sexta-feira, 30 de maio de 2008

Hurry up!

O Christenson chega na próxima semana e apenas restam alguns dias para conseguirem ficar com uma CC 100% Custom made. Despachem-se, não percam a oportunidade!

Christenson arrives next week so just a few more days left to order a 100 % custom made CC surfboard. Hurry up, don't loose the opportunity!

quinta-feira, 29 de maio de 2008

Hynson BKQ Reviews

Enquanto as Hynson BKQ não chegam, aqui ficam alguns exemplos do que outros dizem sobre elas:

Since the Hynsons BKQ didn't arrived yet, here some reviews done by others:

"I got so much speed off a head high set that I literally felt out of control like the board was getting ready to lift off... top turn, carve, fly past the section that'd stop most mortals, top turn, and drive down the line... I'm still feeling the stoke of that wave even to this day" "The best part about owning this board is I feel like my surfing ability has improved" in

"This is one of the best fish I have ever surfed. It was very fast down the line as would be expected, would turn on a dime, and went vertical extremely well. It was kind of having the best of both worlds, the speed of a fish combined with manueveribility of a standard shortboard" in

"All I can say about the board is it rides better than it looks, and I think it looks pretty damn good. It's fast and extremely manueverable. Squares off the bottom well and cuts back on a dime." in

terça-feira, 27 de maio de 2008

Slide with style

CC Slider
Designed to Slide with Style!

Preço/price: 785 euros
Pigmento duplo, Volan glass, polimento, fin não incluído
Tint both sides, volan glass, polish, fins not included

Clear + Volan + polish : 685 euros

Outras opções disponiveis/other options available

quinta-feira, 22 de maio de 2008

Christenson Fish

Christenson Twin Fish:

"This is basically a replica of the original fish that Steve Lis invented here in San Diego. My neighbour Skip Frye really inspired me with this design. I recommend this design 6-8” shorter than your shortboard. This flys all the way to the beach. Proven to be the fastest surfboard ever! This design holds too, no flicky kid stuff."

CC Twin Fish com pigmento duplo e polimento: 625 € (fins não incluidos)
CC Twin Fish tint both sides and polish: 625 € (without fins)

segunda-feira, 19 de maio de 2008

CC Surfing

Ainda há alguns blanks disponíveis para customs do Chris Christenson, mas não percam tempo que acabam rápido e perdem uma excelente oportunidade.
Devido á curta duração da sua viagem e questões de logística, o Chris apenas vai fazer Fishes e Longboards.
Ele não é apenas um fantástico shaper é acima de tudo um excelente Surfista!

Still a few blanks available for Chris Christenson customs, but don't wait too long, they will go fast and you'll loose a good opportunity.
Due to the short time of his stay and logistic issues, Chris will only shape Fishes and Longboards.
He's not just an amazing shaper; above all he is a great Surfer.

terça-feira, 13 de maio de 2008

Master at work

O Christenson é um fantástico shaper e deixou isso bem patente no UK Fish Fry 2007. Um verdadeiro master shaper a trabalhar.

Christenson is an amazing shaper and showed all his skills during the Uk Fish Fry 2007. A truly master shaper at work.

All photos by Kami ( Thanks!

quarta-feira, 7 de maio de 2008

Venda/For Sale

Para arranjar espaço ($$$) para novas aquisições/to make room ($$$) for new aqquisitions

Rainbow Pavel Quan (quad)
6'0" x 20" 7/8 x 2" 5/8
Pigmento e polida/ Pigment and Polish
Fins LockBox Speed Dialer
Excelente estado/excellent condition, almost new
Price: 600 euros

terça-feira, 6 de maio de 2008


I'm soooooo STOKED!

3 Custom Hynson Black Knight Quads for Portugal.

"The Blue board just has to be sanded and polished...
The Black board needs to be glossed ...
and your board is getting pinlines and will also need glossing"

words by Sean Mattison

domingo, 4 de maio de 2008

Black Knights in Japan

Recebi do Sean Mattison noticias acerca das pranchas que encomendei e algumas fotos da recente viagem que ele e o Mike Hynson fizeram ao Japão. Altas pranchas num cenário pouco habitual!
Just got some news from Seam Mattison regarding the boards I ordered and some photos of his recent trip to Japan with Mike Hynson. Great boards in a unusual scenery.

All photos courtesy of Sean Mattison

Já agora… as pranchas estão quase prontas, mais uns dias!
By the way… boards are almost done, just a couple more days!

About Christenson

Chris Christenson nasceu na Califórnia em 1973.
Surfista desde a juventude, fez a sua primeira prancha por volta dos 18 anos.
Influenciado por Dick Brewer, com quem trabalhou 6 anos, e Skip Frye, perto de quem ainda trabalha, Christenson é considerado um dos primeiros Fish shaper da nova geração, ajudando a manter viva a tradição de San Diego. Inspirado no passado, Christenson tem a preocupação de manter-se a par dos últimos designs e conceitos de forma a melhor cada vez mais as suas pranchas.

Christenson was born in California in 1973.
Surfer since youth, made his first board at around 18.
Influenced by Dick Brewer, with who he worked for 6 years, and Skip Frye, close to who he still works, Christenson is considered one of the first new generation Fish Shapers, helping to keep the San Diego tradition alive. Taking inspiration from the past, Christenson keep’s up with the latest designs and concepts, incorporating those in to his designs to make them better end better.

Christenson on HI SHREDABILITY :

Inpiração para o post tirada da Enciclopédia Fish Brotherhood.
Inspiration for the post from Fish Brotherhood Encyclopaedia.