Wednesday, July 31, 2013

A Cataclysm Befalls SurfMonkey as He Becomes a Dungeon Hero

It was our monthly game night and Maximan66 got to sit down with SurfMonkey and me for a go at the latest Warhammer Invasion Deluxe expansion which just hit the stores. It allows for a multiplayer experience for Warhammer Invasion games. 

Maximan66 won the night. I think the new rules add a cool dimension to the game and am eager to play it again. Luckily, SurfMonkey will be hitting the Geek Cave again next week!

After the game, SurfMonkey and I play tested a game that is set to release at the end of August. Because I am not sure about how much information the publisher would like me to release, I won't say anything here but to say I have played the game 9 times, and it is an new and awesome experience. Stay tuned!

We finished out the night with this little gem. As it was a successful Kickstarted game, the components were top notch. The game is intriguing, and I want to play it one more time before passing judgment on it. 

Next week more Cataclysm, mystery play testing, and the Duke! See you then, good reader.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

SurfMonkey and I Hold a Clinic

   Just a quick update today. I agreed to teach some former students the role-playing game ropes. I invited SurfMonkey to join me as it was on the same date or our monthly gaming meet.

I ran my own role playing game design, Quest & Bones. We had a great time and one of the players has taken on the mantle of game master and will be running my system for his group on a regular basis. Hopefully, my schedule will allow me to sit in and play a session with them in the future. 

Maximan66 and I have been playing a ton of Warhammer Invasion. Kaine82 from the Warhammer forums sent me some bonus capital cards. Maximillian loves them. 

Overall, it has been a great gaming summer. I look forward to even more before the air grows crisp and the leaves begin to turn. 

Until next time, play more Warhammer Invasion!