How would you like to win 200 custom made postcards and all you pay for is shipping? With the help of UPrinting it could happen! They are offering two readers of Mama's a Mess that exact thing!
If you are the winner you can choose between three different sizes (4 x 6, 4.25 x 6, or 5 x 7); 14 pt. matte or gloss; and have full color (4 color choices) on BOTH sides!
Giveaway is open to those with United States addresses only. Shipping is paid by the winner.
So what exactly are you going to do with 200 postcards? Well, my dear friends, in case you have a hard time thinking outside of the box postcards are not just for sending while on vacation. There are so many other creative ways to use them. Here are some of my own ideas:
1) Promote your business! Who said you HAVE to send postcards via mail? Why not use them to advertise your business? Personally hand them out to friends, relatives and prospective clients! While my Etsy shop is far from opening I could do something like this:
(Note: "Happy Hapa" will not be ready on September 1st!)
2) Or I could announce my change of address:

3) Or use them as Holiday cards!
Using postcards as Christmas/Holiday cards has been a great way to save some time and money! Save money on stamps (remember - postage for postcards are a few pennies less) and if you WIN the postcards you save even more!
If you don't want to use your own photograph for your postcard UPrinting also offers premade options as well. Just add your information to it! Check out some of their samples here: Custom Postcards. While you're there check out their Custom Greeting Cards as well!
Now, what would YOU do with 200 custom made postcards? Tell me and you just might win your own set! Here's how:
First of all you MUST have an address in the United States (sorry to my friends outside the USA!) and MUST pay for your own shipping!
Next you have to enter! Your first entry is M-A-N-D-A-T-O-R-Y. Did you read that? MANDATORY! That means you MUST, HAVE TO, are OBLIGATED to DO IT before you try to earn extra entries! Here's what you HAVE to do:
1. Leave a comment telling on how you would use your 200 postcards. Please include your email address if it's not easily found on your Blogger profile.
Once that is done (and only after) you can then go for extra entries! Be sure to leave a seperate comment for each extra entry. Leave your email address as well (unless it is easily found on your Blogger profile).
Here's how to earn extra entries:
1. Follow this blog.
3. Earn TWO extra entries by blogging about this giveaway. Leave a link to your blog post. Be sure to comment TWICE to increase your chance of winning!
5. While my Etsy shop is not yet open go visit and add me as your "favorite."
Two winners will be chosen at midnight on Monday, August 31st via Winners will be notified via email and must reply within 48 hours.
Be sure to check out UPrinting for other custom printing ideas such as greeting cards, business
Thanks to UPrinting for this fabulous offer!