Sunday, March 15, 2009

Day 2

Spring Break: Day 2 has been another fun day. We started out this morning going to church at FBC where we got to see lots of "old" friends. Hadley got lots of hugs and lovin' from people who have known me since I was a little girl.

After church we went to lunch at Sharon Allen's BBQ (yum!) with Tim, Dina, Bailey, & Emma. I have sure missed eating there (especially the potato salad!).

This afternoon we just hung out, played a lot, and took a couple power naps (Hadley, not me!). This evening Grandpa Tom (my dad) and Pete came over for a while for burgers and to visit.

Aunt Dina and Bailey and Emma helped give Hadley a bath tonight and now it's bedtime.

...another good day for everyone...

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Mandi & Hadley's Spring Break Tour 2009: Day 1

Today Hadley and Momma hit the road for our Spring Break Tour 2009. We got a little later start than we planned, and Hadley slept all the way, but we made it to Abilene and had a fun evening with Tim, Dina, Bailey, and Emma. Momma saw her good friend, April, who did her hair before we went out to eat at Zoochini's.

I tried to help Momma get things ready this morning...first we did laundry.
Then I helped make the bed. (I was gonna' help pack, but I got tired and needed a nap!)

Here I am with my Aunt Dina. (My baby boy cousin is in her tummy!)

I hung out with my Uncle Tim a lot tonight. He is fun (but has scratchy whiskers!)

My cousin, Emma is fun to play with and makes me smile!

My cousin, Bailey played with me and held me too.

Momma's friend, April fixed her hair pretty, and then we ate supper together.

And here's me and Momma at the end of the day. Day 1 was a fun day!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

An Interesting 24 Hours

The past 24 hours have been filled with "wetness" where Hadley is concerned, and I'm writing about it because someday all of these things will be funny. (Some are already, but others...not so much yet.)

When I picked Hadley up from the sitter's yesterday he was in a different outfit than when I had dropped him off that morning. Now, for some babies, this is not an unusual concept, but for Hadley that was only maybe the second time he had an "accident." Miss April said during his nap his diaper leaked quite a bit and his entire front side was soaking wet when she picked him up. Luckily I had stuck an extra onesie in his bag long ago so he had something to wear the rest of the day. (I say luckily because of the "mom of the year" stunt I pulled later in the day!)

Next event (this is the "mom of the year" stunt referred to above): Last night Eric, Hadley and I went out to eat at The Smokehouse in Lindsay and as we were getting Hadley out of the car I realized that I (super mom) had not brought a single thing for the diapers, no wipes, no burp/snot rag, no bink...nothing! Way to be prepared, Mandi! You would think this was our first time to take our child out in public, but no...just me having a complete "what? I'm a mom? My child requires supplies to leave the house?" moment! Luckily, we made it through supper and even made a quick trip to Walmart without any incidences requiring the above mentioned forgotten items. Oh...forgot to mention that all of the above happened after I made one trip back into the house during the leaving process for something else I forgot. Nice!

Later last night (and this one is pretty funny), Eric took Hadley outside for a little while since it was so nice. He later came back in to tell mommy that Murph (our dog) had licked Hadley from his toes to his nose. I'm not sure if he smelled the restaurant on him, or just wanted to know what "baby" tasted like, but Hadley didn't seem phased a bit by it. Good thing since I'm sure there will be much "licking" in the years to come!

Now here's the one that was not funny at the time and is still not really that funny to me. (Maybe someday it will be.) Hadley has been sleeping between 8-10 hours almost every night for several weeks now (very nice, by the way). But last night he decided to wake up at 2:30. I really think it was the wind and rain that woke him up, and I think he would have gone back to sleep if we had left him alone. But...we're not that smart. So once he saw us, the crying began and there was really no consoling him at that point. So (against my better judgement) we fixed him a bottle and I sat down to feed him. He seemed to devour the bottle in very little time, but I decided I had just dozed off while he was eating so the time seemed to go by faster. No...not the case. When I sat him up to burp him I realized the burp rag that was laying on his chest was soaking wet, as was his night-shirt (front and back), as well as the entire front of my shirt. What in the world? Turns out, the lid on the bottle was screwed on crooked and the milk had just been pouring out of it rather than going down the desired hole (Hadley's mouth). At that point both Hadley and I were unhappy, wet, tired, and needed a change of clothes. The rest of this story is not really important, but it did make for a not-so-restful night. Note to self (and to Eric): always make sure the lids to bottles are screwed on straight and tight unless you want this episode to be repeated.

Here's the best super-mom thing about all of this...Hadley didn't get a bath before, during, or after any of these events took place. Wow...I'm doing good!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Sweet Memories (and some old pics)

I just want to always remember how cute Hadley is at this stage. He is talking and smiling all the time these days and it is absolutely the cutest and funniest thing ever. He just talks and talks like he has so much to tell us. Sometimes it even sounds like he's saying "mama" and "uh-oh." (I have witnesses to that so I'm not just making it up!) One night last week he giggled for the first time, and we have heard it a couple times since then. Eric and I try and try to get him to do it again, but I think he's saving most of his giggles for a little later.

These pictures are from Thanksgiving when Hadley was just a little over a week old, but they are wonderful pictures.

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Texas Tech

Our little red raider fan.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Ear Infection #1

Well, Hadley got his first ear infection this week. Hopefully this is not a sign of things to come!

Can you tell I don't feel that smiles today!

Still no smiles. (Hey...who stole my other sock?!?)

Hanging out at home with mommy
Starting to feel a little better, but still no smiles
And here is what the past couple days have consisted of...

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

3 Months

I can't believe my little Hadley is already three months old! Here are the monthly pictures to see how much he is growing. He is getting quite a bit more squirmy so we didn't really get a good one, but I figure more pictures are better anyway!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

This week...and pictures

The rest of this week should be interesting. Eric is leaving today to go to San Antonio with some kids for the stock show. This will be the first time I have Hadley by myself for this long. I know I shouldn't complain because people (including some of you reading this) do this all the time, but I am just not looking forward to it. But, we will make it.

Here are some recent pictures of my little guy...

Me & Daddy like to have real close-up staring contests


Just chillin' on the couch

Having a serious conversation with Daddy

I'm sleepy

Napping with Aunt Karah

Me & Daddy match today!

What are you lookin' at?

I was not happy with Mommy for taking this picture!

Look how cute I am!

100% Baby Boy

Look what a big boy I am

Sunday, February 8, 2009


Last weekend we went to the county stock show in Quanah and Hadley had his first up-close encounter with a pig. You can tell by the pictures that he was super excited about it!

I promise to try and post more pictures really soon!