Saturday, November 28, 2009


Alex & Natalie got married!!!  We are so happy for them - they are so cute together.  
Waiting outside the temple for them:

And there they are!

Ah, Welcome to the family, Natalie!!!!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Twelve? Twelve!!!

This girl.  I can't believe she's so old.  I blinked and she's TWELVE.  She's been such a great older sister to all these siblings.  How did she go from being a toddler to being in YW?!?!?!  Her new Beehive advisor, Julie Huish, came over and heart-attacked her room the day before, to surprise her when she came home that evening.  =)

Miranda is a very good gift receiver.  You always feel like she wanted your gift so much.

Miranda had a green party


Spa time.  Miranda and cousin Casey pair up

Happy birthday 12 year old!!!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Happy Haunting

Oh, come on. You knew you'd have to see the photo shoot of the kids' Halloween pics... it comes with the territory. But first, a couple other cute pictures:


Ok Halloween.  We have a Halloween party for preschool

Trunk or Treat in the church parking lot.

The twins ask to watch "Pintheth movie pease" every day.

So they were beside themselves to be Cinderella.
We have made it to one of the funnest parts of having girls:
watching, being, eating & breathing all things Princess.

The boys decided they would be nemesis'.
One light, one dark.
And next year Morgan graduates:
He saw so many cool kids out with pillow cases,
and is begging to take one T or T-ing next year. Fine.

Did you catch Chloe in the basket? Guess who she was this year? Miranda went with her friends and said Chloe was the perfect prop -- Let everyone pet her, stayed calm, and still was the life of the party. I guess a woman had to go grab her camera when they came to her house, too.
Carlie planned her darling witch costume with her best friend,
down to the matching friendship necklace.
I am an evil sorceress. My hair was grosser than it looks in the pic, and my long black fingernails were upstairs in their package. I can always use them for the wedding, right?
26 days until Natalie's a Madsen!