the sword.

Benjamin getting his Wolf Badge!!

They had the two boys getting their wolf - wolf down a treat

It was fun watching!

A quick get away to spend time with cousins...

Please do I have to sit next to him...

on of Asa's first smiles on camera...

and oh those little thighs...

Me and my little Asa..

Aug. 29th when he was still so little

Meeting his newest cousin Lily for the 1st time...

A rain storm that filled the flower beds...

First Day of School...

Asa's Blessing Day...

Family Reunion...

All the Moses Cousins!

So which hat wins???

Asa sun bathing to help with the jaundice...

2 weeks! Absolutely Perfect!

Wow! I finally did it, I had a whole hour to myself!!!!!!!!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Asa Charles Moses...

Well he has finally arrived!!!

Asa was born July 6th at 10:51 am. He weighed 7lbs 8oz. 20 1/2 inches long.

His mommy was so happy to have him here... the 9 months of anticipation were well worth that cute little face. Oh he is so perfect!! What fun!!

His brothers and sisters came to meet him just a couple of hours after he was born.

They all anxiously awaited their turn to hold him!!

Ready to go home...

We love our new little Asa!!!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Rachel turns 2...

What a day!! The evening was filled with this and that so we decided to do a
Breakfast Birthday Party!!

The kids had planned out the whole thing. James blew up 100 balloons for Rachel on her 1st birthday so he decided to do 200 this year...

Mary modeling the headband that Grandma Moses made her, THANKS!!

The kids saw this little 4 wheeler in the newspaper add last week and were determined that Rachel needed it for her birthday. They were all willing to buy it themselves.
(they all make me smile)
So Harper and I gave in and got it for her.

We hid it under the balloons...
it must have been a little intimidating :)

She loved opening the presents!

Here she is giving her baby a ride!

She rode on it all day!!!!!
Each time she took a break Ruthie would try to get a little ride in but as soon as Rachel heard it she came in with her vocals :)!

Here is Rachel posing with her cupcakes!!

She didn't like us singing Happy Birthday to her???

She blew out her candles on the first try!

What a cutie!! It was fun to watch her spend the day enjoying all her gifts!!!

Love you Rachel, Happy Birthday!!!!