Today I took the kids in the grocery store for the first time in a year. Even though this pandemic is not over, I’m trying to get them used to being back out in public. Summer camps are rapidly approaching and we’ve lost some of “peopling” skills.
We had to buy a new car. The transmission died on the mini van and I’m growing weary of the used car game. As we are nearing 50 (how?) I have less energy for constantly repairing cars. We still bought used, but with only 12,000 miles it’s the nicest car we’ve ever had. Aside from inventory problems buying a car wasn’t too hard. It’s weird to not have a mini van for the first time in 17 years, and in many ways it feels like leaving a certain part of life behind. (It’s hard to find an suv big enough for three kids that isn’t a boat though!) there was possibly a little sniff as it drives home just close Jack is to really flying from the nest! (I will confess that Bc of my own disastrous childhood I have no idea what this next part will look like. And there is the atypical hiccup too.)
I’m still trying to get the kids involved in family fun time regularly. They KICK MY ASS at every game, every time. Never play anything with Jack - you cannot win. Lol
The birds are doing their thing - eggs soon!
And I’m still sewing right along on the year of couch quilts. This was number 7 I think - a fun little sew.
I also got to go out with my girlfriend!
Some things really are starting to feel more normal (I can visit with the neighbor without worrying I might unknowingly kill him, I no longer think about the food supply in the pantry) and some things are still are feeling like will this ever go away (masks? Not wondering if every stranger is carrying the virus around? Worrying about mutations and on and on?).
So, there we are.