Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Disneyland...an early Spring Break!

Sorry about all of the pictures first...I can't figure out how to move them on the page where I want them, besides it took me the entire day to figure out how to make these collages!!

We thought we would beat the rush (at least Utah's) to Disneyland and go a week before Spring Break...but when we got there, we joined what seemed to be the ENTIRE southern California for their Spring Break. However, it was a very fun time.

We pulled out Sunday morning for the long drive...I was quite nervous driving with a 2 year old and a sick 5 year old...and then of course McKay that asks almost every 15 minutes when we are going to be there! Thankfully, after calling the after hours nurse for a recommended cough medicine for Maci we headed out and met up with Brian and Amy and their little ones. I think we were quite surprised at how well the kids traveled. (Thank goodness for DVD players and several good movies!)

We stayed the first night in Las Vegas to break up the drive and stayed off the strip at the Golden Nugget. We had quite the experience while we waited over an hour for the guys to check in (it was extremely busy!!) Amy and I, the 6 kids, and all of our luggage waited in a quieter part of the hotel near the arcade. As we waited, we had a "Special" lady join us on our planter bench. It all started as I yelled for Avery to come away from the arcade...this special lady comes over and says, "oh I have a daughter named Adrienne!" I then repeat to Avery using her name again so she would see I didn't say Adrienne...well she proceeds to join us and is intrigued by McKay. She says a few different random things to McKay and asks him a few things then starts to cry. At this point, McKay starts to feel uncomfortable and scoots closer to me...she keeps rambling on about how thankful she is to meet us and then continues into her non crying stage and starts asking McKay questions again. She asked him where he was from, where he nicely told her, but that was not good enough. She started to become mad or irritated that his answers were not right. I whispered to him to tell her she was from Heaven. At this point I know this woman is not in the right state of mind, a little looney, maybe bi-polar...but we have no where to go with our 6 kids and ALL of our luggage. Poor McKay she would not leave him alone with all the questions. At one point she told me I was in her way and I needed to move so she could talk to him. I tried to protect my little ones by keeping their attention on other things, but this woman kept ranting on. She began to cry again and told Amy and I "Do not kill these little ones, these babies are the most important and so many people have abortions...do not kill!" Holy crap lady!! Then she tells me that I won the lottery and asks if I understand. "Yes, because of my kids!" I tell her. After a little while these two suited men come over to her and asks her if there was a problem upstairs (as I am thinking to myself, upstairs? what about right here, right now?) she suddenly starts to yell every profane word in the book and screams "security, security, these men are going to kill me." The men then proceed to handcuff the women and try to escort her out of the area, not far enough away from us though. I try to block the view of my kids and my nephews as she continues to scream. She was a bigger woman than the men and they struggle to restrain her...anyway to make this story short I struggled to protect my kids as Maci is crying and shaking uncontrollably. She was scared, McKay was scared, and honestly I was scared. I finally got in touch with Dave to send Brian down to us. It was such a relief to feel that security from my brother in law, even though I know nothing was going to happen, it just eased our fears and uneasy feelings that this woman brought into the area.

To get our minds off of the experience we had just had in the hotel, we took the kids to Circus Circus to see the clown act and get something to eat. For the short amount of time we were there I got sick and Dave lost his keys! Thank goodness I had my purse with me with my set of keys in it or it would have made for a very expensive stop! We went back to the hotel to sleep, but Avery kept crying "I don't want to sleep in that ladies bed, I want to go to my bed!" I guess that crazy lady affected her as well...Let's just say, the saying "what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas" is really sounding good to me, let's just put that all behind us!!


We drove into California the next morning, without checking into our hotel first, we headed straight to Disneyland. It was nice and sunny and HOT, yay! The lines weren't too bad and we got a couple of Fast passes. My kids loved it, and having been my nephews first time, they were in AWE! It was so fun to go with Amy and Brian and their kids. Maci and Dylan were able to ride together on most of the rides because Dylan was the right heighth, and Trevyn and Avery are the same age, but best of all we figured out how to work the stroller pass. Amy and I would get to ride just after they all got off plus we could take along another rider. We didn't have to wait in the forever long lines either, it was just as if we had the fast pass. We made good use of that for Soarin over California, Indiana Jones, Thunder Mountain and a few others. For the most part, we went on a lot of rides that we were all able to do our most favorite Toy Story and Avery's favorite Pirate's of the Carribean.

Our second day there was supposed to be our early morning entrance day, but we found out that our shuttle from our hotel was over booked. We decided to drive in and park again. Dave dropped Maci, McKay and I off at the front of the park so we could walk in. As we were walking in we ran into our good friends Amy and Jeremy and their kids. It was Crazy...here we are hundreds of miles away and we run into them at Disneyland. Dave even talks to Jeremy once a week and it never came up that either family was going to be there. We had fun hanging out with them that day. We got to see a lot of the characters that morning, too bad it took Dave and Avery awhile to park and meet up with us because Avery would have loved it. We soon learned that Avery was not scared of them at all. In fact she loved to take other kids' turns by running up to them and giving them hugs...sorry kids! We had lunch at Redd Rockets Pizza Port and shared a whole pizza $31.99!! Yep, the most expensive pizza I have ever paid for, but the cheapest lunch we had in the park!! We stayed until it got dark and we were all starving. We stopped at the yummiest BBQ place ever, Lucille's BBQ! It was so dang good and cheap, especially since all the kids got to eat for free on Tuesdays! I wish there was one in Utah!

Our third day in the park was COLD! Well cold for California! At least we weren't back home in the snow. I am glad I packed warmer clothes for all of us because it really could have made it not so fun that day. Of course Splash Mountains line wasn't too long so we took advantage of that, and Thunder Mountain too. We saw Winnie the Pooh and friends and a few others. McKay didn't feel too well that day so at least we didn't have to rush to all the bigger rides. He did get dumped out of the stroller during one of Brian and Dave's stroller wars, and got a big goose egg. (I forgot to take a picture) We got to ride the Pirate's of the Carribean several times after eachother. We ate dinner at the mexican place in the park and didn't like the burritos at all...that is a warning!! And Avery, Amy and Kennedy and I all got to ride on Peter Pan while the others rode on Autotopia (Maci's favorite) over and over again.

Disneyland was nice, even though it was crowded we didn't feel rushed! We got to ride and see all that the kids wanted to. Even though each of our kids took a day they didn't feel well, it was still okay. The weather wasn't that great, but better than the SNOW back home! We got to see the light parade and the 3-D (It's a Bugs Life) show, Tinker Bell's Pixie Hollow and ride It's a Small World, all that we didn't get to do on our last trip. I was the only one that got motion sick from the Screamer (I was the only adult to go since I normally don't get sick) and I can say I will NOT be doing that again next trip, sorry McKay!

I think everyone was all worn out by the last day, although I could have had another day at Disneyland, but oh well. We left California just after breakfast time with plans to stay in either Vegas or St. George for the night, but as we got to Vegas we decided to keep going. Then in St. George we stopped to eat and then kept on driving. The kids did so well. I think our next trip to Disneyland we will plan on taking in either February or November...they claim that is the least busiest times of the year. Until then, thanks for taking part of our little trip to The Happiest Place on Earth! (sorry for the long post!)

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Tonight as I was laying with Avery to get her to sleep (that is another story), she turns to me and says, "Mom, Maci sounds like a COW!" I couldn't help but laugh as Maci is sound asleep in the bed on the other side of the room, Snoring away!!

Sweet Dreams my little ones!

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

A New Room

Okay so the room isn't new but the bed, bedding and rug are...and I no longer have a baby sleeping in a crib. Avery has moved into her new big girl bed...and Maci is so excited to have matching bedding. Even more exciting is that Dave made the bed so that they will be able to become bunkbeds. It is Maci's dream come true, she has wanted bunkbeds forever!! We will see how it goes sleeping unbunked, so far so good.

I was excited myself to bring out the long awaited bargain bedding I found a year and a half ago on Clearance for $10. Yes, my friends TEN BUCKS! The bedspreads are reversible purple/lime green with embroidered butterflies and flowers (kindof hard to see in the pictures), and even came with two pillow shams...what a deal!! When I found them I knew I had to get them, and then the rug also on clearance! Dave thought I was nuts as I kept bringing out stuff for their "new" room...he snidly remarked "oh isn't it so much fun having little girls!" if you can imagine his sarcasm! It is SO much fun and I do love having my little girls, but I also love having my McKay too!

Notice her purple pajamas...Once again Dave's sarcasm..."should we put her in her purple pajamas so she can sleep in her purple bed?" He doesn't really care for the color purple, but claims purple is my favorite color, well it was when I was a kid!

It is so nice having a handy husband that knows how to build. He has made all three kids' beds and even surprised me with our bed many birthdays ago!! Thanks Dave for working so hard on the bed, and working even harder so that I can purchase my bargains to make two (well three) girls completely HAPPY!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Girl's Night Anyone?

So, it has been requested...a GIRL'S NIGHT...And I am delivering!!

When: this FRIDAY Nov. 13th (oooh Friday the 13th!)
Time: 6:00 PM if you want dinner (we will be taking all orders for take-out probably from Cafe Rio) if you want to come later, please come when you would like!!
Where: My house (hopefully those that read my blog will already know where I live, if not and you aren't some weirdo, then just call me!)

Hope to see you all here!!

Monday, October 12, 2009

Off to the Playoffs...Go LEHI!

Our past couple of months have been filled with this...lots and lots of football!!

McKay started his first year of Tackle Football, and has done awesome! Our weeks have been like this: Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday football practice 6:00 P.M. - 8:00 P.M. I always found it hard trying to get dinner ready and eaten before he had to leave. Let's just say we like Taco Tuesday Nights at Del Taco! Monday's and Friday's we had a little break, but Saturday morning always came quick...GAME DAY!
He has loved playing with his buds Brayden and Carsen, and I have to admit, they really make a good team! McKay is their team's quarterback and both Brayden and Carsen are the running- backs. Here is McKay throwing a pass

McKay tackles a Juan Diego player

McKay running for a touch-down

Carsen running a touch-down hand off pass

and here is Brayden celebrating with Dave his completed touch-down pass from McKay!

We have had a great cheering crowd from both sides of the families and we appreciate their support for this season.

Here is their schedule for the record...
August 22nd Lehi (34) vs. Lindon (24)
August 29th Lehi (22) vs. Lone Peak R (6)
September 5th Lehi (6) vs. American Fork (13) *our only loss
September 12th Lehi (27) vs. Juan Diego Silver (18)
September 19th Lehi (22) vs. Westlake (8)
September 26th Lehi (21) vs. Lone Peak J (20)
October 3rd Lehi (30) vs. Pleasant Grove (8)
October 10th Lehi (12) vs. Juan Diego Blue (6)
So this post is for them...Congrats Boys! Way to have a great season 7-1. Let's play hard at playoffs!

Friday, August 21, 2009

Tribute to my DAD

I just wanted to say a huge THANK YOU to many wonderful friends and neighbors for all of your calls, concern, compassion, kindness and love during this difficult time in my family's life. We lost a great man, my dad, to a terrible accident on Saturday, August 15th. We are so lucky to have had him for this short time, especially the three extra days after the accident, and will forever treasure our many wonderful memories of him. I am so grateful to know that we will be together again, I love you dad! John Draper Williamson
1946 ~ 2009

Our beloved husband, dad, and grandpa passed away peacefully, on August 15, 2009 due to an accident. He was surrounded by his loving family.

John was born in Provo, UT on February 4, 1946 to John H. and Gloria Brown Williamson. He grew up on the family farm in Vineyard UT, graduating from Orem High School in 1964. In 1979 he married the love of his life, Vicki Warenski. At that time he stepped into the role of raising two little girls that he treated as his own. In 1981 he became the father of a son, John J. (J.J.) and in 1985 his second son, Jesse was born. His family was complete.

He loved and lived his life for his family, always putting them first. His life seemed best when he was at home with his family, his dog Missy, and spending time in his garden. He took pride in his beautiful yard, among the trees he planted. He has always been proud of his children and all their accomplishments. He enjoyed spending time with his sons who have always been his best friends. They loved fishing, working on cars, and just being together. He taught his children through his example to be loving, honest, respectful, and hard working.

As a faithful employee he worked at Geneva Steel for 34 years, after which he worked for Alpine School District at Lehi High and Willowcreek Jr. High. He retired in May 2009. He made many friends throughout his life who were very important to him.

He will be remembered for his quick wit, big heart, and his wisdom He had a love for the simple things in life. Those that knew him, knew he was a gentle, humble, and loving man. He was a devoted family man whose legacy will live on in both his children and grandchildren who love him dearly.

He is survived by his loving wife Vicki, sons J.J., and Jesse, daughters Kristen (Paul) Warner, Mandi (Dave) Wall, grandchildren, Kaiden, McKay, Maci, and Avery, and his dog Missy. As well as many relatives including, his sister Diane, Aunt Betty (Jay) Garrett, father-in-law Vee (Shelia) Warenski, mother-in-law Rena Mae (Norm) Taylor, sisters and brothers-in-law, nieces, nephews, and many cousins and friends. He was proceeded in death by his parents, John and Gloria Williamson and an infant brother Brent.

Funeral services will be held Thursday, August 20, 2009 at 11:00 a.m. in the Warenski Funeral Home Chapel, 1776 North 900 East, American Fork, where friends and family may call Wednesday evening from 6-7:30 p.m. and Thursday, one hour prior to services. Interment will be in the Pleasant Grove City Cemetery.

Our family wishes to extend our sincere appreciation for the compassion shown to John and our family by the American Fork Emergency team and the UVRMC Trauma ICU. Also a special thanks to friends and neighbors for all their love and concern.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

reuiniting with Dave...

Well, it has sure been a quiet two days without kids and everything else I am used to. I sure wish I understood this language more or even felt confident to speak the little that I do know. I forgot my handy little French pocket book so I lost my confidence in the possibility of speaking and sortof cheating.

THis morning I woke up and checked my email...I was so happy to see a little message from McKay. He is staying with my sister in law while the girls are at home with my mom. He is having so much fun hanging out with all the "big" boys. I sure do miss my kiddos.

Daves train will be coming in at 11:36 so I will be heading out to the airport to meet him. I have spent my days trying to plan our itinerary since I forgot my little notebook with all of those notes. Hopefully all goes well with the metro system and we will only have to walk 4 minutes/ 1.4 km to our hotel...that's cheaper than getting a taxi!!

Anyway, wish me luck on our adventures...hopefully I can get some good pictures to download...until then Au revoir!!

Friday, June 26, 2009

Welcome to Paris

I just wanted to update my status...sorry no pictures yet, but soon to come.

Well here I am in Paris, yes Paris!! After a very eventful last couple of days, I must say that Prayers were answered!

I was originally planning on flying out on Saturday, but for an unexpected crazy embargo date (black-out) that fell on June 26th and 27th I wasn't able to book my tickets...so here I am two days earlier! (can't complain about that) I plan on resting up before meeting up with Dave on Sunday...Yes, I am by myself! Kindof scary and lonely, but I will survive.

So, I headed to the airport on Thursday leaving behind my kiddos with my mom, and then dispersing throughout the week. (Thanks everyone that is helping!) I patiently waited for my name to be called (I flew stand-by) Yes, my name was called and even better...I sat in 1st class!

After an almost 10 hour direct flight, I am here. The airport is HUGE, I waited long for a shuttle to my hotel, which was a surprise, it is stinky...I don't have any plug adapters so no use of my laptop or flat iron. I am able to use 30 min. of internet use (so I have to hurry) besides my battery on my laptop is getting low.

So there you have it, I am here and can't wait to meet up with Dave on Sunday. Wish me Luck!

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Bubble Baths and Drowning?!

I thought I would FINALLY post...it's not too big, but I didn't want to forget.

I was giving Maci and Avery a bath just before bed, going through our normal routine, when McKay comes in and announces he needs my help. I told him that I couldn't leave the girls alone, which Maci informs me that it is okay that I go help. I tell her that I cannot leave the two of them in the tub ALONE!! I hollered down to Dave to come sit with the girls or help McKay, as he is coming up to help I am explaining to Maci why I cannot leave...I tell her that she or Avery could drown...she simply states in her all-seriousness voice, "Mom, we can't drown, because for sure we we cannot fit through there!" as she is pointing down at the drain!!!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

My little Girl is FIVE!!!

Happy Birthday to my sweet girl, Maci!!

I cannot believe that 5 years ago I was blessed with my first baby girl. We were so excited to find out that McKay would have a little sister to watch over and protect, or should we say pick on and tease? (No really, we got lucky to have them be little buddies.) And I was having a little girl to dress girly and have a little shopping pal. Although, dad has really won her heart...she is 'daddy's girl'! Oh how much love we have for this little girl.

On May 5, 2004 (Cinco De Mayo) at 11:53 PM miss Maci Jae was born weighing 7lbs 10oz. She made her debut 16 days early!! Having been induced with McKay, I wasn't sure what labor pains really felt like...I remember that day all too well...McKay was at the neighbors playing in the pool, I was sitting on the couch having some "uncomfortable pressure", as I got a phone call from my newly found friend, and just moved in neighbor Kristin, asking to borrow some cupcake liners. She came over to retrieve them and noticed my belly looking quite abnormal, I said I wasn't feeling too great, but then that was the end of our conversation. Little did we both know that the next time I saw her I would have my little bundle of joy. I made a few calls to my sister asking her what it was like to be in labor...however it had been 9 years since her 'not normal' delivery. I couldn't get a hold of Dave, and my aunt kept insisting that my uncle pick me up and take me to the hospital. I said I would be fine, and drive myself...The insisting worked, and that's what happened. McKay did NOT want to leave his friends, but we talked him into coming to the hospital with me. I finally got in touch with Dave, and he informed me that "the next bus home wouldn't be until 3:3o!" He was working in downtown SLC at the time, and rode the bus into work, not expecting to have an early delivery. Thankfully uncle Mike had the day off and was able to come and get us.
Upon arriving at the hospital, my thoughts of being able to drive myself to the hospital disappeared as contractions started a little more frequently. I soon found out that I had tested positive for Strep B, which I would then need 4 hours worth of antibiotics before delivering. At that point I guess the 3:30 bus wouldn't be much of an issue!! Dave surprised me and showed up not long after I got settled in a room...he was able to get a ride from a co-worker that was driving into Provo. Well, we sat comfortably with an epidural and waited the 4 hours before getting my water broke...not long after and only 2 pushes later, Maci was born.
We fell in love instantly, and continue to love this little girl more and more each day.
Here are a few exciting moments the past 5 years with Maci have brought us:

May 5, 2004 Maci Jae Wall was born
When she started to talk, she called McKay "buddy" it has stuck with us all.
February 2005 (8 months) she started walking
She loves to be outside and her beautiful skin shows it!! Never gets sunburned, lucky girl!
She and Dora the Explorer had a 2 1/2 year bond, now moving on to Spongebob, yuck!!
April 2007 learned to ride a two-wheeled bike (no training wheels).
September 2007 started pre-school
September 19, 2007 Maci became the "big sister" and "mini mom"!!!
January 2008 started gymnastics and loves it!

June 19, 2008 became the "prettiest in pink" wearing a pink cast after breaking her leg by jumping on the trampoline, (while Dave was out of town)!!...no more gymnastics for a couple of months.

October 2008 went to Disneyland for the 1st time, and loved it!

December 24, 2008 had oral surgery and was a trooper on Christmas Eve!
May 5, 2009 TODAY will turn 5 years old...


We all love you and hope you have a wonderful day. I cannot wait to see what many more birthdays will bring us.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Bunny, Bunny, who's got the Bunny?

We do!!! We do!!! We do!!! We have the newly founded "BLOGGING BUNNY"!

We (Maci especially) were excited to come home to this 'fake' chocolate, little creepy, BUNNY sitting on our front step, patiently waiting for us to come home. Tied around the little neck was a furry pink ribbon attached to a snack baggie, that contained a note stating that we have only one day to pass this along to all of our blogging friends. And then we have to post our experience we had with our new little friend.

Wow, what a night...we were exhausted from a great day of Conference talks, good food, fun, more food and did I say food? Of course it didn't take McKay long to fall asleep, but as for Maci, she fought it as usual, but with the bribe of a new little friend to sleep with she agreed, and snuggled away with the bunny.
We were able to put little bunny to work at McKay's school, sorting books in the book room...It just ended up being a big mess!

After spending time at the school we headed to, where else? SONIC (of course)!!I spy with my little eye...a creepy, chocolate bunny!

We returned home to enjoy the warm weather and have some lunch. Avery was nice enough to share her Cheeto Puffs with her friend, Yummy!

Before sending our new friend off we decided to do pedicures...our little friend chose pink as 'her' color. We painted her little nails as careful as we could. (don't look too close, you might see a little pink fur)!!

So, there you have it...the day in the life of the Wall's. We were happy our friend hopped on over to see us. The kiddos were sad to say goodbye, but excited to pass her onto a new home.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

"Leppy" pays a visit

This morning the kiddos woke up to this...

Earlier in the night, McKay had gotten up to go to the bathroom, and came into our room and over to Dave's side and said, "Dad, I had to go to the bathroom and I woke up and saw footsteps from the Leprechaun... and he turned our toilet GREEN!" Dave said to go back to bed and we would investigate in the morning. (Sorry no pictures, it got flushed!)

McKay couldn't wait for Maci to wake up (I think he helped her a little bit). I sat and listened as they contemplated how little "Leppy" made it inside our home.

Maci: "I didn't even hear his footsteps!"
McKay: "Well, he came in and even used our bathroom!"
Maci: "How did he get in here?"
McKay: "I'm not sure...Let's follow his steps to find our pot of gold!"

He might have been a little dissappointed to find that the footsteps only went as far as up and down the stairs and onto the counter where they found this...
After the investigation was over, McKay happily agreed to have "Lucky Charms" for breakfast, which surprisingly went well with our 'GREEN' milk. Thanks Leppy for making a fun morning for the kiddos.
After a fun day at school both Maci and McKay had stories to tell of how the Leprechaun lost his shoe, left some gold, and a shiny rock that is part of the rainbow, and how he stole the treasure box, but returned it after the kids wrote him a 'very nice' letter. They were both convinced they could catch him. As a group effort the neighborhood kids set a trap, and then would hide to see if Leppy would come...with no luck, Maci tells me "Mom, the reason they can't catch the Leprechaun is because there is NO Rainbow!" Until next year, Keep your eyes open for rainbows, Leppy isn't too far from it!! Happy St. Patty's Day!

Monday, March 9, 2009

Alzheimer's at 32?

I swear I am the poster child for early onset Alzheimer's. Yesterday.

We were just leaving to go to Payson for our weekly Sunday dinner and I had a headache, I had grabbed 2 Tylenol and a drink, ran back into the house and back to the car in a matter of 30 seconds...I got into the car and looked around foolishly and asked "did I take those Tylenol?" In a matter of seconds I could not remember if I had taken those pills. I start to take another 2, but instead Dave says, "Don't you want to wait to see if the headache goes away, then take them if not?" I just thought it would be easier to take another two just in case I FORGET again!!

So our conversation as we are driving goes a little like this:

Me: I really think that I am getting Alzheimer's
Dave: I hope not.
Me: Seriously, I have heard of Early Onset Alzheimer's
Dave: No, way not that young.
Me: Well, I hope you come and visit me when I am sent away.
Dave: Why? You won't remember!
Me: I will know.
Dave: How will you know?
Me: I just will, and if you don't I will come and haunt you.

They (whoever "they" are) say that women lose some of their brain cells while being pregnant, but will regain them over time...well it has been 18 months since I was pregnant last, and I have not felt them come back...I think it has actually gotten worse, hence my theory of "Early-Onset-Alzheimer's" I just hope I am taken good care of when I am sent off to the looney bin!

So this is not the only thing that I have forgotten...I actually forget MANY things throughout the day, this was just something so fresh I actually remembered to write about. But today, as I was visiting with my friend we were sitting there and out of the blue I realized that I had forgotten a very good friend of mine's birthday...TWO WEEKS AND ONE DAY LATE, AGHHHH! Now the problem with this one is that I see this friend daily, and still FORGOT. And for those that know me, I am usually good/better at remembering birthdays. Apparently not this year, so if I have missed any of your birthday's please know it is because of my new self diagnosed "Early-Onset-Alzheimer's" and I truly am sorry.


Monday, February 23, 2009

Bring on the Game!

We have all been patiently waiting for it to get a little warmer outside, and this past week we finally got a few 'warmer' days. The snow has officially melted off of our yard, which has made for a perfect football field, and since it has become a little warmer McKay and his buddies have been out there every day after school playing football until the sun sets. (I wish I had a picture to post...next game!)

Now, introducing our new play area...

Thanks to the awesome Day-After-Thanksgiving deals, I came across this beauty for our Family Gift for Christmas. After sending McKay and Dave all over on a scavenger hunt on Christmas morning they found this Basketball stand hiding in Dave's dad's work trailer buried in the snow. They were both very excited! McKay has been begging to set it up ever since we got it home, but the weather has not cooperated until this week.
Saturday Day ONE: Dig a big hole (I forgot to take a picture), Go to Home Depot to buy 5 bags of cement, make a form for the foundation, mix the cement, measure and set the pole.
Sunday Day TWO: Let the cement set up (Day of Rest)

Monday Day THREE: Dave came home from work a little early to finish the project (good thing he did, because he surely didn't think it would take as long as it did!) Maci, McKay, and Graham were all good helpers between playing football, riding bikes, and playing in the muddy water. After a couple hours of assembling we got the finished product...Thanks to our Handyman dad and hubby we have the newest addition to our little neighborhood...Game ON!

Thursday, February 12, 2009


I just wanted to say how much I Love my "Honey"! Tonight as I was leaving for my Photoshop class, I got into my car and found a lovely wrapped gift and card attached. I opened the card and it read something like this: To my Honey...I got you this little button to wear for Valentine's Day. Really, the outside of the card doesn't matter as much as what he had written inside. He said that he couldn't wait to tell me Happy Valentine's Day and that he hopes I enjoy this gift. I unwrappred the gift, and HOLY COW! I was pleasantly surprised and so excited to find a Bamboo Tablet.
Now just to clue you in on what this gadget is, it is a pen and tablet device that is used as a mouse for your computer. It is highly recommended for use for photo editing, painting, etc. with the Photoshop program. I was so excited to show my class how great of a hubby I have. (Most of them either already have one or they recently ordered them through the instructor.) I will say, it is going to take some getting used to, but WOW what a great surprise.

Oh how Guilty I was feeling as I thought about the gift of a pair of shorts that I have for him to open on Valentine's Day... it's just not the same!
Thank You "HONEY" I Love, Love, Love You!
As a little side note: On the front of the card it made me chuckle a bit where it says TO MY "HONEY" because a couple of weeks ago I was babysitting my friends kiddos, and her little 4 yr old daughter kept asking me "Where is your 'honey'?" and "what does your 'honey' look like?" I just figured that those are the terms of endearment she was used to hearing around home. When I was telling my friend, she said she had no idea where it came from. So thanks to this sweet girl, Dave is now referred to as my "HONEY"!