Thursday, October 29, 2020


Good afternoon! Before I start some of my preparation of goodies for Halloween, I thought I would get a post in. I love my Halloween decorations so much and I will be sad to see them come down on Sunday but the Pilgrims and turkeys will go up and I love that so much! Over the years I have really tried to expand my Thanksgiving collecting and my collection has gotten larger. But for now, lets stay with Halloween and love it! Here's a few photos of my decorating. I forget what I already posted!

I'll be preparing some terriyaki chicken sliders, chilli with the fixings, 7 layer dip, little wieners wrapped in crescent rolls and more for Saturday. No big plans. Just my kids, my son's girlfriend and my daughter's boyfriend.  I enjoy making fun things to eat! And while I'm giving out candy tot he trick or treaters, I love to snack ! LOL I don't know how many kids trick or treaters will be coming because of the pandemic but I did make candy bags and I will be lining them up individually on a table on my front porch. This way no one is reaching into bowls for their candy. They can take a bag and go. I'm saving my favorite Fall dessert for Halloween evening~pumpkin pie! Other desserts will be my graveyard cookies 'n cream dessert, honeybun cake, rice krispy treats and chocolate chip bars.

We may have snow flurries on Halloween too! I think its going to be very cold and probably a little further north there will be snow but we may see a few flurries! Exciting. And the day after Halloween is when I start watching the Hallmark channel Christmas movies. 

Have you started your shopping? I do a little at a  time as I have many to buy for but I love it! And I'm so excited to add another to the list as I will be a great Aunt for the first time around the day of Christmas!! Of course you never know when the first baby will arrive but it could very well be Christmas Day! 

I got a great surprise the other day! When my cousin and his wife had visited recently, they told me about an old house that had been in his wife's family that was recently sold. The house was well over a hundred years old and in the garage was an old plow that had been used on the property as the property had once been a farm. They said they wanted me to have it! Well, I thought it was a nice gesture and thanked them not realizing they really meant it. When they came to visit the other day, they brought it! It's perfect! Not too big (which I was afraid of!) and not small! Just right. It will  be going in the garden bed in front of my chicken coop! I can't wait to plant around it next Spring!

Now all I need is the Amish buggy parked in my driveway and my bucket list of antiques is complete! HAHAHA

Have a wonderful day! Don't forget to "follow" this blog and comment!


Saturday, October 17, 2020

Fall Fun


Good Afternoon! How is your decorating coming along? I'm happy to say I am finished and can now sit back and enjoy it all. Not that I ever sit back! There is always so much to do and I also like to make the most of my favorite season.  I made the above sign with a print, a small piece of wood, paint and mod podge. Actually I made several different ones. Some are seasonal and some are not. Very fun and easy to do.  

So I am making a day of food for Halloween so that my kids can have their friends/girlfriend/boyfriend around and know there will be fun for them. I'm not sure what anyone's plans are but they always know that there will be good things to eat. 

Some of the things I'm making are chicken/cheese sliders, chilli (you gotta have chilli!) with all the fixings, 7 layer dip, heros, graveyard cake, salsa/guac & chips and a few other things. It may sound like a lot but believe me it will all be gone!

Here are some more photos of decor around the house. Some of my mouse collection above. 

My favorite pumpkin lantern...still need to get the biggest version of it if I can ever find it. I bought it in Lancaster years ago and every time I go I go looking for it again. No luck yet. 

I'm wondering what the trick or treating will be like this year. I've gathered more stuff and more stuff and more stuff because I want to make my Halloween bags special for the kids. I feel like they have sacrificed alot of fun because of the pandemic and they deserve some extra special treats. 

I did my Halloween tree and I still have ornaments to work on so I'm try and get that done this weekend. I'm not cooking today because I have a refrigerator full of leftovers from my guests yesterday! I love to cook but I sure do enjoy a free day sometimes!

Have a great day! I'll be back soon! Encourage your friends to blog. Its fun and we can all follow each other!

Friday, October 2, 2020

My Favorite Time of Year!


Good Afternoon! Well, I am working overtime  trying to get everything I want to do DONE! Fall seems to leave so quickly so I am so happy I got a head start this year. I did some decorating outside and will still probably tweak it this weekend. I'm so happy the weather is  cool. I made banana bread this morning! I think I'll be doing a lot of cooking this weekend. I'm in full nesting mode so that means lots of comfort food.

My chicken coop has been readied for cooler weather. The chickens are moulting so the coop was full of feathers! ugh! Feathers are a hard thing to round up! My chickens are so loveable that as I am cleaning they follow me around because they want me to pick them up and snuggle them . Anyway, their bedding is thick and warm for the upcoming cooler nights. 

I plan to make an apple cake soon. I've gathered some recipes and will see which one I make.  I bought some Macintosh apples. Do you have a good Fall recipe you just love? Pumpkin Crunch cake is awesome. It's funny that I actually had to BUY eggs. My chickens are moulting and not laying very much. Over the Summer I was getting two dozen eggs per week. Now I'm only getting one egg a day! I told them they are my feathered freeloaders! 

See those little buns on the bottom plate? That's some of the primitive faux food I made. It was fun to do. I bought fake food from Hobby Lobby and with mod podge, cinnamon, coffee grinds and tea bags I worked on a few little projects.  I want to try making cupcakes out of foam insulation! I see so many talented people making them, and mug toppers, and cakes and they look incredible. 

I'm looking forward to the movie on Sunday night on the Hallmark Mystery channel. It's an Amish story. I hope its good! It's called Follow Your Heart. I also hope the way the Amish are portrayed is accurate. 
I hope you have an awesome weekend!