The Memory Keeper

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Bear Hugs...

I've been working on Stevie's "surprise" quilt.
I had to tell her I was making it...
she follows my blog.
I used a new technique
for making HST (half square triangles)
that I found HERE.
This is the beginnings of
"Bear Hugs".

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Quilt Books!

I spent a little too much time at
a little while back
but OHHHHH are these nice!
I'll have my library
one of these days!

Friday, August 20, 2010

Churned Roses...

Several of you have asked about
the design of my Churned Roses quilt.
I'm glad you like it!
It will measure 64X82.
I have a queen bed
I keep a large neutral comforter on it,
then I put my quilt on top of that.
I'm too lazy to scan the fabrics into EQ
but I did use it to draw up my design.
It's just a simple churn dash block.
I like simple quilts.
Not just because they are easy to make,
there's just something about
a simple 2 color quilt.
I'm using the pretty, pink rose fabric
for my setting blocks and the big border...
I'll probably use it as a binding too.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Pumpkins and Crows...

Hey all!
I told you I'd be back with something fun!
Mike saw the plastic surgeon yesterday
and all is going well with his burns.
He still has a long way to go
but I can't believe how nice he is healing.
His face and right hand are doing REALLY well.
His right wrist is still in pretty bad shape
and the left hand is a mess.
He starts therapy for that hand soon to get it working again...
geeeeezzz that has to be painful!
Still, no complaints.
He just seems to take it on the chin.
He is a little grouchy but hey, that's Mike.
I just remind him that I have him at an advantage
and he better be good...heehee!

A few weeks ago I started feeling like
I was ready for Fall.
Fall for me means pumpkins and squash and crispy leaves!
I'm sew ready!
Just not ready for what comes after Fall.
I finished up this little punchneedle rug
and am thinking I need to cover another hat box
with fabric and put the little rug on top.
In early Spring this year I was itchin' with Spring Fever.
I started another rug called "Bloom".
Not sure that I'll get it finished real soon
but it will be a great project to finish up next Spring.
Do you do needlepunch?

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Out of Order...

I'm still here everybody!
Husband has put a hault to all my fun.
He was involved in a gasoline explosion on the 9th
and has second degree burns to his face and hands.
He's home with me now
and he's keeping me busy playing nurse-maid.
The good news is that he is going to heal without any skin grafting.
His hands got the worst of the deal
and he shouldn't have any scaring to his pretty face.
That's great news.
Even through the burns I still see that handsome,
young face he had when we were young.
For those of you that know us personally...remember when?
I'm trying to get myself to sew or scrapbook in my spare time
but it's hard for me to even thread a needle right now,
I'm so nervous.
Everything has to be as sterile as we can get it.
I can't imagine the pain he must be feeling
but he doesn't complain.
I won't be such a big baby next time
I burn my hand in the oven!
As soon as I can get myself to

S~T~O~P ~S~H~A~K~I~N~G

I'll be back with something fun!

Saturday, August 7, 2010


Today I made potholders using this
And for my scrapbooking friends,
you'll know that I used nothing but
ribbon from Papertey Ink to wrap them in.
They're gonna make a sweet addition
to my Christmas basket.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Shabby Roses Inspire Block...

I have been stitchin up a storm!
My poor house is proof.
In just the past two days I made
7 pink churn dash blocks,
a basket block
and this cute little embroidery piece
from Jenny's Shabby Roses pattern.
While I have been embroidering for many years,
I have always used the stem stitch.
I have recently fallen in love with
and her daughter Blossom.
They are amazing girls
who do amazing backstitch embroidery.
I just had to try it.

I've always used a hoop too,
and even though I always take my piece
out of the hoop
when I'm not working on it,
it still makes those little round circles
on my work.
I've never liked that.

Jenny told me about this stuff called "Whisperweft".
You just iron it on
the back of your piece and stitch away.
No hoop!
And it gives the fabric
just the right amount of stability.
I'm lovin' this.

Thanks Jenny, my friend!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Progress Report on Churned Roses...

Happy Lord's Day!

I took the process pledge not long ago.
Promising to show you my process
instead of just the finished project.
Well, I'm going make another pledge
to show you my progress too!
Is there much difference? Hummm...something to ponder.
Anyhoo, here, I have 18 little squishy piles
of what will soon be 18 churn dash blocks.
I have a feeling that this is going to be
one of my favorite quilts.
My favorite quilt block is the churn dash
and it's PINK!


I couldn't help myself.
Once I had all the little units together
I just had to stitch up a couple of blocks.
Pinking of you,