Thursday, December 28, 2023



I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas! We were truly blessed with family, friends, food and presents. I'm so grateful for my life and the people in it and thank God on a daily basis. I was wishing for a white Christmas but we didn't have one ...we will definitely have snow soon though I'm trying to understand all that el nino weather pattern stuff and weather is a very interesting to me. Usually, we have snow on or before my son's birthday on February 2nd, Ground Hog Day.  

Some of my appetizers. We do an Italian anti pasta and charcuterrie and also some extra plates like these. The next day we had some again! 

A not so great photo of the dessert table. We had some home made goodies and favorites from our bakery. My husband and I go together the day before Christmas Eve to pick out what we want. Its become our tradition. This year we chose 5 ls of butter and Italian cookies, a Christmas Yule log cake, pignoli cookies and mini cannoli.

Nova was pooped after all the festivities. 

My friend Pat in North Carolina sent me two Christmas Amish fiction books; maybe I will get started on one of them before the New Year. Our New Year's Eve is quiet. We go out to dinner early and then relax at home. Yesterday I made a pot of ham and bean soup. It was yummy. I'm thinking I might have some with dinner tonight too.   On New Year's Day I take down the Christmas decorations (leaving up winter themed ones) while listening to the Odd Couple marathon on TV! I do this every year. It makes it easier to pack everything up. I enjoy the quietness of New Year's Eve and most times I'm awake for the ball drop.  2024 is going to be an exciting year for our family with my son's wedding,  and I'm planning my future daughter-in-law's shower . Plus Caitlin's Marine boyfriend comes home from deployment in the Spring! I'm looking forward to it all. 

Praying everyone has a healthy and happy new year. I truly wish that for all. Even for people who have hurt me I never wish badly for them. I can't.  I wish peace and good health to ALL. 

Sunday, December 17, 2023

Gingerbread Party, Cookies & Giftie Boxes!

 Good Evening! On National Gingerbread House Building Day, I went to a gingerbread party! So much fun! And my walls didn't collapse! Okay, okay..I hot glued them! I know it's cheating but I don't have the patience to wait for the icing to dry! LOL I want to decorate and there were so many choices of candy t do that! Lots of fun!

I baked some cookies this weekend. So far I've done jelly shortbreads, butter crispies, and peanut butter kisses. My daughter will be making hot chocolate cookies and chocolate chip this week. Butter Crispies below. First batch of three! After that, I started a new Amish fiction book. And my friend Pat mailed me two new Christmas ones from North Carolina in my Christmas package.  

I can't believe its coming so fast! I'm both happy and sad at the same time! Trying to savor every day! I've done some crafts--a candy cane mouse (I didn't get to take pictures) to add to the packages of some little ones. Its funny how I found the kit as I was actually cleaning out my craft room and I found a stash of crafts I used to buy for my daughter when she was young. She loved doing the craft kits Michaels used to sell (they still might!) and I decided to do them! So far I made the candy cane mice, and a little cardboard Christmas Village! It was fun and they didn't go to waste! Actually my daughter and future daughter-in-law still enjoy doing those projects. When I was in Michaels recently i bought them each a Christmas painting canvas with the paints. I knew they would love it and they did a great job. It just makes the holiday more fabulous when you add to it! And even though y kids are almost 19 and 25, they still get their chocolate  advent calendar! 

 I did a Christmas card exchange with a country decorating Facebook group and that's been so nice receiving so many cards. I love Christmas cards. Even though most people now text or email, receiving that card in the mail is so special. I was thinking of how my Mom would write out all her Christmas cards when I was little and I was in charge of putting the Christmas seals on the envelopes! 

I'm planning a PA weekend very soon. We bought a new truck and its plenty big for me to do lots of Lancaster shopping! When my husband drove it home yesterday, he knew we'd need a road trip to christen her! 

Have a great night and keep the spirit of Christmas in your heart!

Friday, December 8, 2023

Getting Ready for Christmas!

I'm so excited for Christmas! I know some think that the hustle and bustle is tiring and that Christmas loses its meaning with commercialism, but I think you can keep Christmas in your own way and LOVE it! I know that's what I do! Just enjoy the process! I think you'll be happy you did.

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving with lots of food and desserts and once that weekend came, my Christmas decorating really went into full swing. Now I'm 99.9% done (even though I keep going back to Hobby Lobby and finding MORE!) and I love that I have that "time" to enjoy it. My shopping is done and my daughter does almost all my wrapping!  I'm going to enjoy every second I can until the big day! Caitlin and I have been watching our Christmas movies every night and we dvr'd the ones we are waiting to see. We've got our cookies planned for next week. 

 Last weekend we went to Delaware to visit our nephew Chris and his beautiful wife Lauren and their little angel face, Olivia. We went to Shellville, which has a huge Christmas fair/exhibit/festival! We had so much fun and I was thrilled to have the family time with them  We stayed the weekend and slept in Rehoboth Beach I have two great nephews on my side of the family and Olivia is on my husband's side and I'll be so happy  as more and more are born! Shellville was worth the trip and Billy and I had the best crab sandwiches ever!  Watching Olivia looking at all the bright lights and decorations was heartwarming. The magic of Christmas in a child's eyes is pricelesss!

Well, I'm having some internet issues getting this post done so I think I better end it here and do a follow up of  my decorations. I hope you have a great day!