Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Party Animals

Wild hair, orange jello and a sleepover in the big bed at my house.
We know how to party on New Years Eve.

BTW, we didn't stay up until midnight.

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Christmas Memories 2013

Keeping with tradition, Mom slept over on Christmas Eve and the Lugo's came from Lehi on Christmas morning.

Gaby felt more comfortable in bare feet and a tutu.

In the afternoon we met at Mom's to exchange gifts with extended family. This is a photo of Celeste with two little pillows that Steph made Grandma Boots years ago. Do I detect a case of re-gifting??

I don't think I will ever get good at selfie photos. My arm isn't long enough! Marshall looks good.

I love spending time with family this time of year. Merry Christmas!

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

'Twas the Night Before Christmas....

...and over at Rob's, all the creatures were stirring, is that not our job?
The twins were both busy, inspecting the toys. We hope that Saint Nicholas could handle the noise.
Miguel with his cell phone, his wife had hers too. While Gaby and Sophie had puzzles to do.
The children were nestled in front of the food, their hands on the table as if they were glued.
Then all of a sudden Gaby started to add, one olive per finger, to show to her dad.
When what to my wondering cheek did appear? A kiss from my daughter, oh, isn't that dear:) !
To the top of dessert some whipped cream was placed. Now eat away, eat away, just feed your face!
And Steph said to me before we drove out of sight...
Merry Christmas to all! Twins and Grandma, don't fight!

Friday, December 13, 2013

Why Wait til Christmas?

Brian has never been patient when it comes to gift giving. So when I offered to pay for a new ski coat but told him he'd have to save it until Christmas, he couldn't agree. He argued that he needed the coat immediately because skiing in his old coat was not acceptable. I gave in and he wore his Christmas present several times before the 25th.
With that said, tonight he talked me into opening my Christmas present early. He reminded me that Christmas day is hectic and I would have more time to open and enjoy my gift from him if I opened it NOW!
I now have a new PC, an hp Pavilion 20. It replaces my old PC tower that I bought used from Dr. Jeppson many, many years ago. This new computer is much faster and quieter than my old one. Pictures to follow:) Thanks Brian!!

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Introducing Mr. and Mrs.Tyler Wilkes

Although Tyler and Elena have been married for several months, Tammy and I decided to celebrate with a Bridal Shower for Elena. We wanted everyone in the neighborhood to get to know Tyler's new wife.
Elena is originally from Venezuela. She and Tyler met in Florence, Italy while studying art at the same school.
Lisa Wilkes and her family have lived on Delpha Drive most of Tyler's life.
Annette Ferguson and Elena Cantor Wilkes
Elena gets acquainted with baby Lukas Walker, another recent newcomer to Delpha Drive, while talking to Tyler's grandma, Penny Steed.
Congratulations Tyler and Elena!

Sunday, December 1, 2013

So long, Farewell.....

This morning the Lamb family headed back to Colorado Springs. We are all glad that the weather should be good for the trip home. It has been wonderful having them visit.
Happy traveling Lamb family! See you next time.

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Say Cheese:)

Tonight I gathered the grandkids together to get a picture for my Christmas card. Carlee was the photographer and knew she had only a few seconds to get that perfect shot. Thank goodness she works well under pressure. The first photo wasn't quite right. What's with the tongues sticking out?
The second photo was a keeper. Please note that Gaby does not have a lazy eye and Kyle is not in pain. Everyone is looking at the camera and no one is crying. I'll take it! Thanks kids!