This weekend was pretty un-eventful. E came home Friday (I'm telling you, seeing him never gets old) and we went out for dinner (after we got in an argument spurned by my unruly hormones) and came home and crashed in bed. Then yesterday I had to work (sucked) and we had lunch and a nap (lively, we are) and then last night we watched Ghostbusters (which E had never seen, how was he a child of the 80's?!) and he slept while I was up and down all night. I've heard that part of the reason that some PG women have insomnia is because they are hungry. So last night, around 3am, I got a chocolate muffin (I know, ugh) and IDK if baby girl could tell I had something, but she started squirming like crazy. It was the weirdest feeling, and she calmed down after I ate, so I guess that must've had something to do w/it. But what is keeping me up the most is the congestion & inability to breathe properly. I just toss and turn all night. And last night, I had some pretty severe round ligament pains, which still scare me. I think my u/s will really give me some of the reassurance I need. Today, we went to church, and then had lunch w/the pastor and his wife. They are our age, and are expecting their first baby in April. It was pretty awesome to talk to him, to see he is a real guy and that he has the same concerns as "the rest of us" and they were funny, and not stuffy. His sermons are fantastic and I really like him. It's just weird that he is so young, and is our pastor. We went to my mom & dad's, where E proceeded to sleep, and mom & I worked on shower stuff, while my dad watched the game in the "man cave." Not very eventful, but fun. I like spending time w/my parents & Allie LOVES running in their huge yard. She is all kinds of worn out. Yay!!
So it finally got cold here, and I've only had the furnace on twice, because, since becoming PG, I have been so HOT!! Has anyone else experienced this? I am the girl that, in the winter, absolutely cannot be warm enough. I need the furnace on as soon as it gets cold. This year? I just turn on the space heater and heat up the living room/kitchen area, and thats enough for me. But I was freezing E out, so I had to turn it on the last two nights, and oh goodness, I was so hot, and it was only set at 67. Goodness. This winter should be cheap on the ol heating bill =)
Okay, here are some pics from this weekend. Allie had a playdate w/Brooklyn, Bailey, & Coco. It was fantastic fun. Oh, and we dressed up at work Saturday. I just look huge, and my co-workers look cute. Oh well, I had an excuse this year.
I was a hippie, don't mind the mess in our house. Jeez, I look BIG. Yikes. Avert your eyes.
Here's Tea (as Dr. Death) and Josh (as the Devil).
Here are the 4 cutest doggies..Bailey (black), Coco, Brooklyn and you can just see Allie's nub.
And this is Miss Allison, after a long, hard day =)