Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Walter Brueggemann's Sermon on "Beyond Anguish"

Beyond Anguish from Bruce Prescott on Vimeo.

Walter Brueggemann preaches a sermon entitled "Beyond Anguish" at First Christian Church in Norman, Oklahoma on April 21, 2013.

A Jubilant Rondo

A Jubilant Rondo from Bruce Prescott on Vimeo.

The handbell choir at First Christian Church in Norman, Oklahoma plays C. Dobrinksi's " A Jubilant Rondo" during the worship service on April 21, 2013. The handbell choir is in the balcony behind the camera.

Monday, April 29, 2013

Walter Brueggemann on Psalm 104

Walter Brueggemann's Bible Study on Psalm 104 from Bruce Prescott on Vimeo.

Walter Brueggemann leading a Bible Study on Psalm 104 at First Christian Church in Norman, Oklahoma on Earth Day -- April 21, 2013.

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Walter Brueggemann: Journey to the Common Good, Part Three

Walter Brueggemann: Journey to the Common Good, Part Three from Bruce Prescott on Vimeo.

Walter Brueggemann, world renowned author, leading Old Testament interpreter, and William Marcellus McPheeters Professor of Old Testament Emeritus at Columbia Theological Seminary, speaks about the "Journey to the Common Good" at First Christian Church in Norman, Oklahoma. This is part three recorded on April 20, 2013.

Brueggemann was the guest of the Oklahoma Institute for Biblical Literacy.

Friday, April 26, 2013

Panel Discussion on Walter Brueggemann's Journey to the Common Good

Panel Discussion on Walter Brueggemann's Journey to the Common Good from Bruce Prescott on Vimeo.

Walter Brueggemann, world renowned author, leading Old Testament interpreter, and William Marcellus McPheeters Professor of Old Testament Emeritus at Columbia Theological Seminary, discusses his "Journey to the Common Good" with a pair of distinguished panelists at First Christian Church in Norman, Oklahoma on April 20, 2013.

Panelists are Dr. Alan T. Levenson, Schusterman Professor of Jewish Intellectual and Religious History at the University of Oklahoma and Rev. Dr. Lisa Wolfe, Associate Professor of Religion, Endowed Chair of Hebrew Bible, at Oklahoma City University.

Brueggemann and the panelists were the guest of the Oklahoma Institute for Biblical Literacy.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Walter Brueggemann on Deuteronomy

Walter Brueggemann: Journey to the Common Good, Part Two from Bruce Prescott on Vimeo.

Walter Brueggemann, world renowned author, leading Old Testament interpreter, and William Marcellus McPheeters Professor of Old Testament Emeritus at Columbia Theological Seminary, speaks about the "Journey to the Common Good" at First Christian Church in Norman, Oklahoma. This is part two recorded on April 20, 2013. Brueggemann was the guest of the Oklahoma Institute for Biblical Literacy.

Statement for the OCC Press Conference on Healthcare Expansion

The Oklahoma Conference of Churches will hold a press conference at the State Capitol today to encourage Governor Fallin to accept the federal government's medicaid expansion (Obamacare). Here is what I plan to say during the three minutes that have been allotted to me:

I have been to emergency rooms several times in Oklahoma hospitals. Our emergency rooms are clogged with uninsured people with simple headaches, sore throats, ear aches, tooth aches, low grade fevers, rashes, insect bites, and minor scrapes and burns. Many only need over the counter medicines for a common cold or a prescription for the flu. They would be better treated at a doctor’s office or a dentist’s office, but they are underemployed, uninsured and can’t afford one. The only place they are sure to get medical attention -- even for minor ailments -- is at an emergency room.

Meanwhile, care for people with genuine medical emergencies is delayed and their recovery is prolonged and made more difficult.

If the governor and the legislature would accept healthcare expansion, our emergency rooms would not be clogged with people who would be better treated at a doctor’s office or a dentist’s office.

If the governor and the legislature would accept healthcare expansion, public expense for the care of the uninsured would be much more cost effective.

If the governor and the legislature would accept healthcare expansion, emergency room doctors would be able to spend more time treating people with genuine medical emergencies, recovery times would be shorter and outcomes would be better.

If the governor and the legislature would accept healthcare expansion, Oklahomans who have health insurance would no longer be subsidizing expenses for unnecessary emergency room visits by the uninsured.

Accepting healthcare expansion is not only the right thing to do and the moral thing to do, it is also the most cost efficient way to keep Oklahoman’s healthy. And that is without saying anything about the hundreds of millions of dollars that the federal government will send us to help defray the cost of healthcare expansion.

Mainstream Baptists join the Oklahoma Conference of Churches in encouraging Governor Fallin to accept the federal government’s medicaid expansion. We want Obamacare in Oklahoma.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Walter Brueggemann on the Exodus

Walter Brueggemann: Journey to the Common Good from Bruce Prescott on Vimeo.

Walter Brueggemann, world renowned author, leading Old Testament interpreter, and William Marcellus McPheeters Professor of Old Testament Emeritus at Columbia Theological Seminary, speaks about the "Journey to the Common Good" at First Christian Church in Norman, Oklahoma on April 19, 2013.

Brueggemann was the guest of the Oklahoma Institute for Biblical Literacy.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Monday, April 22, 2013

Statement for the OCJR Rally (Revised)

This is the statement that I made at the Oklahoma Coalition for Reproductive Justice rally at the State Capitol this morning.

At a rally like this last year I spoke about varying religious beliefs concerning when human life begins. For those that are interested in that issue, here is a link.

Today I want to remind us of the dramatic political reversal that has brought us to this moment.

In 1972 Congress passed an Equal Rights Amendment that would have guaranteed that women would have rights equal as men in our society. Twenty-two states passed the Equal Rights Amendment that very year.

In Oklahoma a group of conservative Christian woman did not want to be liberated from their second class status. They organized to stop the ERA and they were successful. The success of those women encouraged conservatives to organize across the country. Ten years later, the Equal Rights Amendment was dead -- three states short of the number needed for ratification.

The defeat of the ERA in Oklahoma was the first successful political effort in the rise of the Religious Right. It encouraged many conservative Christians to get involved in politics and some of them turned their churches into cogs in a vast political machine. That political machine consolidated its base by taking over churches and denominations.

Since the year 2000, but not before, my own denomination, the Southern Baptist Convention, refuses to permit women to serve as pastors in their churches. Since 1998, but not before, my denomination has been telling women that they have to submit to the will of their husbands – even when their husbands tell them to do something that they know is wrong.

Now that vast political machine has taken over our state legislature.

Now that vast political machine is determined to destroy your right to privacy in reproductive health.

Now that vast political machine is legislating that doctors must conduct medical procedures on women that are unnecessary and invasive.

Now that vast political machine is working to destroy public education.

Now that vast political machine is working to destroy the safety net that protects the health and well-being of the poor, the elderly and the disabled in our society.

It is high time for another dramatic political reversal.

If, in 1972, conservative women in Oklahoma could spark a movement away from freedom from want, away from equal rights for women, and away from reproductive health, then, in 2013, the moderate and progressive women in Oklahoma can spark a movement that will prevail in securing those rights for another generation.

This rally is a good beginning, but I want to remind you that your efforts need to extend beyond the State Capitol.

This movement cannot and will not be successful until you go back and occupy your churches -- go back to the churches that many of you have either been sitting-in in silence or have abandoned.

Let the conservative Christian men and women there know that you believe that God is mad as hell at what they are doing and that you have been commissioned to tell them that God is not going to take it anymore.

I hereby commission you to go back to your churches and synagogues and mosques and houses of worship and be uppity women -- tell them that you are not going to put up with it either.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Ethics Daily Posts Geothermal Story

Ethics Daily has posted a story today about the geothermal HVAC system we installed at our house last year. Here's a link.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Questions and Answers with Frank Schaeffer

Questions and Answers with Frank Schaeffer from Bruce Prescott on Vimeo.

Frank Schaeffer, author and son of the late Francis and Edith Schaeffer, responds to questions after speaking on the topic "My Journey Out of the Religious Right and into Mainstream Politics and Progressive Causes."

He spoke at the invitation of the University of Oklahoma's Religious Studies Program on the evening of April 8, 2013.

Tuesday, April 09, 2013

Frank Schaeffer's Journey Out of the Religious Right

Frank Schaeffer: My Journey Out of the Religious Right from Bruce Prescott on Vimeo.

Frank Schaeffer, author and son of the late Francis and Edith Schaeffer, speaks on the topic "My Journey Out of the Religious Right and into Mainstream Politics and Progressive Causes."

He spoke at the invitation of the University of Oklahoma's Religious Studies Program on the evening of April 8, 2013.

Wednesday, April 03, 2013

The Great Easter Vigil at Oklahoma City University

The Great Easter Vigil at Oklahoma City University from Bruce Prescott on Vimeo.

The third annual Great Easter Vigil at Oklahoma City University on March 30, 2013.

Participants include Rev. Rodney Newman, soloist Matthew Beutner, Jan McDaniel, Catherine McDaniel and Hebrew readers, Spirit of Grace Liturgical Dancers, the Generation Blessed Gospel Choir and the Oklahoma Collegiate Gospel Choir, solist Liz Burnett, mezzo-soprano Catherine McDaniel, Rev. Dr. Lisa Wolfe, Kevin Wilkinson, Meghan Wagner, Joanna Chenoweth, Rev. Meredith Kemp-Pappan, Rev. Dr. Sharon Betsworth, and Rev. Erica Thomas. Keith Bethell delivers an Easter Sermon by John Chrysosotom.

Tuesday, April 02, 2013

Easter Sunday at Northwest Baptist Church in Ardmore

Easter at Northwest Baptist Church in Ardmore, Oklahoma from Bruce Prescott on Vimeo.

Easter Sunday worship at Northwest Baptist Church in Ardmore, Oklahoma on March 31, 2013. Dr. Leonard Ezell, pastor of the church, preaches a sermon entitled "Running to Easter."