Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Snatching Defeat from the Jaws of Victory

Only conservatives could get such an early start in losing the 2012 election.

In just two weeks you have Newt Gingrich calling Congressman Ryan’s Medicare proposal “right-wing social engineering” and trying to affix Ryan with the “radical” label.  Honestly, I didn’t think it name calling and labeling would happen for maybe, three months.

In perhaps one of the most intriguing (maybe astonishing is a better word) exchanges you have Rick Santorum trying to explain how he knows more about waterboarding and interrogation techniques than John McCain.  Admittedly Santorum was trying to connect the waterboarding techniques used to get information out of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed with the success of the raid on Bin Laden and not specifically trying to get into with McCain.  Yet get into with McCain he did nonetheless.  You have to be sharp enough to drop or ignore the issue rather than to go into extensive detail about interrogation techniques when John McCain’s name is even mentioned. 

But to say this, "And so this idea that we didn't ask that question while Khalid Sheikh Mohammed was being waterboarded, he (McCain) doesn't understand how enhanced interrogation works.  I mean, you break somebody, and after they're broken, they become cooperative…” shows that Santorum hasn’t a scintilla of instinct when it comes to running for the most powerful office in the land.

If you read John Hubbell’s book POW, and every American should read it, you’ll know that John McCain is somewhat an expert on how enhanced interrogation works, and he is the antidote to Santorum’s implication that once broken there is no more resistance.  Anyone that has been through SERE (Survival, Resistance, Evasion, and Escape) school knows that everyone will be broken, but the key difference in the US Armed Forces Code of Conduct and US training, is than when able, the POW is to begin resisting again to the greatest of his ability. 

If you read Hubbell’s book, you’ll see that McCain needs no such lecture from Santorum.  He and many others endured unimaginable “enhanced techniques” and resisted well beyond what I think is humanly possible. 

Santorum simply proved he is not astute enough to avoid a bear trap the size of the state of Texas, and he makes his situation worse by explaining more.  Could it get worse?


You also have Republicans now hem-hawing about how much hardball they are willing to play on the Debt Ceiling – Spending Cut fight.  Their wavering under the flimsy and false pretenses of paper deadlines and pseudo-cataclysmal fallout shows that they lack the commitment to take responsibility for governing this nation.

Their doddering is another example of where “real change” simply means change of party and not change of action or consequence.  Until conservatives have the courage to confidently steer the ship on a truly conservative course, Obama should remain cozy in his La-Z-boy.

You have the very odd situation where Mitt Romney, truly a newly minted conservative, is trying to justify the support and signing of a state bill that is eerily similar to the most liberal piece of national legislation ever passed.  Gingrich would likely classify him as a Left-wing conservative, or more appropriately as an opportunistic flip-flopper.  Neither of which makes Romney Presidential material for conservatives.

So in very short order, you have a former conservative leader calling a sitting conservative leader a radical and social engineer.

You have a former Senator telling a sitting Senator, former Presidential candidate, former POW who can barely lift his arms, that he don’t know jack about interrogation techniques and torture.

You have conservatives backing away from real fiscal change as they appear to cave in to the lame and vacuous counter arguments that the dems are barely backing themselves (see Dick Durbin on Fox News Sunday, 5/15/2011) in regards to raising the debt ceiling.

And you have a “conservative” justifying state run health care in the context that it isn’t exactly like Obamacare.

In summary, you have no civility, no leadership, no common sense, no adherence to basic conservative issues while in control of the House of Representatives, no credibility, and no chance of defeating Obama in 2012.

I wonder why there is a Tea Party.

Don’t Believe Everything You Hear

China’s top general complimented the US military last week in such a fawning manner that many in the military and in elected federal positions likely took those compliments as a sincere assessment from an impressed and dissuaded foe, rather than clever and mendacious comments delivered by an ingenious and guileful enemy.  Make no mistake, this was an international head fake done with skill and with the specific intent of getting us to relax our guard.
When General Chen says "What I'm trying to say is that we do not have the capability to challenge the United States.", he’s not saying that China does not want to challenge the United States.  He is not saying that China is going to suspend all of its weapons programs because he was so impressed that China is now deterred for the next millennia.  He is not saying that they now have a good reason to cease development and production of their stealth fighter.  And he is certainly not asking for hands across the water and a long chorus of Kum By Ya. 

He is simply saying that they have not matched our capabilities yet, and that he really, really hopes that the US will let its guard down while the Chinese make leaps quantum leaps necessary to match their armed forces against ours.  The specific intent of his blunt statements, which were not made by someone ready to give up his sword and sign capitulation papers, were to get the US to reduce our military budgets, reduce our reconnaissance of their coast line, and to lull us into ten years of stagnation while they blow past us like they did in Olympic diving.

The Chinese are acutely aware of our penchant for overspending and keeping ourselves on the precipice of budgetary crisis, as they hold a preponderance of our debt.  General Chen was planting a seed that sends the perfect message to liberal money-grabbers; we can cut defense spending because we are soooo far ahead of the Chinese, we can relax for a few years in weapons development.  There will be no listening to conservative think-tanks that see this for the Bangalore torpedo that it is.  We will be urged to believe our new, good friend General Chen and his frank honesty in assessing the true state of military affairs in the world.  We should all give a thumbs up and in chorus say, “Mission accomplished.”

Don’t look to the top layers of the Pentagon to put up much of a fight.  It is natural for the many narcissists at the top of the military to take these compliments as validation of a lengthy and laborious effort, but because of their egos, they will miss the covert nature of Chen’s message.  Over the objections of the real operators, who recognize this as a disinformation campaign, the top brass will be smoozing for their next assignments by bringing out accounting like assessments showing cost benefit curves proving that we can stay ahead of the Chinese with little or no spending over the next ten years or so.  Liberals will latch onto the brass’ acquiescence as the roadmap to substantial budget cuts in an effort to turn the table on Republicans.  Republicans will be pinned between their budget cutting efforts and General Chen’s statements, and they will lose the fight in trying to sustain or extend weapons programs and operational spending, and consequently our tactical and strategic advantages over the Chinese.

Admiral Mullen is obviously buying it, "I think part of the discussions, and General Chen spoke to this, is his view of how far ahead the United States is technically."  What follows that kind of talk is budget cuts.
One of Chen’s direct goals is to get the US to reduce its coastline surveillance of China.  Our fortitude combined with our technology here is key to keeping the Chinese from achieving their longest standing objective, the re-taking of Taiwan.  Chen’s comments “As a matter of fact, the reconnaissance activities along China's coast by U.S. military aircraft and vessels are seen in China as deterrents.", are specifically designed to try to get the US to relax its efforts in order for China to begin to develop a window in which to launch a campaign to restore Chinese “unity.”

With statements like, “As it is known to all, the United States is a super-power in the world today; how can China easily have the ability to challenge it? That is simply not part of Chinese culture and we do not have that capability. We would strive for world peace, civility and development and well being of the whole humankind...The United States has far more advanced weapons and equipment."  General Chen may take Miss Congeniality at the next Miss World pageant. 

World peace is not a stated goal of the Communist Chinese government, expansion of their version of communism is.

We Americans have been suckered into complacency more times than we can count, and we only overcame years of neglect and narcissism (post WWI, post WWII and pre-Korea, post-Korea, the Carter years) on our guts and the shear will of the individuals in the military (Guadalcanal, Pusan perimeter are striking examples). 

We should not be led down a path of complacency and neglect by someone who has read Sun Tsu more times than most of us have read the Sunday comics.  This is part of the Chinese national strategy, don’t be fooled.

You don’t have to be a former military officer and Asian history major to receive General Chen’s message loud and clear.

I'm Back

Not sure there is anyone out there who cares, but apparently I have lost my gig with Townhall.com beacuse of my sparadic submission schedule.  Guilty.  The pieces I am about to put up were submitted to Townhall, but I have heard nothing back, so up they go.  Welcome back to anyone who is still poking around my blog.

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Remember, I've Moved

I know my sign off is buried a little deep now, so if you have stopped by to catch my writing, I am writing over at MySandmen. Come see us there!

Friday, September 02, 2005

Tulane NROTC Clearing House - Katrina

Latest update 8 Sep 05, 1535 PST...if you want zulu time...go somewhere else...

I am baaaaaaack...like constipation after eating C-rat cheese, but, for one expressed reason...to, for now, try and act as a conduit of information about the Tulane NROTC community and its needs. This includes Alums, the Building, the mids, and the current staff. For now, use the comment section to pass info. Link this site to other alums and interested parties. If the need is not there, we'll close down...otherwise we are on until it becomes apparent that we can shut down the operation. Pass info, links, and status...it may help those concerned about you to find you. Let's see how it goes, and how much good the alums of this great unit can do. Roll on Green Wave.

My essays will continue to be posted with my team at www.mysandmen.blogspot.com . Please stop by there often. MM


If you know the status of LtCol Jerry Sneed USMC, TU MOI 90-93...please post it here...Is that Jerry Sneed the one I served with at TBS from 84-88...or a portion of that time? He may be currently assigned to MARFOR RES, NO.

Also...gaming the system a little...stop by multiple times...the more the Major Mike site gets hit, the higher it moves up the Google search find list...Last night I couldn't get any coherent results from "Tulane nrotc hurricane katrina." So if you stop by...hit it a couple of times, and we can get to the top of the list to smooth the process. Have other grads and alum hit it as well...you never know who knows what.


http://tulanestudentinfo.blogspot.com/ here is a link with some pics of uptown... some may remember the Mushroom (the record store) located around the corner from the Boot... water everywhere

From an Anon source...right off campus near the chapel and the BTP house...and, of course, many nickel beer nights. The pics were taken Aug 31, and the source reports the water has receded to Clairborne. We are now #1 on google for "Tulane nrotc hurricane katrina" on google...good job...direct people here to post what they know...believe me, at least one piece of timely info will find its way here...spread the word. MM


The Official Tulane NROTC site remains down...no surprise. Obviously, this site has not been overwhelmed...but, let's try to get some momentum in re-establishing important links to one another. Right now we may not be able to imagine how important it may be later. MM


Validate your muster with the Chain of Command...this just in:

Sir,I'm a Midn 1/C at Tulane. Almost all of us mids have gotten in contact with our chain of command but for any of the ones that haven't, please post on your site for them to contact jeremyhall3@gmail.com he is our current BNCO and is the clearinghouse for almost all NROTC information. Thanks.VR/Midn Adam Stephens

I'm recommending re-validating any previous muster with Midn. Hall...anyone who has been to Bulldog knows how messed up musters in person get...let alone via the net. Also...don't be shy...list any personal needs that some of us out here can help with. This is one time to ask. MM


The following link is to the Tulane Blog that is looking like a pretty fast moving message board...might be worth a look for all interested Tulanians.


Update - 5 Sep 05

NROTC site is still down. Not much new on either the Tulane main site or Tulane Blog. BN Staff...please ask for any missing info that you need...I am getting a fair amount of traffic..most of it coming over from the Tulane Blog...so, I am hoping we can get you the info that you need. Please feel free to post any open updates here, or redirect my efforts in another direction. MM

Update - 6 Sep 05

OK...some feedback now...am I wasting my time? Is there some direction I could be taking that would help more? I am getting plenty of traffic, but I don't get the feeling this site is contributing ...let me know what I can do, and what resources you need...If this conduit is unneeded, I can go back to reading Homer and Faulkner...both to be avoided, unless your a dedicated frosh in English 101. C'mon...you're not going to hurt my feelings.

Update 8 Sep 05

New posting at the Tulane main site. http://www.tulane.edu/ The main site is becoming a bit more robust, as the university is beginning to break down their information pipelines to student,a dn separately, the staff...seems like an appropriate strategy. Good info on tuition.

NROTC main site still down...if I am missing something here...someone clue me in. Also...because of the lack of comments...I am questioning the value of me continuing here...feedback would be nice...let me know if I should shut back down, or keep this up.

Thanks for the traffic...clue me in if I am missing something.

Friday, July 29, 2005

Actually...I am moving my shop...

I am accepting an offer made by Mr. Atos and Dueler69 to join My Sandmen http://www.mysandmen.blogspot.com/ . I think this alliance will prove effective, and perhaps allow us to turn some enegry and focus on Oregon issues...so, again, thanks for stopping by, come visit at My Sandmen.

Monday, July 18, 2005

Closing Shop

I have come to the honest conclusion that I am not doing this well. Although I have the inclination, and generally the capacity to do this well, I simply am not. The demand of my full time job, my home life, and the few extra activities I afford myself, are not leaving me enough time to write interesting, well-researched, and well written pieces. I find myself rushed to get something out, and then cringe at the lack of depth and insight in what I have published. So, rather than be ashamed of my effort, I think I'll close up shop. I simply think that the pool is full of talent, and that others are doing a better, faster, more credible job.

Thanks to all that have stopped by., and thanks for the many great comments and critiques. I'll continue to read as many blogs as possible...thanks for the experience. MM

Monday, July 11, 2005

Losing...or Winning?


I wouldn't take this as evidence of a US failure in Afghanistan. I'd say this is evidence that decent people want a chance at freedom. I'd say this is America, and Americans, forging very positive relationships with responsible Muslims. I'd say this is evidence that our presence in Afghanistan is welcome. I'd also say that the Muslims that helped this Seal are not in the minority. I'd say we're moving ahead, on a winning path, in Afghanistan. I would also say, that if the press walked around Iraq with their eyes open, they'd see these very same things in Iraq.

We're winning the GWOT, one friend at at time.

On operational security...

I would like to see the military be a bit more tight lipped on our operations...releasing some of the details of the SEAL team situation gave potentially useful information to the enemy. I really don't care if the press is clamoring for the fiftieth time for more info...don't give it to them.

The Taliban attempted to use the fact that there was still a SEAL unaccounted for to their psychological (psy ops) advantage. The details about that team and its circumstances should have never been released until the mission was complete. We are aiding the enemy with our free flow of information.

As I have mentioned before, I was read into a couple of "black" programs. These programs, for the most part, were very simple technology enhancements that could have been easily negated by tactics had the details ever gotten out. Secrecy is what keeps these enhancements the combat multipliers they are. Once exposed, instead of being extremely lethal, they would merely have been a nuisance. OpSec is hugely important...let's don't get complacent. No operational info out while it can still be leveraged against us...period.

On predictability...

C'mon guys, we should not be getting helos shot down by rockets. Change your tactics, your routing, your escort procedures...something, but no more helos shot down while we're running headlong into the fight.

One of the things that got us into trouble in Vietnam was our predictable re-enforcement response to units in contact. The NVA would dangle a few troops in front of us, we would run headlong after them, and eventually we would have re-enforced our way into a trap.

Let's make sure this helo loss is the only one of its kind...it was a terrible waste of highly trained personnel.

Friday, July 08, 2005

Where Are the "Americans?"

It has occurred to me that America has been softening since we settled the West. It began with the linking of the East with the West via railroad at Promontory Summit in 1869. Our softening continue with the final submission of the Native American tribes in 1891. We continued to get mushy with the invention and mass production of the automobile; the collapse of subsistence farming; the New Deal and its social programs. Add in welfare, fast food, television, E-Z-Boy chairs, and we're done.

Why is this relevant?

Coming to work this morning on NPR, a Brit, analyzing the impact of yesterday's London bombings said that the Brits would carry on, but they were worried about a falloff in American tourists, because Americans (general population) are a bit more worried than the Brits in regards to their personal safety. I don't disagree with him, but when did this happen?

When did we start becoming a nation of cowerers and how do we pull out of it?

Where are the Americans that crossed this nation in wagons? Where are the Americans who fought against tyranny and oppression? Where are the Americans that conducted Pickett's Charge and those who defended Seminary Ridge? Fought in World War I? Landed in Normandy and Tarawa? Invented manned flight? Went to the moon? Built our dams and highways? Where are the "tough" Americans?

I am not talking about our soldiers, football and rugby players, NASCAR drivers. I am talking about the toughness of your average American. Because in the end, his/her toughness and their resolve will be the key to winning the GWOT. We need to rediscover our grit and fortitude. We need to become physically and mentally tough as a nation. And we certainly don't want the Brits to show us the way when it comes to toughness.

Americans need to start acting like "Americans."

Thursday, July 07, 2005

Toto, Ted, and Joe...We're Not in Kansas Anymore

For those who think that the Islamafacists are going away anytime soon...think again. Their objective is not to get us to leave Iraq. Their objective is to get every citizen in the world to cower while they take over every country on earth and turn them into Talibanesque nations. No amount of Kennedy appeasement, nor silly Biden grinning is going to get them to stop. Only their deaths will bring an end to their killing.

The residents of London did NOTHING to deserve what happened to them today. Same of course, for those in Africa, Madrid, and NYC, who were victims of ruthless killers, who deserve nothing more than to be hunted down like dogs and be brought to justice. These people do not care who they kill, they simply want to send their message of hate. They will kill you, your family, and your pet fish if they have a chance...wake up.

This is not the time to weaken the Patriot Act in a thinly veiled attempt by Democrats to woo a very small group of Arab voters. Weakening the Patriot Act will make us exponentially more vulnerable to a re-attack in this country...and should parts of the Patriot Act be repealed or lapse, no amount of Bidenspeak or Kennedyexcusing will shift the blame for subsequent deaths from their shoulders...something Kennedy is already familiar with.

Additionally, we need to wake up and understand that very few Arabs actually want to assimilate into the various Western countries they migrate to. While it appears to be the aim of most western countries to diversify their populations, many of the Arabs that migrate do little to integrate themselves into the mainstream cultures of those countries. That being the case...isn't it becoming reasonable to begin limiting immigration from the countries that are filling our streets with terrorists? Isn't it OK to say "enough" and stop the sources of terror from gaining entry into our country, and not be ashamed to take this necessary defensive measure? I do not dislike Islamacists, but they are the ones doing the wanton killing of innocents...isn't it OK to deny them access to their objective, and protect ourselves without feeling as if we are bad people.

Bottom line good people...this cannot be ignored away, as the Clintons had hoped. This cannot be appeased away as the Bidens and Kennedy's hope. This will not go away anytime soon, and it will certainly not go away until most of these terrorist are dead. When we begin to believe that as a nation...we'll be back in Kansas.

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Geez ...Can We Be Any More Cluto?

Hat tip to my buddy at CENTCOM on this one...

If our citizens continue to be as self-centered and clueless as Tom here...we will lose this war. They will insist on living their lives their selfish way, right up until the Islamafacists blow them and their RVs up out in the middle of the desert. Wake up America, there is a war on, and brave men and women are holding the line against terrorism and oppression...get the clue!

A personal note to Tom from Peoria...there are people who get up at 0300 everyday to protect your 0900 sleeping ass, and I hope you choke on the squadron's CO's reply, you smart ass.


A wake-up call from Luke's jets
Jun. 23, 2005 12:00 AM

Question of the day for Luke Air Force Base: Whom do we thank for the morning air show?Last Wednesday, at precisely 9:11 a.m., a tight formation of four F-16 jets made a low pass over Arrowhead Mall, continuing west over Bell Road at approximately 500 feet. Imagine our good fortune!Do the Tom Cruise-wannabes feel we need this wake-up call, or were they trying to impress the cashiers at Mervyns' early-bird special? Any response would be appreciated.
- Tom MacRae, Peoria


Flyby honored fallen comrade Jun. 28, 2005 12:00 AM Regarding "A wake-up call from Luke's jets" (Letters, Thursday):On June 15, at precisely 9:12 a.m., a perfectly timed four-ship of F-16s from the 63rd Fighter Squadron at Luke Air Force Base flew over the grave of Capt Jeremy Fresques.Capt.

Fresques was an Air Force officer who was previously stationed at Luke Air Force Base and was killed in Iraq on May 30, Memorial Day. At 9 a.m. on June 15, his family and friends gathered at Sunland Memorial Park in Sun City to mourn the loss of a husband, son and friend.

Based on the letter writer's recount of the flyby, and because of the jet noise, I'm sure you didn't hear the 21-gun salute, the playing of taps, or my words to the widow and parents of Capt. Fresques as I gave them their son's flag on behalf of the president of the United States and all those veterans and servicemen and women who understand the sacrifices they have endured.

A four-ship flyby is a display of respect the Air Force pays to those who give their lives in defense of freedom. We are professional aviators and take our jobs seriously, and on June 15 what the letter writer witnessed was four officers lining up to pay their ultimate respects.

The letter writer asks, "Whom do we thank for the morning air show?"

The 56th Fighter Wing will call for you, and forward your thanks to the widow and parents of Capt. Fresques, and thank them for you, for it was in their honor that my pilots flew the most honorable formation of their lives.

Lt. Col. Scott Pleus
Luke Air Force Base
The writer is commander of the 63rd Fighter Squadron.

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Tagged By "Bowramp"...Port-O-Call Summary

The crusty old squid at Bowramp http://www.bowramp.blogspot.com/ tagged me to answer some port call questions. My experience comes from floating on the USS Midway in the summers and falls of 1981 and 1983. I'll include bingo/divert destinations associated with my tours.

Number of ports visited...about 20...bingo/diverts add 5.

Most recent was Subic Bay, for 26 days trying to get a dead Phantom out of there...darn it took a long time to get out of there.

Port (Divert) I never want to visit again Tsuiki, Japan...Miso soup for breakfast...nuff said.

Top three most memorable...in order:
Subic Bay, single night for munitions...the fastest 14 hours of my life. Half of our aircrew did not make it out of the rack the entire next day.
Pusan, Korea...first night libo in Service Alphas (greens)...lost most of my short term memory, all my money, and one of my socks.
Divert to Taegu, Korea on Novemeber 10, 1981. Det CO dives out of Women's barracks window, pilot attempts to steal APC, me and the other WSO start up a 6-By...ooops right in front of MP HQ. Happy Birthday Marines.

Duty done...thanks brought a smile to my face.

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Recycling Can Be fun...and Informative

I am re-playing my third post, which I originally published January 9th...how's that for leading edge...
All the recent Vietnam comparisons deserve to be courntered. Here I focused, not on Iraq, but the factors about our participation in Vietnam, that eventually made it what it became...use your own adjective here. This is meat and potatos, no fluff...I love recycling.

Iraq Is Not Another Vietnam


While I am sure most to the American population has this figured out, it pains me every time I hear an analogy, a reference, or a prediction that Iraq is, or will turn out like Vietnam.Iraq is not like Vietnam:The terrain in Iraq favors the conventional forces. The terrain in Vietnam favored an asymmetric or guerrilla strategy. The almost contiguous cover afforded to the Viet Cong and the NVA was ideal for insurgency ops. It provided cover for MSRs, staging areas, and nearly all troop movements. It mitigated the effectiveness of our technical advantages and leveled the playing field for the enemy forces. Although the foreign insurgents in Iraq are taking cover in the cities, the lack of secure mobility and their inability to mass forces at critical junctures will keep the insurgency in its current stages. Iraq may be unpleasant, but it is not like Vietnam.

The insurgency in Iraq is not a popular rebellion. The seeds of the NVA victory in Vietnam were planted in the early 1920’s when nationalistic movements of all types were hatched in Europe. The Viet Minh, as did the Communists in China, gained momentum out of their efforts in fighting the Japanese in World War II. Both were modestly successful, but there were no other viable political or military organizations in existence, so they each became the preeminent forces within their countries, regardless of the desires of the US and the rest of the world. The post World War II agreements that attempted to restore French colonialism to Vietnam and the subsequent agreements that divided Vietnam, sealed our eventual fate. The NVA had gained valuable experience fighting the French. They had a safe operating base in the North, and at worst, they had the support of 50% of the entire population of the combined Vietnams. The insurgents in Iraq are largely foreign fighters intent on disrupting the democratization efforts. They have, at best, tepid support from 13% of the population. They are also not a viable political force, which in the end, regardless of the casualties they inflict, will never give them clout in the political arena. They may kill people, but they won’t be a political success.

Our entry into Vietnam was clouded and ambiguous. Our entry into Iraq was clear and purposeful. We were hip deep into Vietnam even before the dubiously credible Gulf of Tonkin incident. President Johnson worked overtime to keep our depth of commitment and troop strengths hidden from the American public. In the end, the depth of our commitment could not be hidden, and the public rightfully became angry at what had been perpetrated. Regardless of if you are for our involvement in Iraq, or against it, President Bush was straightforward in telling the public what he was doing and why he was doing it. Debates about the viability of specific intelligence reports may linger, but there has been no repeat of the rampant lying that hindered our effort throughout the Vietnam War.

The quality of our forces far outstrips the quality of the forces we had fighting in Vietnam. I am not a believer of the “every soldier a druggie” crowd post-Vietnam, but I saw first hand what low morale and poor leadership had done to the USMC on my very first day of duty in MCAS El Toro in 1979. In barracks drug use, unscheduled intramural boxing matches, and complete disrespect for officers and Staff NCOs was common. Those Marines were the remnants of the Vietnam era Corps, and they were a mess. Units failed to meet basic training requirements, such a going to the rifle range…my unit was NOT the exception. It took a long view and hard work to revive the professionalism that had once been the hallmark of our services. Our forces excelled in Afghanistan, a country once thought impervious to outside military operations. They rolled through Kuwait in 1991 and Iraq in 2003 with unmatched speed and precision. They are arguably the best forces this world has seen. While individual soldiers and Marines in Vietnam may have been every bit the match of today’s troopers, collectively they were not nearly the cohesive force we have today.

There are clearly major differences in our involvement in Iraq and our participation in Vietnam. Calling a donkey a horse does not make it one. There is no excuse for the shallow and off base analysis that is nearly continually comparing these two military operations. Let’s learn from the mistakes we have made in the last twenty months, not from a completely unrelated excursion 30 years gone by.

We clearly need to guard against a protracted low-intensity conflict in Iraq, but the final solution will ultimately be a political one. The Iraqis will have their freedom, and hopefully they will have the will to keep it. Regardless of the ultimate outcome, our participation in Iraq will reveal itself to be less a post-colonial folly, and more a necessary attempt to fight the next battle in the war on terrorism, a battle that is effectively reducing the capability of terrorists. At its worst, it has been a battle that has stopped the murder and torture of hundreds of thousands, and freed millions in the process.

Iraq is Iraq. Vietnam was Vietnam.

Got History?

Reference material: Vietnam, Stanley Karnow. A Bright and Shining Lie, Neil Sheehan, In Retrospect, Robert MacNamara. The Best and the Brightest, David Halberstam. Dereliction of Duty, H.R. McMaster. And about 20 others

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

I Have Not Abandoned Ship

Sorry, I will have to take a little more time off from blogging. I am still catching up on work, and have not had time to get to it. I have a conference tomorrow and go on vacation (not wired in) on Friday. I will be back around the 27th. Regards.

Monday, June 06, 2005

One Last Windmill Attack Before My Trip

Judge Bridges denies petition in King County. Tip to Michelle Malkin for her timely post http://www.michellemalkin.com/ .

My take. "Geez, I don't know where all those votes came from." It is impossible for me to comprehend that a "judge" cannot see the malfeasance that will remain the hallmark of the 2004 Washington State Governor's election. With judges like that, is it any wonder that judges find themselves under siege? Judges are suppose to use...drum roll please...judgement. If the chicanery that was this election is not readily apparent to a judge, then I am missing a nose. His blind eye is damaging to the republic, as voters are now entitled to have zero confidence in the democratic process in Washington. Nice work judge.

For the Dems this is a crime against the country. Stealing elections will come to an end. More than who wins or loses, voters will soon tire of fraud and corruption. Eventually the truth about events in King County will emerge, and the Dems will find the damage to their party was not worth four years of the governorship. Shame on them for the dirty work they have done...I am fairly certain it will come back to haunt them...hopefully in spades.

I, Don Quixote

While I am not carrying but a minute portion of the load, the seemingly endless barrage of bad MSM media is taking its toll on my blogging effort. Their collective density, well above that of uranium, continues to prevent them from seeing their demise on the way. In spite of of their multiple and memorable gaffes, all diligently tracked by the blogoshpere, they continue to push their completely substandard product...often laced with untruths, outright lies, and biased slants, our way (Hugh Hewitt posts today on it). Their persistence is wearing me out... A normal person (or collective group) would have begun to change their ways by now, but our MSM refuses. I felt my energy drain on Sunday morning as I read another vindication of the Newsweek story on Koran mis-handlings, still only bolstered by the Pentagon's own investigation, citing only the same five cases that have already been acknowledged. Huge sigh on my part....I did not have the energy for round five. I avoided blogging altogether. They deserved a blistering, and I failed to produce.

So, luckily I am off to New Orleans on business, and hopefully I will re-charge my batteries.

But I am beginning to think that spending any time correcting, cajoling, coaching, or coaxing the MSM is a Quixote-esque endeavor that may never produce results. It is dis-heartening since there are many fine institutions in this country, and instead of being one of them, the MSM uses their power to trash most, if not all, of them. I am impressed by their blind doggedness, yet not by their product.

While I am gone, I'll try to outline a series of pieces on What Makes the US Different. I'll be back next week. I am not sure how much more time I am willing to spend on the MSM...I am truly beginning to believe that they will never get it. Maybe they are all Democrats...

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Weeds Gunning the A-10s

I thought of this on my way home the other night and I laughed out loud…even though it has been 11 years.

While deployed in Aviano, Italy protecting the Some Time Fly Zone, my pilot was Weeds. Weeds was one of the top two or three pilots I had ever flown with, and every hop was a joy…professional, but a blast all the time. Weeds had been a TopGun grad, and he went on to become a Blue Angel. Great stick…nuff said.

Aside from Some Time Fly Zone patrol, we occasionally got to train against some of the other A/C deployed in the area…Mirages, Tornados, and A-10s to name a few.

Weeds and I drew a 2 v 2 against a couple of A-10s. We would plan on three 40 mile setups, to close engagements. No Fox Ones (long-range AIM-7 or Rammer shots) counted. So, we would work to get tactical advantage at the merge. Advantage Hornets with our radars.

It was good practice for the A-10s to try to survive the merge, and it was good for us to try to remain offensive at the merge on such a tight turning A/C. It would be interesting to see what the hop brought.

The long sets went quick, and we were only slightly offensive on the first pass, but in five seconds we were saddled up on our A-10, and Weeds says “I’m skipping heater and going to guns.” Pretty tough move considering the turning radius for an A-10. I was keeping an eye on the other fight, when I hear over the ICS, “Trigger down, bllllllrt, bllllllrt, blllllrt, bllllrt, Guns kill, hog in a right hand turn, 11 thousand.” That was followed shortly by a “knock it off.” Weeds was making the audible sound that is only replicated by clothespinning a playing card to the spokes of a bike. He was “blllllllrting” over the ICS while the tape was rolling. I was busting a gut.

As we went to set up the next engagement, I asked Weeds if he was sure about the kill. He said “no sweat, I was all over him like a hobo on a hot dog.” I was a little surprised, because in a gunfight the g’s are usually greater than 4, and the airplane is rocking all over as the pilot tries to keep the pipper (Constantly Computing Impact Point (CCIP) symbology on the HUD) on the bogey…particularly a highly maneuverable one. If we had crossed 3 g’s I would have been surprised. But Weeds was backing the kill.

The next two set-ups were pretty much the same…

“Trigger down, bllllllrt, blllllrt, blllllllrt, blllllrt, bllllrt, guns kill, hog left hand turn 13 thousand, knock it off.” “Trigger down, bllllrt, bllllrt, blrrrt, blllrt, blllrt, guns kill, hog 8 thousand right hand turn, knock it off.” Each time very little “g”, and the audible “blllllrting.” Each time I questioned the veracity of the kill. Each time Weeds assured me he had 3 seconds of “pipper on,” or tracking time, to qualify as a guns kill.

We terminated the hop, head back to Aviano. The debrief was taking place in our spaces. We debriefed our portion and awaited for the A-10 crews to arrive. We viewed the tapes. Weed indeed had three valid kills…way more than valid. He was extremely smooth with the A/C and easily had 5 –7 seconds of “pipper on” time in each kill, despite the A-10 moving like a snake on a fire…amazing. The tape also played the “bllllllrting.” Each time Weeds had the trigger down he would audible-ize his imitation gun sound. We were in stitches.

The A-10s finally showed up. Weeds took his tape out of the machine and put it away. Weeds was debriefing the first engagement, and he got to the point where we were about the kill the A-10, and he says “here is where Hornet One gets a guns kill on the A-10 nose low in a right hand 11 thousand.” …and he turned away from his kneeboard card, ready to move on to the second engagement. He was interrupted by the A-10 pilot of the gunned ship…

“I’d like to see the tape.”

“It was a valid kill, we reviewed it before you got here.”

“I still want to see the tape.”

“You don’t really want to see the tape.”

“I still want to see the tape to validate the kill.”

Weeds says “OK, but the kill is valid.” Weeds put in the tape, cues it up just before he put the hammer down, and turns the volume down, then hits "play".

It was impressive, steady as can be, he gunned the beeeejeeezus, out of this hog driver. Really no need to go any further…

“I’d like to hear the audio.”

Weeds tried his best to dissuade him, but the hog driver insisted. So Weeds re-cued the tape, turned up the volume. And the A-10 drivers got introduced to the Weeds show. They were not happy at the first “bllllllrt,” and they got no happier by the end of the tape, as Weeds made them watch and listen to every kill. I had tears coming down my cheeks I was laughing so hard…the A-10 drivers had steam coming out of their ears…Weeds just put the pens down and let the tape do the talking.

Here’s to Weeds…his smooth guns kills and his hilarious “blllllrt.”

Tuesday, May 31, 2005

"U.S. arrests Sunni leader by mistake"

Interesting...the above headline, (front page, top, The Oregonian, linked) and its story, comprise 33 paragraphs, of those only 11 are dedicated to the headline...including the first, the fifth, and the last nine. And only five paragraphs from the end does the author acknowledge "Iraqi authorities suggested someone had planted lies against him in a bid to stir up "sectarian sedition." " So by my pea brained analysis, I have come to the conclusion that this was an honest mistake by the US. Why does it take till five paragraphs from the end to get this point out?

A couple of other things here. First this "US Mistake" headline string is a great example of biased reporting. Did any one see front page "Newsweek Mistake"? Not me. My take is that the press takes EVERY opportunity to bash Bush, via the country, as an attack on his policies, and in the meantime, this slamming lands on the troops...regardless of how many times the press says it is not intentional...it in fact does.

It is very helpful. By overblowing the Newsweek Koran allegations, and then finally reading the Pentagon report that acknowledged five mis-handlings, the press was able to get tons of anti-American exposure out to the world. Oh, I did catch, buried in paragraph 29, that the Muslim detainees had committed three times as many Koran abuses as did US military personnel. I guess that doesn't count for much when it comes to headline space, but vindicating Newsweek with five, acknowledged examples does. Oh, and it had the desired effect....the American press was able to push the hot button of the Islamafacistterrorists for a second time, and spark dozens more anti-American protests. Nice work.

Secondly, who is "U.S." when "U.S. Arrests Sunni Leader"? "U.S." means our military, and the "military" means our troops in the field. So what the Oregonian meant to say was "U.S. Troops Screw Up, Arrest Sunni Leader, Bush Policies and Actions Suck." Look this constant finding of fault IS slamming our troops. you cannot separate our "Troops" from "U.S." when they are the ones physically doing the work in the field. Yes they are responsible for their actions, but no need to keep slamming them as they have operated remarkably well under arduous conditions. No more..."We support the troops" from the press, at the very time they are going out of their way to throw gas on every single match. The results will never be perfect, but the effort has been superb, and it deserves much more respect than it is currently getting from the press.

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Pepsi's Reply. My Reply to Their Reply.

My reply to Pepsi's reply...I feel their's is more of a re-statement, rather than any kind of move towards sincerity...other input welcome.

Mr ____,

I greatly appreciate the fact that you took the time to reply to my email.

I, however still find it somewhat unbelievable that in the time spent in preparation of the speech, and the four days after the speech, that she was not able to comprehend the impact that her words would have. It was only after the furor over her remarks began, that she began her attempts at an apology. Mr. ___, we all know the meaning of the waving of a middle finger, and her multiple humorous references to her example underpin her intent. So, consequently the words "inadvertent" and "unintentional" ring a bit hollow. It is this failure to acknowledge the obvious intent that continues to be a sticking point with me. Gaining my trust and confidence would start with acknowledging the plain truth. I do feel she is sorry, but more for the impact on her and PepsiCo.

Mr. ___, I am sure you have long since rolled your eyes and ceased reading, but hunkering down, and riding this one out isn't a strategy that will bring me back to Pepsi products any time soon. I am sure that Pepsi is counting on the poor short term memories most Americans seem cursed with, but I won't be among that crowd. I have avoided purchasing about $50 in Pepsi products to date, and purposely chose a competitor's product at lunch today. This will likely continue until my memory also fades and I am dying for a Mountain Dew, so the financial impact to Pepsi will likely be negligible, but I will continue to have a negative image of Pepsi because of its handling of this matter.

Sorry, but the PR style apology still lacks traction with me...I am sure it has been sufficient for others.

Thanks again for your time.

Major Michael E. ________USMC (Ret.)

Pepsi's reply to my original email...I authenticate it...but I have removed the names...

Dear Mr. ______,
Thank you for your email to PepsiCo's Chairman & CEO, Steve Reinemund. Steve shared your email with me and asked me to respond on his behalf.

Ms. Nooyi is very sorry that her recent remarks at Columbia University's Business School offended you and others. She realized too late that her words and examples about America depicted our country negatively and hurt people.

We can assure you that Ms. Nooyi has taken to heart the the honest comments that have been shared with her since then, including your thoughts, and she is deeply sorry. This has been a painful and unfortunate experience, which she profoundly regrets. Based on the feedback that people found her remarks to be inappropriate and unpatriotic, Ms. Nooyi issued a public apology which has been posted on PepsiCo's website (
www.pepsico.com) and shared openly with our consumers and shareholders. For what it is worth, we can also attest that Ms. Nooyi really does love America unshakably - without hesitation - and is extremely grateful for the opportunities and support our great nation has always provided her.

Again, thank you for taking the time to write to us. Your point of view is valued, and we understand your feelings. We regret that you feel Ms. Nooyi's apology for her mistake was insufficient, and we'll share your sentiments with her. We are also deeply sorry that we are unable to regain your trust and confidence , but will hold out hope that our future actions might redeem us in your eyes.
Mr. _______
PepsiCo Corporate Communications

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

PepsiCo Purchasing Slowdown Update

So far, by my adept use of my abacus, I have calculated that I have avoided buying over $42 of PepsiCo products. I did stray, as only PepsiCo products were available to wash down my popcorn as Darth Vader turned to the Dark Side. But, I am resolute in my efforts to continue to modestly dent the profit margins of Pepsi until my letter is answered, and Ms. Nooyi is able to secure other employment.

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