Sunday, November 28, 2010

Madi's Thanksgiving Program

Madi's preschool class put on an adorable little Thanksgiving program for family and friends before Thanksgiving. The kids had prepared all month for this program, making their darling Indian costumes and practicing their songs and dance.

Madi and Chief (Teacher)

It was so fun to watch and Madi did such a good job. She was so excited that she got to perform it for Matt and I and Grama Fanny. I am so Thankful for her!!!!

An Early Christmas Present

Matt surprised me with an early Christmas present this past weekend. He made arrangements for my mom to keep the kids for the weekend and we headed up north for me to enjoy a 90 min massage and some pampering. It was heavenly!!!!!
We enjoyed dinner with an old friend and went shopping! We stayed the night in a hotel and woke up to this......

About 10 inches of snow!!!!!!It was a beautiful site but all the snow made for an interesting and long ride home. It was such a nice little get-away and so sweet of Matt to plan it all. Thanks Babe!!! I Love you! (oh yeah, you can get me a massage anytime :)

A New Do!

I had been debating for several months on wether or not to cut Madi's hair. Her hair had gotten so long but unfortunately she has my thin hair and to me it just looked "stringy" if it was left down. I had mentioned cutting it to Madi and she was all for it. I finally got up the nerve and Becky cut it for us when she was down. Madi was so excited and even told Becky to go shorter :)Getting it ready

Look how long it was!!!

And......... Tah Dah............

The final results!
I think that it looks so cute on her but it makes her look so big!!!! She has really enjoyed it so far and loves that she can just put a clip or headband in it and be done.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Great Friends

Last Friday the kids and I took a well overdue day trip to Vernal to visit out really good friends, the Batty's. Roseanna was the kids' babysitter while we lived out there and we got to become really good friends and have alot of fun together with her and her family. Her two little boys are just adorable and they and Madi became instant friends when they met.

Making Pizza's
Smashing the dough

Ta Da!

Brekk did such a good job. Look at ALL that cheese!!!
They were seriously one of the hardest things to leave behind when we left. We miss them so much and Madi asks all the time when we will get to see them. So I surprised Madi on Friday and we went for a visit. The kids were so cute when they saw each other. Jacob and Caleb were especially surprised when they saw how big Brekker had gotten (he was only 3 mo when they started watching him).
We enjoyed making pizza's for lunch, playing and visiting! Thank you so much for having us Batty Family, we will need to do it again soon!!!! We miss you!!!

Brekker Looking cool in Caleb's sun glasses

Baby it's Cold Outside

We have gotten several little snow storms the last couple of weeks but we haven't had one that has left us some on the ground, until last Wed night. I had Thursday off of work for Veterans Day and when Madi woke up she was so excited to see snow on the ground. She asked me if we could play in it and I told her yes we could when it got later in the morning. Next thing I know she was standing in the kitchen with all her snow clothes on (this was 7:30 am). I informed her that it would be awhile before we went outside because we needed to eat breakfast and needed to wait until it warmed up a bit. After an hour of bugging me, I finally gave in, bundled Brekk up and headed outside (this is now ONLY 8:30).
On a side note, I am quite the scrooge when it comes to playing in the snow. I love to look at the snow and sometimes eat it :) but I hate getting all bundled up to go and play in it, get wet and freeze. Especially with kids, you spend all that time getting them ready and they only last for 5 minutes!
Well this day I decided to try to be a fun mom and put my dislike aside. And I am glad that I did because the kids had alot of fun and it was so cute to watch Brekk waddle around in his snow suit and watch Madi eat snow and make snow angels.

Monday, November 8, 2010


The weather was so nice all day until it was time to go out trick-or-treating. When we got to the trunk-ot-treat the wind was blowing so hard and it was raining so bad that they decided to take it inside the church-which I was SO glad. They lined up the candy all along the Hallway and we got to just go around the hallway and trick-or-treat. It was so nice (and warm :) The Wicked Witch (Madi told me I was not pretty enough to be the good witch) The lion and Dorothy with our cousins Ryter, Will and Aunt Teri.
All the kids with Grama. She was so nice to hand out our candy to we could trick-or-treat too :)

The whole gang- minus the dads. They were too lame and did not dress up nor wanted to get their pictures taken :)

After the tunk-ot-treat we went to two other housed and then headed to grama's house for some chili and the kids passed out candy for grama . We had a great time!

Madi's Pre-School Halloween Party

I was so excited that I got to take work off to go and help with Madi's Halloween party. She was so excited for it all week and the morning off she kept asking when it was time for us to get ready and go :) Madi and Teacher CarolAnn
Dorothy and the Wicked Witch

Madi and Katelyn on there costume parade.

All the kids got to go on a costume parade down the street and they loved it. We then loaded up in cars and got to go trick-or-treating to some local businesses. Madi's favorite stop and the one that she had been waiting for was Grama work.

Madi and Grama
Madi Trick-or-Treating to Jesse and JN Auto

After our Trick-or-Treating the kids got to hand out all of their treats (Madi's bag was overflowing by the time they were done) and sing songs and play games. It was so much fun, I am so glad that I got to go.