I'm afraid of heights.
I'm afraid of disappointing people.
I'm afraid of failure.
I'm afraid of people not liking me.
I'm afraid of my kids getting kidnapped, hurt or killed.
I'm afraid of new situations.
I'm afraid of living up to my own expectations.
I'm afraid of change.
I'm just afraid of too many things.
And it's got to change.
They may not seem like huge fears but each one of them prevent me from doing things that I wish I had the courage to do.
So... to start off the New Year I decided to tackle one of my fears. Change. I've been wearing my hair pretty long for a while. But I've always envied the women who could pull off short haircuts. I've never been able to do it. But I found a great stylist and knew if anyone could do it right, she could.
So I chopped off a good 6 inches. You should have seen the mess of hair on the floor. My girls kept commenting on just how much there was.
I know many of you have seen this picture already, so you don't have to comment. :) I think I am mainly doing this for me. To document the fact that I can overcome a fear and I can make a change and actually survive it.
Here's to a New Me in the New Year. HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!!!