Friday, December 11, 2009

Just Thinking

I'm sitting at the computer trying to find a pasta salad recipe for the Ward Christmas (pool!) party tomorrow and hear a car beep outside. I go to the door to check that it's not the delivery of Orvon's christmas present that I ordered this morning (hey, I'm an optimist) and think:

I really should put a load of laundry on , it looks like a storm, I'll do small stuff so I can hang it in the garage. Here, I'll start with this pile of Alaina's polka-dot clothes, no I remember Orvon said he was out of clean garments, I'll wash whites. Better throw in some of Alaina's panties, she's been having a lot of accidents lately. Again. When is she going to stop this? hopefully before school starts. Oh I better start getting the things on her school list. should I buy it myself or just get it through through the school? hmmm. I hate how buying school stuff comes right after/ during Christmas. I do love how the summer holidays correspond with the beginning of the year though. I love school stuff, and I finally have a reason to go school shopping again. yeah. Is that all the garments? oh yeah, there's a pile in the bathroom floor. You know, I should write my random thoughts on my blog, that'd be fun. man, the bathroom stinks. there's more garments in here than in the hamper. Better open this window. and close the door, the wind always slams it shut anyway. better take two trips to the garage. won't everyone on the blog think it's weird that my laundry is in the garage? Except Gram, she knows exactly where it is, she must have averaged two loads a day while she was here. I wish there was a way to get my laundry to do itself again. Man, that's full load shove, shove. I really need to try that recipe for making my own laundry soap, it would be nice to save the money. Orvon's always saying I use too much. but this is a really full load. Of underwear. I think that justifies a full scoop. Good thing I decided to do whites, it's such a hot day the clours would bleed.
Boy, it feels good in here. Why am I sitting in the office where I can't feel the air con? Need a drink of cold water. pause and stare Those really are beautiful children. Funny how none of them are wearing any clothes. MMM That's nice. Better fill up this other bottle. It's a shame the Home Teachers weren't home when we delivered our Christmas cookies, those will be stale by Sunday. Oh well, I guess I'll have to take the plate into the office and take care of it. Don't forget the glass, that cinnabon popcorn will make you thirsty.

Now, italian dressing or creamy pasta salad?...

And that is what it sounds like to hear yourself think for 5 minutes, if, like me, you've forgotten.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

I had to open my birthday present (a little sewing machine) early so I could make a few things. The most exciting to this little girl was her replica polka dot skirt.
I'm not an accomplished seamstress in any way, and I'm out of practice with a machine. I was getting so frustrated that things like a strait line or even seam allowance we way down on my list of priorities. My goal, in the end was just to make this piece of fabric stick to that piece. I probably could have done a better job with a hot glue gun. But it got done, I think it's pretty cute and most importantly, Alaina loves it (and me all the more for making it, making any frustrations so worth it that I'm planning other ways to impress her just to hear the amazement in her voice)

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

A Happy Thing

I never really knew what I was missing. This was a problem I dealt with on a daily basis. It required regular attention and all the members of the family faced the difficulty of it. I was regularly frustrated with what I now realize is a rather large part of our life. But you learn to deal with the challenges in your life and tend to forget it could be any different. But, oh my friends, it can be so very different. We have discovered the joy, the freedom, the spacious beauty of...a great big fridge!

This was our old fridge (sorry I'm too brain dead to figure out how to rotate the picture. I'm so brain dead I have a hard time making change at the shop. So turn your head. There. That's what it looked like).

And freezer.

And now, this is our beautiful, more than twice the size, fridge/freezer. I put exactly the same things into the new fridge, even the old cream, rotting veggies and extraneous bits of bread, just so I could see how much more space we have now. It hasn't been properly organized in the 3 weeks we've owned it, and it's already had beet juice spilled in it and food smeared on the handle, but it makes life easier. You know those puzzles where it's like a square with one piece missing and you have to move around the other pieces in a specific way to make it work? Yeah, it's not like that anymore . And, we can throw a watermelon, or turkey in there with no problem, which is nice as we approach the holidays. Maybe it doesn't seem like a big deal to you, but it makes me happy. So, happy early Christmas to me and my sweet husband who let me pick the fridge I wanted (instead of the one that came with a free tv) and appreciates it as much as me because he does (almost) as much work as me around here ;)