Well, it took me almost 10 months, but I’m back again. Unfortunately, as much as I love blogging, I am much more consistent with my daily Facebook pages and tend to put off blogging ~ which makes no sense.. But I will try again to be consistent because I do love sharing, and I do love hearing from anyone who reads my little page. I started blogging in 2009 and I just enjoyed sharing and learning from so many wonderful pages.
Since my last post, so many things have happened in our family that have been wonderful. So many moments that would have made special blog posts. My daughter graduated high school, we had an awesome engagement party for my son, and my husband and I did some traveling. I'll elaborate as time goes on!
We also had a very successful summer of planting.our gardens and they are still blooming despite the temperatures dropping and the recent storms. This time of year I used to remove my flowers and replace them with mums and ornamental cabbages. Now I don’t have the heart to remove my flowers because they bloom so beautifully, and I don’t remove them until November. I just buy mums for my front porch . I think the secret this year was that we planted in compost, and we do have our sprinkler system go off twice a day until mid September.
Now it’s Fall and it’s truly my favorite time of year. I dream of Fall all year round. The colors of Fall just match my house so beautifully so I’m constantly decorating in my mind! I have always loved Halloween but not the scary, bloody kind of Halloween! I only like the traditional Halloween of or the family friendly style! Jack o lanterns, black cats, not scary witches! The Halloween I grew up with!
I find Fall to be a very cozy family season. I love the idea of being cozy in my house now that the sun sets earlier. I constantly meal plan~`not necessarily on paper but I am forever planning meals and snacks and appetizers and in the Fall I find it even more fun!
I started my decorating for Fall the third week of August and I’m so glad I did. I’ve added Halloween in now at this point and I feel like I can really enjoy the season. I’m not rushing with just a couple of weeks left before I have to take it all down. I do decorate a lot for Thanksgiving, which is one of my favorite holidays and I add that to my existing whole decor after I have put the Halloween away. But decorating early allowed me to really embrace everything without feeling rushed and do everything that I want to do each year. I’m one of those people who keeps lists and notebooks of everything that I like to do or make or bake and I try to accomplish things on that list but I always end up running out of time. Instead of making Halloween desserts at the end of October I’m making them all month long. And it allows me the time to make a variety of things that I wanted to try. Why wait? The months go by so quickly and before you know, it we will be decorating for Christmas. I am determined to make the most of my Fall. Despite what the naysayers say DO IT NOW! You'll be happy you did!
We have a trip in October to Lancaster and I will get my pumpkins there. Usually I have them already, but I decided to wait and buy them on our trip I have several different Amish farm stands to purchase pumpkins, gourds and mums.
So on this rainy day, my plans include crafting in the afternoon and preparing snacks for football tomorrow. I'm a hockey fan but I'm trying hard to learn football! But who am I fooling...its the game snacks that draw me in!
Have a great day!