Praying everyone has a healthy and happy new year. I truly wish that for all. Even for people who have hurt me I never wish badly for them. I can't. I wish peace and good health to ALL.
Praying everyone has a healthy and happy new year. I truly wish that for all. Even for people who have hurt me I never wish badly for them. I can't. I wish peace and good health to ALL.
Good Evening! On National Gingerbread House Building Day, I went to a gingerbread party! So much fun! And my walls didn't collapse! Okay, okay..I hot glued them! I know it's cheating but I don't have the patience to wait for the icing to dry! LOL I want to decorate and there were so many choices of candy t do that! Lots of fun!
I can't believe its coming so fast! I'm both happy and sad at the same time! Trying to savor every day! I've done some crafts--a candy cane mouse (I didn't get to take pictures) to add to the packages of some little ones. Its funny how I found the kit as I was actually cleaning out my craft room and I found a stash of crafts I used to buy for my daughter when she was young. She loved doing the craft kits Michaels used to sell (they still might!) and I decided to do them! So far I made the candy cane mice, and a little cardboard Christmas Village! It was fun and they didn't go to waste! Actually my daughter and future daughter-in-law still enjoy doing those projects. When I was in Michaels recently i bought them each a Christmas painting canvas with the paints. I knew they would love it and they did a great job. It just makes the holiday more fabulous when you add to it! And even though y kids are almost 19 and 25, they still get their chocolate advent calendar!
I did a Christmas card exchange with a country decorating Facebook group and that's been so nice receiving so many cards. I love Christmas cards. Even though most people now text or email, receiving that card in the mail is so special. I was thinking of how my Mom would write out all her Christmas cards when I was little and I was in charge of putting the Christmas seals on the envelopes!
I'm planning a PA weekend very soon. We bought a new truck and its plenty big for me to do lots of Lancaster shopping! When my husband drove it home yesterday, he knew we'd need a road trip to christen her!
Have a great night and keep the spirit of Christmas in your heart!