Sunday, December 2, 2012

Alaina's new glasses:

And this picture doesn't really do them justice, but these are the canvas enlargements we had done.  I LOVE them.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Sunday, October 28, 2012


 We went to a Halloween party last night, we had a fairy:

 A Paleontologist:

 A Tooth Fairy:

 And a Pirate:

 I couldn't believe he tolerated the stuff on his head and face so well!  He was so cute, thanks Lissa for a great costume idea for Emerson.  I made Alaina's fairy costume (She supplied her own teeth, saved in the little bag she's holding*) and Lissa got hers for her birthday.  Lincoln was planning on being a builder, but changed his mind yesterday, so we put together his outfit.  I think it's perfect because he is dinosaur crazy at the moment.  But, it means he wore the vest I was planning on taking in for Emerson so I had to make Emerson a vest.  (and eye patch)  Well, I thought they were the cutest kids at the party.  :)

*Aliana debunked the Tooth Fairy for herself while snooping around our closet and found her lost teeth.  She still gets money for a lost tooth.  I'm not sure why she gets to keep the teeth, probably because she wants them more than I do.

Monday, July 23, 2012


I knew it had been a while since I'd blogged, but I didn't realize it had been a year!  Here's what we've been doing in the last few weeks. 

We got a trampoline:

(and Mummy's photography skills were called into question)

We celebrated a Birthday:

Finally found a game the kids will play with me all the time!  Sitting around the table doing this is what I've been waiting years for.  (Even if some of us use the cards as a pretend phone.)
(and Mummy asked Daddy for some photography instruction)

And we've been generally adoring this boy: