It has been a great year folks!
Now it's 2015 and let us all hope for another good year ahead! =)
Happy New Year!
My life is an open-book.
It has been a great year folks!
Now it's 2015 and let us all hope for another good year ahead! =)
Happy New Year!
Hello Fellas!
Few more days to go before the year ends and it's not fair to bid goodbye to 2014 without any holiday greetings to everyone =)
Merry Christmas and a blissful New Year to all! I wish us good health, peace of mind and good life ahead.
Keep Calm and Rejoice the New Year!
As promised, I'm gonna share a piece of my life story as a customer service associate a.k.a waitress/cashier.
Yes. I was a waitress and I am proud that I was once a waitress :) Not everyone can actually do the job. I must tell you, it wasn't an easy one. Ten months almost of being a waitress was way beyond my expectation. At first, I thought I would only last for 3 months or less but alas! It lasted for 9 months over and it's unbelievable. It really was. ^_^ But anyway, I'd like to share to you a few details about my former workplace.
It's a French-Mediterranean cuisine. It's a fancy restaurant for a small city like ours. To be honest, I didn't even know it existed for more than 4 years already. Funny no? If it wasn't for a friend who really persuaded me to apply, maybe, just maybe, up until now I'd be clueless about it. Tsk! It's embarrassing. I was an HRM graduate yet I was not aware of its existence.
I should have known. Ugh. blah blah blah..
Moving on..
I started my first day feeling a little rattled. I came in just in time, everyone was so busy doing their routines and blah blah blah and then that's it. I was told to have a straight sched (11-8) but ended but broken (11-2, 6-11)..ugh! Guess what I did for my 4 hours break? I went to the mall and stayed there then went back for my next shift and felt a little comfortable when I noticed a very familiar face in the counter area. Oh. a facebook friend, someone from my school! thank God! atleast, I have someone I know that I can talk to, I mean, we're not really friends but atleast, someone I'm sure I could get along with.
Later that day my lady boss called me in just to tell me that I should wear make up/s (I actually had my make up on at that moment) and then I said, I am wearing it already and then she looked at me and said, then have it retouch! And I was like (in my mind but uttered it anyway), do I have to take a break to retouch or I can do the retouch tomorrow? and she was really really shocked and said "Now". lol. Guess I blew it off on my first day, eh?
Moving on..
See me in my training period..
So, here's how I would start my serious come back, I mean, the real thing, not this kind of writing, the usual one (not that this isn't my usual or whatever). I'm gonna go a through a throwback series. From my first (and following day) at work til' my last day. What I've been up to last Christmas and New Year, this year's valentines and holy week. Where I have been after the resignation and what's keeping me busy now. Oh la la! I have a long list, mind you!And of course, I'm gonna flood you with photos. :D It won't be me blogging with no photos, aye? :)
First thing first, I need to gather my photos-edit and put them up on collage so it won't be too annoying to see :P Problem is, I can't find it yet. I know I stored it somewhere. I swear, I will find it tonight :) So, that's all for now. Gotta go bloghopping first before keeping up myself busy for the next post.
Later :)
It occurred to me once that this would happen, then it happened and it breaks me apart. I spent my savings and partly someone else's money for this. I can not be regretful. I have to look at the bright side of this situation. But anyway, the fact that I'm still enjoying being jobless aids the frustration I'm currently feeling. Hay, thank you blogger/s for filling me in.
Since I'm still confused on what topic to write, why not help me instead? Do you think "featuring" certain people could be of help? I mean, do you think it's an interesting topic or do I just have to continue the part where I left of? Remember my challenge? I still have plenty of those. Or maybe I should do both alternately, aye? What do you think. Oh! Men!
Anyway, what's up everyone? I'm so sorry for the long absence, I've been too caught up with my job that I can no longer find time to blog. Hooray for being jobless! ^_^ I missed a lot, I know, I am well aware of that now. I lost track of what's in and out in blogsphere. What a shame! But I am back for good, I swear I'll keep up :)
As of now I'm quite busy feeding up myself with tv series and movies-lots of it. HAHA! Anyone? Did you watch the most shocking, cliffhanger season finale of Game of Thrones? Omg. It was a disaster. It really was. Lots of characters has been removed in the series, though I've heard that one I guess is coming back-in a flash, with vengeance. Hay. I'm so excited for its come back, till then, I'll just try to enjoy myself with other films. Any recommendation? Anyone? :0
Oops, gotta go now..(",)
Till next time fellas! ^_^
I don't see why I titled it the back up plan. LOL
..will go rambling in a few days :D
When I was still a bum, I used to spend an hour or two thinking of something useful or more appropriate things to write/share, but now, I only got a few minutes to gather my thoughts and blog nonsense, (ahuh! like I don't blog nonsense before)-LOL. I mean really, I would usually spend my time thinking and thinking and now? it's sleeping and sleeping..but anyway, here we go..
I said in my previous post that I'm about to resign, right? but things changed, I'm still resigning though, it's just that, it might take a week or so..I don't know..
Anyway, hay..
I've been longing to share this photo when we had our Octoberfest..cutest outfit I ever wear in my entire life :p
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just me and the background, lol. |
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with Gale |
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Mac, Mai, Gale and Kurt |
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Oh, and uh..My boyfriend-Mac :) |
What's up everyone?
Don't worry, this won't take long :)
I know, I know. It's been like..what? forever?
I don't know what to blog about actually, I really just wanted to greet everyone in blogsphere a Merry Merry Merry Christmas :)
Obviously, my work has taken over all my leisure time and deprived me from my guilty pleasures in life.
So, whatever. I hope to blog more these days..there are so many things that I can't wait to share :)
that's all.
Another break from work..yay!
Gosh. If you only knew how much I miss blogging..
If only I have so much time off work, I'd probably blog everything out..
Well, about my boyfriend?
He's the nicest thing on earth that ever happened to me and the best thing I never asked for. that's all for now. hehe!
As for today, I have so much things to do.
I'll be meeting up my cousin to meet this sewer to fit us for my brother's wedding in 2months time. yey. I'm so excited and worried at the same time :)
Anyway, I'm wishing everyone a happy day today and the rest of the day :)
-bloghopping now-