Monday, January 30, 2006

An unwelcome visitor on the porch this morning. It surely wants on the roof so it can nest in my attic, ewwwwwwwwwwwwwww!
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Yeaup, that's right, it's a racoon. It isn't the least bit afraid of me either. (But, I am here to tell you, I AM afraid of it!)
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Sunday, January 29, 2006

15 month well baby visit

We had our 15 month well baby visit last Friday. Some current stats:

34 1/2 inches! (This suddenly puts Jack in the 95th+ percentile. Up until now he had been hanging out at 75th.)
26 lbs 11 oz! No wonder my back is breaking.

He is on target with all other developmental milestones except for speech, where, are you ready for this? Are you sure? He is meeting TWO YEAR milestones!!!!!!!

Go Jack! My superstar.

Now, we just need to master the use of the fork and the spoon...

Jack's attempts with crayons. (With mommy's help, of course.)
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Jack suddenly hams it up when he sees the camera come out! What a cute boy he is!
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Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Absence make the heart grow fonder?

So, we have been a little absent from our blog lately. Blame the cold that none of us can get rid of, or the never ending Jack-a-thon going on around here lately!

In the past 2 or so weeks Jack turned 15 months old! He is now walking full time, can stand on a stool to wash his hands in the sink, is making more animals noises like meow and sssssssssss-snake, he says OK! (he has quite the vocabulary these days), can sign for "more", squeals wheeeeeeeeeeeeeee! with delight while going down the slide (and he attempts to climb back up to go again), HATES having his runny nose wiped, is helping to dress and undress himself, sings the theme song from Elmo's World (la la la la, Elmo! he says), and, worst of all, has somehow managed to chip his front tooth!

I was very, very upset about the tooth for a few days, but, in light of all the other developments, I think I am over it. LOL.

Amazing what 15 months can do in the life of a little person.

Jack still is in love with this pile of mardi gras beads we have had for ages. They are the first thing he puts on in the morning when I get him up and the last thing he takes off at night before bed. Too cute!
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We moved Jack from the high chair to his "big boy chair", a new booster chair. He had suddenly become Houdini and I wasn't able to keep him in the high chair anymore! The booster is a tighter fit, and I hope that soon he will be able to move to the table with the rest of us!
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