SurfMonkey came over on Tuesday for our monthly game night. Now, to clarify, SurfMonkey and I have been sitting at the same game table over the past couple of months, playing Dungeons & Dragons. As fun as that is, of course, it was great to break out some board games.
After a teaching game of Coin Age, we played the cool little dice game, Age of War. Fantasy Flight Games!
Sentinel Tactics is a nice hybrid between a board game and a mini game. I enjoyed more than most minis games. For minis, though, I will always go back to my Ganesha Games: Song of Blades and Heroes, Mutants and Death Ray Guns, BattleSworn, and now Power Legion! But, I will say I did enjoy playing superhero battles on the hexes. And hey, it's the Sentinels universe. Can't ever go wrong there!

Finished out with a second game of Coin Age. I really like this simple but deep area control game that travels anywhere. Good game!
That's all until next month. In the mean time, SurfMonkey and I will be playing more D&D. If you haven't checked out the 5th Edition of the world's greatest role playing game, do yourself a favor and do it.