Sunday, June 23, 2024

Day three

 One day, one project.

Only my Challenge project on Saturday. And the inside of the case is finished except for adding the scissor and needle holders. 

I probably still have 30 hours to go. 

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Day Two

 After an hour of trying to center the diamond and not being able to by counting to 26 or 32,i gave up. By stitching the blackwork, I'll have more reference points. Echoes of Elizabeth. 

And an project from DMC. 

Friday, June 21, 2024

Sewing Wild Oats

 Thirteen of my guild members have retreated to Graves Mountain Lodge in Syria, Virginia.

I finalized the contents of my stitching bag at 6:30 a.m. after some 3 in the morning thoughts. Yup. That's how I roll.

I started with a bit of construction. 


This is Kaye Judt's An Elegant Brooch from the 2018 Seminar in Louisville. Been stitched since 2018. Just needed construction. Way, way shinier than the photo.

Then I moved onto cross stitch for the rest of the day. Tomorrow, Echoes of Elizabeth. 

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Packing for retreat

 Two weeks ago my stitching bag was packed for my guild retreat. This past weekend I unpacked it except for my President's Challenge piece.

I put away a stumpwork GCC that I'm just not feeling. I put away a new cross stitch star

t. I put away a new beaded bracelet. And a few other things.

I heard my friend, Donna, say this past weekend she's hoping to have three finishes. Finishes? 

Tomorrow I will repack the bag. So much for packing early.

Will this make the bag? 

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Still Here

 Another little Mill Hill. Backed it with a hanger yesterday. 

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Can Stitching Be a Hot Mess


"Sweet Nothings" is the name of the project (if I am remembering correctly) by JBW designs from 2000.

I started 20+ years ago in the wrong place, too close to the bottom of the banding. But somehow this floated to the top of the pile last week. 

Finished the stitching. Then screwed up the finishing three times. Lots of ripping out. It's wonky. But it's done. I could probably whip out another version quickly if I have more banding. 

It's so old, it's meant to hold actual photos. 

Thursday, May 16, 2024

Medieval Embroidery

Thanks to my friend, Heather, I've taken my first class with Tanya Bentham. It's a little dragon. I've renamed mine and she's Marjorie, for the first lead singer for the Raylettes. I'm further along than this photo shows. Only need to stitch the head and embellish the neck and tail. 

Next month, a little bit of Opus Anglicanum. 

Yes. I already own all three of Tanya's books. And if you've interested in more I highly recommend following Tanya on Instagram. Her version of the Maiden, the Mother, and the Crone is brilliant. 

Sunday, April 14, 2024

What's Happening


My growing collection of Charland Designs small band samplers continues to increase. I've had this Welsh one for a long time. Started at least five years ago. 

Finally am determined to make real progress on it. As in get it done and framed this year. 
Waterlilies, pearl #8, and linen thread. Found a piece of Glenshee linen in my stash that's big enough. This one is number three, but I've got like thirty more. LOL

Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Another Oldie

 Loudoun Sampler Guild is currently working on Mary Wigham. I decided that I didn't need another Quaker. What I need is to finish one that is in progress.

Started at the beginning of 2008 as the design was published in the fall of 2007 in Sampler and Antique Needlework Quarterly. I changed the called for colors from silks to a selection of overdyed cottons in Crescent Colors and Gentle Arts. The linen is 32 ct Magnolia.

I would love to finish before the end of this year. 

Thursday, March 07, 2024

What's in the Bag

 Today let's play a round of what's in my stitching bag.

A flamingo eyeglass case. Nearly complete. This has been my carry around project for nearly a year. I work on it at the nail salon while getting pedicures. And any other place without ideal lighting for stitching. 

My Gayla Elliot stitching girl. Slowly renovating the kitchen. I undyed her hair. She used to be a blonde. Still contemplating the floors.

I've got three Danji candy canes to stitch for the grandgirls. Nothing too exciting.

Lastly a tease. Local EGA friends know what this original piece is.

That's what's in my stitching bag right now.