Thursday, April 26, 2012

Longish Update

Could I suck more at blogging this month? I don't think so. There has been an epic f*ckton going in a bulleted post..

  • Due to petty, highschool gossip, I was fired from my job last Tuesday. Yep. Fired over gossip. I have a coworker that was found HIGH w/a bag of weed at work and she kept her job. I was fired becuase my boss was mad at me. Petty.
  • I was re-hired that same day because the person who made up this sh*t about me didn't realize that I had kept all of the incriminating text messages that she had sent me about stealing money from the company & purposely making problems.
  • Guess what? This same person got to KEEP her job. Again, I was fired over gossip, she was CAUGHT stealing money & kept her job. Mhhhmm.
  • After speaking w/the doctors, they agree that this was a situation that was taken WAY to far. Seriously. Gossip. A story was made up and I was fired over it. My boss feels like she is the victim & a martyr..positions she plays very often. As I told both doctors, my husband wants me to quit because the other person got to keep her job & she is just plain poision. As evidence kept coming out, it was shown that she was actually the problem, not me. Again, her job was never even threatened. Can you tell that I'm pissed about this?
  • Both the doctors said that I am doing an amazing job & that they need me & that K (my boss) needs me & they can't afford to get rid of me. Agree.
  • About 3 weeks ago, I told K that Dr. B (the one who had a baby last September & who I told her I was having PG dreams about her) was PG again. She asked how I knew and I told her it was just a feeling, plus I had seen her wearing a looser shirt (usually her stuff is SKIN TIGHT). Turns out she's between 4-6wks pg. I told her I guessed her EDD at 12-15 or 12-27. She'll find out next week. I'm a psychic.
  • I've ovulated on my own the last 2 months, and both months we've missed the window. UGH. Seriously. We're starting Clo.mid again next month w/the Ovi.drel trigger. Because obviously we need to be told when to have se.x. I'm SO ready to be pregnant again. SO ready, I can't even explain it.
  • Everytime I bring up doing another medicated cycle, DH gets super defensive and almost shuts down. I have no idea what the problem is. We've discussed, he says he's on board until it comes down to doing it. Like he just stopped by home to have some dinner, we were talking about it, and he just hurts me. He gets defensive & shuts me off. IDK what else to do. I think that's why we've missed our last 2 times. I'm just so done fighting about it. If he wants to be a one child family, then he needs to speak up.
  • The baby is still not sleeping through the night. She is having night terrors every single night & it's something I'll definitely have to bring up next Monday at her 15mo appointment. She's also boycotting naps, which she stilll needs, but I think she's afraid to go to sleep because of the aforementioned night terrors. It's also making our bedtime routine big fun. Ugh. Poor baby.
  • Okay, RHOA "Don't Be Tardy for the Wedding" is about to come on & I love Kim Zolciak, so yes I will be watching it. Love to you all!!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

I'm Really Here

Sorry for the lack of posting. I've been a bad blogger. I just don't do it as often as I need to. It really is therapeutic..Anyway, I'm still here, I'm still reading...and if you could, please go over to Birdie and give her a hearty congratulations..She has had her first & second beta's and the numbers are leaving towards twins. She is the one who referred me to Dr. J and they experienced a few failures w/surrogacy..and now she herself is expecting their baby!! I'm so excited for them!!

We are currently on vacation in Gulf Shores, our favorite place. This year marks the 20th year that my family has been coming here. It is so, so fantastic to watch the girls making new memories here. For some reason, this time around, Lulu is scared of any & all water. When we were here last September, she loved the ocean & the pool. IDK what the difference is. I know the ocean is cool, but it's not freezing & we've only taken her in the indoor pool, which is like bath water. And of course, I'm holding her the whole time. But she LOVES the sand, and tries to eat as much as she can get in her mouth before we get to her. Hopefully when we come back in the summer, she'll like the water again. I think the problem might be that she still isn't walking & therefore doesn't feel as "in control" as she would like. Who knows. Otherwise, things have been great!! Well, minus her tatrums (which are actually pretty funny, we have to really force ourselves not to laugh) and she has starting BITING. UGH. I have no idea how to fix this since she is only 14mos old. But she bites so HARD. She breaks the skin 9 times out of 10. Any suggestions? We're lucky that she's not in a daycare situation, I think we'd have a real issue on our hands. And usually, she bites when I'm trying to get dirt/dog food/seashells/sand/etc out of her mouth & it takes E opening her mouth to get my finger free. She knows what she is doing & I think she knows it hurts. UGH. Silly baby.

We are headed home on Saturday, and I don't want to go..but I don't know anyone that wants to go home after vacation. We will live here some day. I want to raise my babies by the beach. And, I tend to work out (read walk) a lot more. I love walking along the shore & it's good for my lungs & my legs. I just love it here.

I think when we get home, I'm going to start putting out feelers for a new job. There has apparently been a TON of drama at work this week, and some of it is petty stuff, but some of it can cause HUGE issues & I don't want to be involved. Work has been very drama filled lately & I just don't have time for it. I'm not in high school anymore & I don't really want to work w/people who are into drama. It's just getting ridiculous. So we'll see how it goes. It's just going to be hard to find a place that will let me work only part-time and take off vacations. I just want to go work & have it be a happy environment. I know that's probably dreaming, but it didn't used to be this bad.

Also, I know I've said this before, but I'm REALLY ready to be pregnant again. E & I were already talking about what I could & couldn't do this summer when I'd be 20wks pregnant or so...Like I couldn't ride the waves or get into the strong surf (or carry in the luggage since I'd probably have a 10lb weight limit again) and how fun it would be to have our 3 kids w/us (Maci, Lulu & baby in the belly). I just hope we can get it done this month..although I really like having monitored medicated cycles..DH does not. My natural cycles just seem to be SO long, have late ovulation, and then 35+ day cycles..Which this one almost was anyway, but I know for sure we had a good egg, we just weren't able to connect thanks to DH's insane work schedule. Also, is it just me, or has there been a rash of "surprise" or "oops" pregnancies on FB?! Does it make anyone else crazy? Or pregnant "friends" complaining about being pregnant? I just want to smack them & remind them how lucky they are.

Okay, off to edit pictures. Picture post to be coming soon =)