Sunday, November 30, 2008

Guess What It's Doing?!

MySpace glitter graphic:

MySpace glitter graphic:

SNOWING!!! Yay!! Im so excited. I just woke up about 20 minutes ago and it is REALLY coming down. The weather forecasters here are always so off the mark! They said "some snow, starting late Sunday night." Hrm. There is probably already at least 2 inches on the ground and it isn't that wimpy little snow, this is like humongous snowflakes that will be great for building a snowman if it should decide to stay around. But of course, it snows like this the first week I don't work at preschool anymore, so there is NO chance of a snow day. Wah!! But oh well. I just really love it! And I've fallen behind on my commenting, so if you left me one and I haven't stopped by, Im not a snob, I just was extremely busy yesterday, so I will be by sometime today!!

PS: Moo's pictures turned out BEAUTIFULLY! I will post on here when I get them back )12-10)

Saturday, November 29, 2008

With a quickness

So, we are trying to get Moo's pictures taken today and dumb me thinks, oh we don't need an appointment..HaHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. Sure we do, and we can't get one til next Saturday at the place I want to go with her..So we are headed to the white trash studio at Walmart. We'll see how it goes. Thats going to be part of Tammy & Rod's Christmas from us. Hopefully they let her change outfits and what not.

So we went shopping yesterday, the first time I've done black Friday shopping in probably 10 years, the last time I did it, it was in Boonville w/my grandparents, who have both passed away. So anyway, there were some GOOD deals. I got a lot of stuff for our house/Christmas tree since we don't have any as of yet, got presents for Moo, mom, dad, Big E, grandma and Lindsey. I still need to get a few other things, but we may be going shopping later today as well. It was really nice to spend time with my mom. It seems like now, that Im moved out and married, spending time with my mom seems to mean more. I don't know. Maybe I just took her for granted before.

Okay..thats all, oh and I don't know how to make/download a layout for my blog (if anyone does, please tell me!!) so I just changed the colors over to Christmasy. Yay!

Thursday, November 27, 2008


Myspace Comments, Thanksgiving Comments at

Psalm 136:1-3
"Give thanks to the Lord for he is good, His love endures forever.
Give thanks to the God of gods, His love endures forever.
Give thanks the the Lord of lords, His love endures forever."

Have a safe and wonderful Thanksgiving holiday. Im cooking my first Thanksgiving dinner ever, so wish me luck (and no I didn't get started this late, I cooked almost everything last night. I just have to do the rolls and finish the turkey!)

Dinner was a COMPLETE success..The food was wonderful (or so everyone says, I say it was darn good) and everyone is sufficiently stuffed. Our garbage disposal decided to take the holiday off and we think we might need a new one, awesome. But the real reason I wanted to add an addition is because I have these two strong baby/PG related feelings (of course, neither is about me.) But 1) I think my aunt, who is PG, and is having a girl, is going to name her Hannah, I don't know, but I've had the feeling since we found out it's a girl. 2) I think, by Christmas, my cousin Megan and her hub Tim, who got married in May, will announce they are PG, and I will commence the utter fakery of being "so happy (squeal)" and then be jealous for the next 9 months or so. So there we are.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

I love you

May I just say that i LOVE all the comments I received on my last post?! Yay for ICLW. Im going to participate every month from now on...Seriously..I'll try not to procrastinate :)

So today was my last day at preschool. It was bittersweet. I want to stay because I love *most* of the children and every staff member except the previously mentioned one, but at the same time, I need to use my degree and Im getting a huge pay raise. And I got off early so I could come home and get ready for Thanksgiving dinner tomorrow and you see what Im thats going well.

So let me tell you what happened today, and you tell me if it's possibly PG symptoms (I don't ever hope, so Im pessimistic)..Last night I had a massive migraine, like I haven't had in lasted all night, and this morning I woke up and was nauseated, dizzy, lightheaded, it was bad. It got a little bit better after I took my migraine medication, but around noon, it all came back and slammed into me like a freight train. It was so bad I thought I was gonna have to go to the hospital. The only thing I could do was lay flat on my back, thats the only way the room would stop spinning. So I figured maybe it was because I hadn't eaten all day, but it only abated a little bit after I had lunch (which I couldn't finish all of, and it was Steak & Shake, my fave, so that is really unusual) anyway, the dizziness is gone, but the only thing keeping the nausea at bay is wintergreen mints, the big kind from CVS (somewhere I heard wintergreen/spearmint can calm stomachs, I don't know where). So while at CVS, I bought a HPT..and it was negative, but I don't expect my period until the 11th or so of December. So it'd be too early for a positive correct? As previously mentioned, I never get my hopes up, so don't be afraid to dash them if this doesn't sound like PG symptoms at all. The last time I was pregnant, I threw up one time, and never had nausea again, but I had a bloodhounds sense of smell. It was awful. So there you go. Advise me please.

Okay, I really need to go. I must leave comments and then clean the whole damn house (because my husband thought it was more important to go look at dogs at the humane society then help out last night, but Im not bitter) and then start cooking. Yay. If Im not on tomorrow, have a great Thanksgiving and thank you so much for making me feel loved!!

Monday, November 24, 2008

Slow Day

Today is a slow day..I don't have very much going on. I know I'll say that and then write a post to rival War & Peace. We'll see. So here's what today was like...I had to work at PS 1250 from 6-11:30 and then off to extern I go. So at work today, one of the other teachers who I have had problems with since the first day she came (and if you read back on my posts, you'll see Im not kidding), got on my case again. We have problems because she is an asshat and Im not. Well, really, she is a know-it-all and I can't STAND that personality trait. She came in, not ever having worked with children from low to lower middle class families. Her husband makes all the money and spoils her etc. You get the picture. So she didn't know shit about the families at our preschool. Anyway, I digress. She is taking over my class after I leave (which makes the parents of my kids, not very happy, it's good to be loved) and today I was cleaning out/off my desk because I don't want to hang around after work Wednesday, cause it'll make me sad and I need to get all the food started for Thursday. So, she comes in late because she had some appointment or some other excuse, and came down and was in my room and said "I need something to do." Mind you, she has her OWN class right now and should be with them. So I gave her a job and she said "Im glad to see you cleaned MY desk off." Look bitch, I'll take the damn desk with me before it becomes YOURS. She also, was like "where are my kids?" I was like, in your CLASSROOM. This is my room/desk/kids etc. until Wednesday night, so BACK OFF!! I will not miss her at all. AT ALL.

So my extern is officially over. I finished 177 hours last week which means....I start getting paid!! YAY!!!! So they paid me today, and are paying me tomorrow, & Saturday and I start FT on Monday!! Hooray!! Im super excited. I got to do back-office work today, which made me so happy, not to mention I really enjoy the people I work with and getting a $4 pay increase isn't so bad either. Im super pumped!!

And on the TTC front...Im expecting a period on the 11th of December, if my cycle maintains it's 27-33 day cycle. I don't feel any kind of pregnant. Only more tired then usual and maybe a little nauseaus, but not everyday. I don't ever get my hopes We've just been trying..a LOT. :) TMI and I don't care.

Thats all for now. Im really tired and may go to bed. Yes I realize it's 9:00pm, do you realize I've been up since 4:45 am? Thats one thing I will NOT miss.

Sunday, November 23, 2008


I know, 2 posts, 1 day, is this the apocalypse? I thought I'd introduce myself to everyone/anyone coming to visit from ICLW..So here I am in bullet formation.

  • Name: Mrs.Joyner
  • Age: 26
  • Home: Indiana
  • Marital Status: Married on 10-04-08
  • Occupation: CMA
  • Husband: Big E,
  • TTC: Since the evening of 10-04-08 (maybe TMI, but there it is)
  • Im a miscarriage survivor, I got pregnant in October of 2002, I was 19 and in college and it wasn't the best time, but I was excited. I lost the baby almost 12 weeks later, and I was devastated. I may not have KNOWN it was a girl, but I feel in my heart that it was. I don't know if this is weird, but I named her and everything.
  • I've always had weird periods. I went on BC when I was 15 (over 10 years ago) because I had very heavy, painful periods and the BC solved those problems. What I didn't realize that it can make going off the patch really hard. I went off the patch in Nov. 2007, because my then fiance' and I had decided we wanted to have kids as soon as we could after we got married. I had a regular period in Nov/Dec/Jan then no period again until May, and then regular ones in May/Jun/July and then not another one until my honeymoon (lucky me) in October. I think I had a regular one in Nov. (it was different then the others thought).
  • I've used O-tests and they never came back positive, there were 2 lines, but they weren't "darker then the test line" so who knows.
  • Im deathly afraid that I won't be able to get pregnant on my own (or our own as it is). My husband, of course, thinks nothing is wrong and Im just worried that im anovulatory, or just that something else is wrong.
  • I know we've only been trying for almost 2 months, I think I just worry to much and I feel like I can relate to women in the IF community.
  • My husband and I have our niece Moo-Moo almost every other weekend and usually once during the week. She is our "rent-a-daughter" and we spoil her rotten.
  • I love frogs, the color purple, italian food, and cows. Oh, and babies of course
  • Thats me in a nutshell. Welcome to my blog!!

Such a fake

So I was sitting here thinking about what I wanted to post today..And the thought came to me while I was reading other IF blogs...because my life is full of mundane shit, but there is just one thing that keeps repeating in my head..Im a FAKE!!! Seriously, I think I am. We've only been TTC for almost 2 months..and Im sad that Im not pregnant, and Im jealous of other people that are..and I worry that this is how it's gonna be. Me not being pregnant and being ugly green w/jealousy of other people that are. There are people that have been trying for YEARS and are still struggling to get their baby. I feel so ridiculous when I read these blogs because I do feel like I can relate and at the same time, I totally cannot. I know what it's like to want a baby so bad it hurts, and I know what it's like to have a miscarriage, but I don't know what it's like to suffer for 1,2 or more years. And what brought this all on? ICLW. Im leaving comments and I don't want the bloggers to come back to my blog and think, wow, she has no idea what I am going through. Should I continue leaving comments? I want other women to know they are supported, even if it's just through a comment I am leaving. And I love to receive comments myself, knowing how awesome it feels to know that maybe, just ONE other person feels the same way I do. But I don't want to come off as being this IF know-it-all, because Im not. I may know a lot about it, but thats only because Im in the medical profession and I read medical stuff all the time, but I don't know the emotional parts. I know how I long to be pregnant and how I worry about having another miscarriage. But thats all I know. I just want anyone who is reading my blog, who has come back from a comment I left to know..I don't know. That you are supported, and loved, and thought about, and that if Im ever in the IF boat, that I have the same support from the same bunch of awesome women.

Saturday, November 22, 2008


So I just found out that a very dear friend of mine has been diagnosed with breast cancer. She is young, 41 I believe. KG made all the flower girl and junior bridesmaid dresses for my wedding and she has pretty much been like a sister to me ever since 2005 when I had her girls in my preschool class. Im pretty much terrified, even though she is putting up a good front. She's known for over a month and I just found out on my birthday. She said she knew at E & I's wedding, but didn't want to say anything (which I wish she would've have) and then didn't mention anything because we were newly married, and bought a new house, etc. I was like, KG, you totally should have told me sooner!! So she had a lumpectomy done about 3 weeks ago and started radiation yesterday. They're hoping that radiation 5 days week for 6 weeks get rid of everything and that they don't have to resort to chemotherapy. They said they got all of it during the lumpectomy, that it was "only" stage 1 and it had not matastisized. What they didn't count on is that during her blood tests they found cells called HER-2. Which is basically part of DNA creates cells that as soon as they come into contact with a cancer cell, they proliferate all over the body, so basically, having the HER-2 cells can be pretty deadly, as she explained it to me. She said she guess getting cancer was good since she never would have known about the HER-2. So she on top of radiation she must take this new drug, that combats the HER-2 for one year. The biggest side effect besides N&V and loss of appetite, is congestive heart failure and cardiomegaly (or enlargement of the heart). So she has to have radioactive idodine scans weekly for a year to make sure nothing is wrong w/her heart. If something is, they have to stop the HER-2 treatments, let her heart heal, and start all over. When I talked to her, she sounded okay, happy because she doesn't have to chemo, pissy becuase, well, she has CANCER. I'd be freaking out. I think maybe she is in a little bit of shock? Or she is holding it together on the inside because 1) her husband is probably loosing his shit (he's like that) and 2) her 2 little girls would be scared, and she is the best momma I know (besides my own) and she would never want them to be worried. So they asked that I come over tonight, they are having a little get together and told me to bring Big E and asked that we watch the girls while they celebrate DG's sisters b-day. I said of course, and can I say, I feel bad if they pay me? All of this treatment, new drugs, surgery has to be costing them a pretty penny. And I know they have great health insurance and aren't hurting for money, but still. So she wants me to come over early, b/f everyone gets there so we can talk. Can I say Im nervous? I don't want to say the wrong thing, but I want her to know Im sympathetic. But I tend to talk in medical mumbo-jumbo when I get nervous. Anyway, please keep her and the family in your prayers. Any comments you send to me will be sent her way.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Ugh today

Im pretty sure I have the flu..Hopefully from the 24 family and not the 5-7 day family. We've had quite a few kids with the stomach flu at preschool and 3 teachers in the last week or so with the 24 hour variety and I was hoping it would pass me up. I felt hot and cold all night, but that happens to me a lot, just not to this degree. So when I woke up this morning and the room was spinning and I wasn't sure if I would make it to the bathroom, I knew something was wrong. I didn't actually get sick, but moving was tough...and I was BURNING up. And at the same time, I was SO cold, and defn. my temperature was 101. So I called and had Tam open for me, which is really good cause at first I couldn't get a hold of her (who likes to be woken up at 5am?) and I was like, shit, if I go in, Im staying since the drive is so far now, but she called me back and said she could open for me. Yay for Tammy. So I just got out of bed, still feeling dizzy, and hot and cold, and it sucks. Can I also mention that last Thursday night I somehow managed to tear the trapezius muscle in my back and that just adds to the fun times of being sick. Im also missing school picture day which makes me sad because the kids always look so cute..But I'd rather stay in bed. Enough of that.

So I joined in for IComLeavWe for November and Im kind of pumped about it. I may have to do my posting on Thursday (Thanksgiving) early in the AM because..Drum roll please..I, not being in my right mind, offered to have Thanksgiving lunch/dinner at our new house. Umm, why didn't anyone talk me out of this? Im yet to even buy the turkey. But I pretty much have my menu figured out and some of the stuff I can make beforehand. But Im SUPER nervous about the turkey and cooking it long enough. People leaving with food posioning after my first Thanksgiving dinner is not what I want them to remember. Anyway, Im excited about getting new comments and new readers and to find new blogs to follow.

On the TTC front..nuthin. Seriously, I haven't done any O-tests for a couple weeks because I was so discontent with them. I feel like my body is broken, and I know, I shouldn't be complaining because we've only been trying for a couple of months, but I wanted to surprise everyone with a Christmas baby annoucement. I don't see that happening. Of course, my husband thinks that Im home sick today because Im pregnant, which he thinks any weird quirk=pregnancy. Im like, um, a positive pregnancy test=pregnancy. Not to mention in order to have a baby you have to be having sex, and we have both just been bushed when we get home. We haven't done that since Saturday, but it was 4x this weekend. So that should hold us over. Oh, and once on Monday. Anyway, TMI as always.

Okay, back to bed I go.

PS: I am soooo pissed!! I just deleted all my blinkies and all that stuff trying to delete my birthday countdown thing. UGHH.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


Today I start my 26th year of life..and basically..Im pretty much where I saw myself at age 16. I remember it clear as day..Thanksgiving the year I turned 16. My uncle asked me when I saw myself getting married, having a career and starting a family. I said "between 25 and 26." I told him I wanted to finish school before I did anything else. I remember that he told me that was a really good idea. Fast forward ten years. Now Im married, we're trying to start a family and I graduate next month. I never thought God would bring my original thought to complete fruition. It's pretty amazing when you think about it .

Today I felt celebrated, and thats a feeling one doesnt get much. My moo got me gifts as well as my dear husband E, Mrs. Shirley, K&J, and my mom and dad. We just got back from dinner at Maggiano's, which was PHENOMENAL!! It was just a really good day and I feel blessed to be starting my 26th year this well!!

Monday, November 17, 2008

Well, so Im dumb

I guess Im the dumb one, cause my counter was right. Technically, my birthday is in about 12 hours...12am on the 18th, so there we go. Okay, did I actually just have 2 posts about my counter?! Yikes.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

My counter is a re-re

Please tell me why that counter for my bday (at the bottom of the page) says my birthday is 1 day 14 hours away? My b-day is 11-18, so wouldn't that be 2 days away? I don't know. I just know Im annoyed.

Friday, November 14, 2008


This may be TMI for some of you....but my husband and I just had FANTASTIC sex!! LOL..We've kind of been on a dry spell because he just started a new job which entails him doing about 10-15 miles of walking a day, outside for most of it, and he is EXHAUSTED!! We've had sex 3x in the last 9 days...and I was so FRUSTRATED. I was like, you WILL bleep me now!!. In our house, our code word is "coloring" (i.e. we use it when Moo is around). Oh my goodness, mindblowing. So TMI for the majority of you, Im sure, I just had to share. Oh, and tell me why my husband thinks mind-blowing sex=pregnant. Im like, umm, no honey, many people have conceived with just mediocre sex, or tired sex, or we have to sex. It's not the sex. Men, awesome brains they have.

Anyway...Today was Cristal's last day, and she had just been pissing everyone off (except me, cause I don't care about her drama) and she didn't come in because we didn't have that many kids and she was really sad. She doesn't want to leave because (in her home life) she is just leaving one bad situation to move into another. My mom kept asking her if she really wanted to leave but her mind was made up. And that made me think about how next week is my last full week at preschool. My last day is Wednesday the 26th. And you know what's funny? I haven't told anyone, and not because it's some big deal, but I think Im kind of in denial. Just delaying the inevitable, I know. But Im going to be so sad PS 1250 has been my home for 3 years. And there have been some shitty times, but the good outweighs the bad by so much. I am by far, the most upset and worried even that I won't be seeing Moo every day. She is my light and I will miss her so much. Thinking about it gets me worked up. I know we'll have her over all the time, but it's not the same. I don't know, I dont want to think about it anymore.

So last night, after the Preschool Thanksgiving Dinner (which was phenomenal, and I of course forgot to charge my camera battery so I of course didn't get any pics) we came home and I was in bed and I reached to turn off the light on the night stand and felt a tearing pain. It hurt so much that I was kind of like curling up and trying to make it go away and E thought I was having a seizure..oops. And it calmed down, but never went away, so I slept sitting up. It was AWFUL this morning, I had numbness in my right hand, pain shooting across my back, couldn't lift my arms or any babies. So I got an urgent doctors appointment and it turns out I tore the trapezius muscle in my back on the right side. Nice. The doc said it could take up to 6mos to fully heal. Fantastic. So he gave me Darvocet & Skelaxin (Im not quite sure what that is, except that it is a muscle relaxer) and told me to keep moist heat on it. It still hurts quite a bit.

Okay, that is all for now, oh no wait. On of my preschool parents, Cristina, is pregnant (again) her youngest turned 1 on Monday and so this baby was a surprise because her oldest is 9. She found out it is her 3rd BOY yesterday!! So congratulations to them. Okay, thats it for real for now.

PS: Just kidding! Thank you for the comments btw. They are really helpful!!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Pregnancy symptoms does not a pregnancy make. I had my kind of period last week. Apparently, it wasn't implantation bleeding it was just a weird period. I've had weird cravings, been exhausted, abnormally thirsty and therefore peeing ALL THE TIME. I thought I was, but I think in my heart, I knew I wasn't. And I KNOW I shouldn't complain, because we've only been trying for not quite 2 months, but STILL. I wanted to get to surprise the would-be grandparents at Christmas and I just feel broken. And Im worried because my periods are so wonky, that we are gonnna have to do IUI or IVF or Clomid or something and I know there are WORSE things, but I would like to just be able to do this on our own. And I know worrying or stressing out isn't going to help things, I just think Im thinking too much about it. So internet, here's a question, I've heard that you ovulate in basically the middle of your cycle, usually on a 28 day cycle, days 7-14? I don't know how many days my cycle is since this last one was 29 or 30 days but the one before that was over 60. I've also heard that the best time to conceive is the week after your period. So what do I do? I've been using those fertility monitors, but I never saw the line get as dark or darker then the test line. I thought I was ovulating and feeling the ovulation pains, but the monitor said no. So I'd like to know when the best time to TTC (besides having sex as often as possible) is. Any and all advice is appreciated.


So last night, there I was reading my book before I go to bed as I usually do. Said book is Stephen Kings latest "Duma Key." Which started out as a VERY good read, not at all scary, just fascinating, then about page 300, it took a startling, but necessary to the story turn. And I kept reading, not realizing how it was freaking me out. I stopped reading about 100 pages later, turned to my husband, who was SOUND asleep, and said, hey, Big E, wake up and hold me because this book freaked me out. He looked at me like I was crazy and started cracking up. "A BOOK freaked you out? Why did you keep reading if it got scary? You are a dummy." Yes sir, I am, now shut up and hold me.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Weekend in list form

This week was pretty good. Nothing to major..So w/o further ado

1. I started what I think was my period on Friday (all by myself) it's the second one in a row. So yay (kind of minus the part about wanting to be pregnant). The reason I say I think is because I had the killer cramps and migraine and 2 days of semi-heavy bleeding (sorry for the TMI) but it's kind of just stopped. And thats how it was in July. Just light bleeding. I don't know, I hope, unfortunately, that this was a regular period because getting on a normal menstrual cycle would be fantastic. The other thing that sucks is that I tried to use those ovulation tests around the time I thought I ovulated, and they never showed me ovulating, so thats special. We'll see next month I guess (And I know this sounds so dumb, but I really wanted to be pregnant by Christmas so we could suprise our families. I shouldn't be so surprise, many people take awhile to get pregnant, Im just disappointed).
2. Moo-Moo came over Saturday. She is so funny. She is just the love of my life (besides E) and we love her like she is our own. Have I mentioned that for her 4th b-day we are all going to Gulf Shores (most likely, me, Big E, and my parents and moo. We'll get a condo place and Tam & Rod have already given us the okay). Have I ever given the background on Moo? Well here is a brief synopsis, mom & dad addicted to cocaine & heroine, Moo born addicted to crack, born 6wks. early all of 4lbs. Spent 6 wks. in the NICU. Mom and dad signed away parental rights to paternal grandparents (Tam & Rod). Dad still lives at home w/Tam & Rod since Rod can't seem to kick him out. Dad is still on drugs, has a HEAVY criminal record (felonies, misdemeanors etc) and "runs away" all the time. Fast forward to May 2007, Mom is found dead at Dad's house (suicide given as the reason for death, foul play? Unknown). Moo is basically an orphan. Mamaw & Papaw (Tam & Rod) are taking care of her and then she comes to preschool and meets me. She and I have an INSTANT bond. Like mom & daughter would. She reminds me of the little girl that I lost and I think I remind her of her momma. So there you have it. My surrogate daughter (or rent-a-daughter as mamaw called her). So yeah, basically, I love her and so does E. He is SO, SO good with her and she has decided that we need to have a baby and she will be the big sister. Lol. Fantastic. Ahh my moo-moo.
3. We are keeping the Camry. Basically, we had to dick around w/the people at Toyota, we get exceptionally bad customer service and are planning to call Toyota direct and the BBB, but we ADORE the car and my parents offered to give us a loan ($2500) that we will begin paying back after the first of the year (just so we can figure out how much we will be making with our new jobs). This is good news for 2 reasons 1) interest free and 2) not on our credit report. Thats all I have to say about that because Butler Toyota makes me sick.
4. We are getting VERY close on many of my friends EDD's. Here's the rundown
--> Melissa & Daniel: EDD Thanksgiving Day or 11/27/08 (as of today, there was nothing going on, but she's definitely dropped)
-->Angel & Asher: EDD 12/04/08 (but she was supposed to find out on the 6th when her c-section is planned for)
--> Mike & Amanda: EDD 01/04/09
--> Janis & Chris: EDD 01/09/09 (I think they had an ultrasound and it's another girl, Im not sure)
Still to come....
-->Manuel & Cristina: EDD 03/15/09 (her ultrasound is tomorrow to find out the sex)
--> Janelle & Jeremy: EDD 03/31/09
And my own opinion
--> Megan & Tim: They will get pregnant sometime in the near future, I expect an annoucement at Christmas time, I don't know why I just have this feeling
--> Whitney & Chuck: Same, they've been married just over a year, and I expect an annoucement from them in the Spring

Hopefully E & I can add to that list. We'll just have to wait and see. Now I came into school to do some work so I better get to it.

THIS JUST IN: Angel will being going in for her c-section on 12/01/08 at 8:30am..So exciting!!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

A yay day

So yesterday was sucky and today was better....

So I DEFN. have health insurance. REAL health insurance. Im so excited. E's work covers me and we have COBRA until his new insurance kicks in..Which means me to two big pieces of new..E and I are both starting new jobs!!! His last day at RAC is tomorrow. He begins working w/Vectren on Monday..a week of training and then off he goes. Vectren is who does meter reading etc for Hamilton County. He will begin as a meter reader, and hopefully work his way up. It is a pay cut of abotu $50 a week, which is quite a bit per month, but he does get paid $500-1000/mo. for the driving that he does. Gas money which we did not have before. Hopefully we will have either figured out what is going on with Toyota by Monday or E will have another newish car, because his truck gets gawdawful gas mileage. Also today, I received my formal job offer for my MA job that I have been externing at!!! Internet, you are the first (besides my husband) to hear this....tentatively the last day at preschool will be Wednesday 11-26-08. I would be making it the 28th, but I have asked for that day off. I will begin working FT as an MA on 12-01-08!! I am so freaking excited. I can't even tell you. Being in the medical field is something that I've wanted to do for SO LONG, it's so great to finalize realize a dream. I will graduate with my associates of applied science next month. I cannot WAIT to be out of IBC. I have learned that not only am I good w/the patient's, but I am also REALLY good at the front office stuff. My boss is planning on making me the person that is in charge of all the insurance verifications and whatnot in that department. My advisor thinks that I should get my bachelors in Healthcare Administration and Im actually thinking of taking her up on it. The only problem is that E & I want to have a baby and I really would like a break from school for the time being. Would it be easier to do nursing if I had this degree? I don't know. Thats the bachelors degree that I really want, but we'll see what time brings. If Im not pregnant by January, I'll prob. just go back to school. I am getting a $4/hr. pay INCREASE, so thank you Lord for that because we need it. Anyway, thats been my day today, much better then yesterday. Hooray!!

Oh, I need to add a PS: So I don't really care who you voted for as long as you are educated on your candidate and are willing to listen to another person's position on why they voted the way they did. There is one woman at work, who I have multiple issues with, who was spouting fucking nonsense about the presidential election. She didnt even VOTE!!! How could you not vote in an election of this importance? And also, if you don't vote, you don't get to bitch. But she has ABSOLUTELY no idea of any of Obama's stance on issues nor McCains. She hates gay people and was raising hell when I told her that I am middle of the road. I believe in gay marriage, I don't believe in partial birth abortions ( I have issues with abortion in general, because I believe it is murder, but as a victim and survivor of rape, Im sorry, but if I had gotten pregnant that way, I would have aborted) and she just went batshit bonkers on me, in front of my students. I had to make her leave my classroom because she was such an asshole!!! Ugh, uneducated people, who just spout nonsense trying to sound smart, aggrevate me to no end.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


So today was a SUPER SUCKY day. With no further ado, in numbered formation...
1. E & I purchased a new (to us) 2005 Toyota Camry 1 week ago. I remember exactly because I was off sick from work and E dragged me to go get a new car. So anyway, we were approved ON THE SPOT, for 0% APR for the first 6 mos and then 0.3% for the duration of the loan and zero money down. Today, they called me and then E to tell us that they need $2500 DOWN or they are taking the car back SATURDAY. The only thing they said even near this was that if we didn't make our monthly payments, they would repo the car. We haven't even made ONE payment. So we've talked to 1 lawyer, and 1 MaCo judge who have both said they would look over our paperwork and let us know what to do. I say we just give the car back and use E's dad's GM discount and get a GM. Which is what I said to do the whole time!!!!!! But of course, what do I know? Anyway, I digress. So right now, it's just principle because, um, we don't have an extra $2500. So who knows.
2. My cell phone started fucking up and it took 30 minutes to figure out what the problem was, which is why I was at work til almost 7pm. Ughh..At least that we got figured out, but still it is a less then 2 week old phone, it shouldn't have these problems.
3. Cristal my co-teacher was out today w/the stomach flu and that sucked because taking care of all those damn babies is hard. I cannot wait to be finished with preschool, seriously. There are a few kids that I just can't stand. I know that might sound bad, but they test my patience every fucking day, and I know thats part of being a teacher, but still.

Okay, thats all my bitching for today. I just want to go upstairs and read Duma Key. Thinking of that, did you hear that Michael Crichton passed away today? Too sad.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Election 08

I am not for Obama, I am not for McCain, but I did vote for the person I feel like I lean the most towards. I feel like I am MOST in tune w/Ms. Clinton, alas, she was not a choice...Should I have done a write in? Obama's tax plan is terrible, but so is McCain's health care plan. And on the other hand, why did we even have an election? According to the talking heads, which are the majority of the left wing media, Obama won as soon as he was named the candidate. I think biased coverage and reporting is wrong and shouldn't be tolerated, even though it is. I will say that I don't think Obama is the best choice, he wants to bring down the middle class and not raise up the lower class. But I also know that McCain's plan aren't very solid either. This is an election that is literally making my stomach turn. Im just ready for it to be over. Seriously.

Sunday, November 2, 2008


Im sorry I've been so lax in posting. Getting married, getting a new house, unpacking etc, is a lot of work. Not to mention working and doing my externship, plus doing all the housework, it's just A LOT. But I am trying to get better. E and I have talked and he is pitching in more, thank God since I was about to have a breakdown. He's had 2 job offers and we are just waiting to see which one is going to pay more. He'll either be in Noblesville or Indy (near our new house) which is SO much better then driving all the way to Anderson twice a day. We bought a new (to us) car on Thursday (an 05 Toyota Camry) it's lovely and he needed it so much, but all the bills=tough finances and I never thought this would happen, but Im the one in charge of the bills and money around here because E can't seem to calculate his spending correctly. We're just busy and unfortunately, as far as I know, not yet pregnant. In fact, I don't think I've even ovulated yet. I thought I did on Tuesday or Wednesday this week, but the OV predictor said no, so I don't know. As soon as our new insurance kicks in (which should be Wednesday) Im headed to a new PCP and from there an OB/GYN. I'll have to explain all of that later. Right now, Im hungry and need sustanance. More later, I PROMISE!!!