Tuesday, January 20, 2015

9 Months

My sweet girl,
You are 9 months old!! That means we have had you here to kiss and hug for as long as you were in mommy's tummy. That doesn't seem possible! But oh, how happy I am about it!
You are so kissable and lovable G-girl. Mommy absolutely loves to give you sugars and squeezes!
A few highlights about you right now:
Teeth: None yet
Eating: You drink only formula now in your bottles (actually this happened in your 8th month), and are totally fine with it. In the last week we have also started doing a little whole milk / formula combo (hey - formula is expensive!!) in each bottle while we work towards an eventual transition to regular milk over the next few months. You will eat anything we put in front of you as far as food, but you definitely prefer to feed yourself. However, because of the lack of teeth, we are somewhat limited when it comes to finger foods. Peas and carrots are your current favorites, and make you totally happy. However, you also love yogurt, apple sauce, most any fruit or veggie, and cookies (who wouldn't love cookies?!?).
Sleeping: One word - inconsistent. I would say you are a good sleeper, but then you prove me wrong the very next night. Some nights (like last night for example) you sleep nine straight hours before eating and going back to sleep for another three hours, but other nights (like two nights ago) you wake up every hour and then refuse to lay back down in your bed. We have had to just let you cry/scream it out in the middle of the night numerous times, and even though that is my least favorite thing ever, it works. You have never been on a regular napping schedule, but you do (usually) take at least one long nap each day and another one or two shorter naps.
Crawling: Yep. Well, really it's more of a scoot, but you can move! And you love to go everywhere...especially where we don't want you to go. Your favorite places to scoot to include Hadley's room and the kitchen.
Sometimes you love to babble on about anything and everything, and sometimes you don't make a peep. Hadley can usually get the biggest smiles and silliest giggles from you. Lots of times you are completely serious with no change of expression, and it's hilarious the way you just look at people with a look that says, "what in the world are you crazy people doing?"
I think we are in for quite an adventure with you, little one, and I can't wait! You make me so happy, and fill my heart with so much love. Thanks for making me a girl mom, Griffin girl.
I love you forever and always!

Monday, January 5, 2015


Family pictures (taken November 2014) - including some "outtakes"