Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Starting 2021 Differently


My Mom. I miss her terribly. She passed away December 20th at the age of 90, and its been devastating. So this year I have to learn a new normal. Yes, I know that's an overused expression with the corona virus. The "new normal." Well, for me its about adjusting to not seeing or speaking to her every day. She was a huge part of my life and lived with us these last two years. Her condition necessitated constant care and my whole family helped. And it was worth it for the best Mom I could have asked for.

To start 2021, I am reading, sewing, crocheting, cooking. I have six new books to read, new yarn and a small cross stitch project. Plus hockey is back and I love hockey so much! Thinking of my garden this Spring and hoping for a few good snowstorms this Winter. We have to look ahead! We have to look forward.Thats what Mom would want.

Monday, January 11, 2021

A New Year!


Good Morning Friends, January! This January is very different for me ona personal level. I am hoping for good things for everyone in 2021 and new things and experiences.

How were yiour holidays? Did you keep your tree up till Little Christmas Jan 6Th? My Christmas is packed up till next year. I love my Christmas decor,  but I also love the cleaning and refreshing of my home after it is put away. Its a clean slate for a new year! 

I'm showing you my new plate! I love it so and I love the sentiment on it. 

Sunflowers are the most country of flowers to me! Bittersweet and sunflowers! My favorites!

We had some snow! The chicken coop was covered with snow but the chickens inside are warm and cozy.

I love the snow. I like the cold! I could easily live in Vermont or New Hampshire. I love those cold weather communities make the most of it with winter festivals and other outdoor activities.They don't huddle inside for warmth. They embrace their climate! More snow photos.

I just got an air fryer. Do you have one? I'm looking for a source of some good recipes. post any sources!

Have a great day!