
A.B.A.A June Shells

I have just done this Journal page and its shells. !!

As the ABAA is shells this month.......... I have put this piece in, I thought you may like to see my fabric shells.

Thanks to Frances for taking another picture for me.... I have now taken the fingerprint off my lens so I don't get the foggy look !!!!

This page has a silk base, cotton fabric that has been marbled dyed, the shells are stamped onto calico and machined over the stamped marks then stuffed through the back, yarns and lace and more machining.

Journal page

This little moth is made of fabric that has been dyed, and free machined used for the design, the body is felted and wrapped with dyed cotton perle.

Each section was done on dissolve


One complete jigsaw finished, each piece is for a different person May 2009 swap many techniques used but fun to do


Bags of fun

Thought it about time I got my act together again,

This little bag was made using a cotton pillow slip dyed, torn into strips added fancy yarn and machined using the zigzag stitch...... , The plastic tube is filled with beads that I have used for the handle and the little tag is the same technique as the bag.

The pattern from a Jenny Rolfe bag book..I loved it and had to have a go..... It is a Mezzaluna bag.......... Mezzaluna means "half moon" in Italian also a piece of kitchen equipment with a curved blade and a handle on each side...........

A fun project

And I must say I have been amazed at how much you have all been crafting,

I have missed it so much, but I am getting back on track now, and I hope to be joining in the fun again.

I have done some crafting and will post as and when.....