sábado, 5 de maio de 2012


Magic Quiver has moved.

Now you can find all the surfboards, clothes, wetsuits, fins, boardbags, etc, in the shop located in the center of Ericeira, Portugal.

But you can keep buying online and have everything shipped directly to your home, and with better prices now!

Find out about the "new" Magic Quiver Surfshop at: www.magicquiver.com

segunda-feira, 19 de março de 2012

domingo, 18 de março de 2012

Magic Quiver on the news

Sorry for the lack of news but been some busy days. Works inside the shop are going well and stock should be here in a couple days. Not far from opening!

This weekend has been good for Magic Quiver. An article about me and Magic Quiver was published on Dinheiro Vivo website and also featured in 2 major portuguese newspapers, JN and DN. And my interview and photos of Neal Purchase Jnr was published on portuguese surf mag, SurfPortugal!
Couldn't ask for better publicity!
HUGE thanks to Andre Macedo and Mariana de Araújo Barbosa from Dinheiro Vivo and João Valente from SurfPortugal for their support.

I'm very happy with the way everything is coming along!

quarta-feira, 7 de março de 2012


Rhythm is an Australian company founded in 2004 by Neal Purchase Jnr, Jamal Grey and Peter Grey.
The idea was to incorporate their lifestyle into art and garments, staying out of the mainstream.

Their Spring/Summer collection offers a wide variety of Tee's, shirts, boardshorts, walkshorts, pants and a lot more. Great styles, good quality and nice prints.

segunda-feira, 27 de fevereiro de 2012

Board #2

Another stock board for the shop.
This time a Quartet by Neal Purchase Jnr

Board is 5'10 x 20" 1/4 x 2" 1/2
Has a really nice blue tint and NPJ glass on Quartet fins. Sanded finish for performance.

The Quartet is a great all round surfboard. The characteristic fin set up (always glass on) makes the board super fast while carving hard without the typical spinning of the quads.

sexta-feira, 24 de fevereiro de 2012


A few weeks ago I had the pleasure to meet Andoni Galdeano. Andoni is a Spanish artist/designer/photographer/surfer living in Portugal. He is one of the guys behind the clothes brand, El Nino, that he created with a friend a while back and also runs another brand, Sons of the Desert. More than managing the companies, Andoni loves to design the collections and surf. Great surfer usually rides single fin logs and SUP´s. And not just on the ordinary loggable conditions, Andoni can be found on any good day around Ericeira, even when most think it's too big for a log or SUP.
Last time we've talked I've told him it was a shame he didn't show online some of his amazing drawings and paintings. Although he designs all the collections, just a small part of his work goes there and some of the best stuff is kept inside his computer.

Now I'm happy to share Andoni new blog. One life is about his art and his adventures around the world. Still a young blog but with enough quality to capture your attention for a few minutes. Enjoy!


segunda-feira, 13 de fevereiro de 2012

get my hands dirty

To save some time and money, I'm doing some of the construction work myself. Mostly ripping old floor, tearing down wall footers, clean old stuff from the walls, etc. Even the hardiest and heaviest work feels easy because I'm my shop, it's my dream. Instead or giving all the work to professionals, I'm getting involved and sweating to get the job done.

The shop needs a lot of work. It was in pretty bad shape. Between changing the electrical system, fixing walls, getting a new floor and new painting, there's a lot to be done before we start to get furniture inside.

The decision about the decoration wasn't easy. Had so many ideas that was hard to settle them down. But, fortunately, I have a really good architect working with me who instantly understood the concept and was able to translate it into a beautiful project.

I will do my best to share with you a bit of this process but as you can imagine, I can't show everything. Soon I will announce the opening date. It's not far!

quinta-feira, 9 de fevereiro de 2012

Board #1

Today I've started to build the shop. Remove old floor, wiring, garbage... Next week it will start to get a new look.

So it's time to tell more about the shop and what you will find inside it.
I'll start with a surfboard (what else!!)

First (for no particular reason) it's a beautiful 5'11 Quad Fish by Josh Hall. Board features a full tint in some kind of rusty orange, a shiny polish, and Lokbox plugs.
Shape came out amazing, with perfect volume distribution, nice rails and Josh performance bottom contours, with enough vee to make your rail to rail transitions easy and fast. One of the best Quads I've seen from Josh.
Glassing by Blend Glassing and as always, flawless!

segunda-feira, 30 de janeiro de 2012

Benjamin Jeanjean x Sew'n Sing x Blend Glassing

When talented people work together, the result can´t be less than amazing.

French artist (and shaper) Benjamin Jeanjean got together with the girls from Sew'n Sing for a beautiful collab. Benjamin shaped 2 nice surfboards and made the most awesome drawings, Erika and Eli cut some nice pieces of fabric and Fabrice got to put it all together with resin and fiber glass.
The result is two authentic pieces of functional art.

Benjamin Jeanjean x Sew`n Sing x Blend Glassing for RVCA from RVCA on Vimeo.

I’m proud to have for the shop a very special surfboard, born from a collab with Ryan Lovelace, Sew’n Sing and Blend Glassing. I will show pictures of that board one of these days!

quinta-feira, 19 de janeiro de 2012

Jose's Quartet

Better than the photos I can take are the ones you do with the board you just received.

A couple hours after receiving his Neal Purchase Jnr Quartet, Jose was taking photos to send me to show how stoked he was with his new toy.

Hope you have a lot of fun with it. See you soon!