I am going to do my best to sound chipper here. For the last six days both of my kids (and now husband) have come down with some sort of stomach bug. Kailani has missed several days of school, but yesterday I saw a glimmer of hope - hope that she would return to school and I would get my life outside of a pukie house back.
Long story short, no such luck.
That's alright. Maybe she'll be ready to go back on Friday, the last day of school before Christmas break. That will give me all day today to get my (last minute) classroom crafting done. Just as I was thinking it Kailani says,
"Mom, I don't have school on Friday. The class Christmas party is on Thursday."
Enter the super-sonic-crafting-trance (on top of taking care of a sick family!) I needed to give something to her teacher and her classmates and I really wanted to avoid candy or sweets of any kind.
So, her teacher first. I have been SO looking forward to this project ever since I saw it posted at "The Idea Room":
Personalized bottles of antibacterial sanitizer and liquid hand soap! I titled it, "Mr. Kodama's Dirty Little 3rd Graders" and I put all the kid's names on it.
I doubt anybody else will be giving him the same present. :)
Wanna know how I did it? Click here.
Now for the classmates. We were going to make reindeer dust again this year but opted for something different. Instead we bought a bunch of bells and ribbon and made each of her classmates a bell necklace. I reused some cardboard and painted it and cut it out to look like gift tags:
Bell necklaces for the classmates - 30 of them! |
Nothing special on back! Just tape! |
Did you know that I found one of these bell necklaces selling for over $5.00 a piece?!? Seriously. When I add it all up it cost about $.60 per kid! Of course that's not incorporating the cost of labor....
So the super-sonic-trance worked. I got them all made and delivered to her class TODAY. YES. GO ME. I did it.
Now....to get the family feeling better so we can actually enjoy our Christmas break!
Are you looking for more homemade Christmas gift ideas? Check out "A Crafty Soiree" over at Katie's Nesting Spot! You'll definitely find some inspirations! Click on the button: