Monday, April 24, 2017

Christmas 2016

I sat down to type about Christmas when the kids surrounded me to see what I was doing. I asked if they wanted to do it, and this was their reply.

Bridget: I got for Christmas Build-a-bear gift cards. One is a $15, one is a $10. And I got the first thing on my Christmas list. It was a baby with a diaper bag, and a bunch of stuff that goes with it. And I got mom and dad a Christmas present from school it was 2 things. One was an ornament with my picture. It had a bunch of decorations. And I got them a handprint, it said love Bridget Howe. Thank You! I love this Christmas! Yes.

Audrey: I got a mini American Girl doll which was the first thing on my list, and her name is Kaya. And I also got the second thing on my list which is a sewing machine and my mom was teaching me and on Monday she is going to teach me more of how I can use it. Aand I got crayons from Bridget. And I got playdough tools from Dakota. And we also went to Vicki's and I brought a mouse and the chapstick from Santa, and the mouse I got from Talia and he is so cute, and his name is Mr. Quiet Mouse. Thank you! I got what I wanted for Christmas.

Dakota: Do I have to do that? (Then a few minutes later he bounced into the room saying) I'm so happy that I got that bot!

Dakota: I'm going to say nothing. Then you have to delete that.

As always, a box proved almost as much fun as the actual presents. Although the Xbox was definitely a hit.

Tuesday, December 6, 2016


We decided it was time to visit Adam's family for Thanksgiving this year (it's only been 4 years since we celebrated with his side). I admit I was a little disappointed I couldn't spend my favorite holiday with my side of family, but we had a blast in Cedar. 

Most of Wednesday was spent putting a new roof on Aunt Susan's house.

On Thanksgiving day we ate dinner/lunch at the church, ate pie, and then played Gaga. It was a great game for all ages, and I was sore by the end... so I'd say it was a successful Thanksgiving activity!

The kids participated in "Pie Wars." The grandkids made pies, and the 3 grandpas (Grandpa Nelson, Grandpa Howe, and Grandpa Christopher) judged the contest. Audrey and Bridget made a s'more pie, and Dakota and Brannin made a mint brownie oreo pie. They didn't win, but were happy to participate.

On Friday we went Christmas tree hunting. We found a awesome tree that fits our space perfectly, and the kids played in the snow.

The view on the way to get Christmas trees (pardon our dirty windshield).

Our tree, and handsome man.

After Christmas tree hunting, and lunch we shot off some rockets.

We decided to come home on Saturday because a storm was coming in on Sunday, and Adam had to leave for Germany Monday morning. Overall, it was a successful Thanksgiving!

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Fall 2016

Adam has spent a lot of time in Germany for work, but a last minute cancelation allowed us to go to Cedar for the weekend to help sell the lambs. It was gorgeous. I am so glad I decided go up in the morning instead of waiting until it got warmer. The kids had a blast building forts, and Adam got to use the truck to help get the loaded semi out of the mud.

We went to Strawberry with Vicki and Rich over Labor Day.

I didn't get any pictures at Julia's wedding, so the girls posed for a picture to show their matching dresses when we were in Cedar. Then we tried to get pictures of each other while jumping on the trampoline.

Dakota turned 11! He was pretty excited to get Adam's old phone... even with all the strings attached. I won a family membership to the planetarium from the Library so we went a couple times.  

Audrey was required to participate in PTA Reflections this year, and decided she wanted to submit a photograph. So we went to the park with 2 old cameras, and she and Bridget took pictures.

After taking the girls to the park to take pictures, I decided to take the family to the same park to attempt a family picture. We all took turns using the remote for my camera, and got a couple good ones. Then we played at the playground. Dakota now prefers climbing on top of playgrounds instead of using them as intended. Bridget mastered the monkey bars at this park, but still doesn't like the monkey bars at the school playground.

We went to Cedar to help with the sheep parade. Dakota completed the NOVA program, and shot of his rocket. Bridget still loves to help me cook. A neighborhood cat thinks it lives at our house. Audrey did "Ten Apples Up on Top" for her pumpkin book report. Adam and I went to a friends Harry Potter party. The kids enjoyed Halloween, and way too much candy.

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Summer's End

Once again, we were not ready for summer to end. All 3 of my kids are in school now, and I was not looking forward to being home all day by myself. I look at job openings several times a week, but I just don't feel like I should go back to work right now. So, we are all adjusting. (And I have plenty of work to do around the house, so I'm not bored yet).

We spent our last days of summer vacation swimming at our favorite pool, going the the splash pad, being goofy, celebrating Adam's birthday (the girls made him a super cute book), and watching Adam do his candle experiment.

On the last day of summer vacation, the kids were fighting like crazy. So, I took them on a super short hike. Audrey loved watching the ducks, Dakota loved jumping around on the rocks, and Bridget enjoyed everything. Everyone was  happier when we got home.
The 1st day of school!
The picture on the bottom right was after school, everyone liked it but Bridget got a bloody nose and didn't want the blood to show in the picture. I found out later that Audrey cried a lot the first day, but is OK now that her friend sits by her in class.

Twin Lakes

After my parent's 50th Anniversary party, we went to Twin Lakes. Lance and his kids were there for a day, and then had to go home. Lisa's family and my parents enjoyed most of the trip with us.
Adam bought and inflatable paddle board, and we loved it. Kalea was so patient with Bridget, and repeatedly jumped in the lake so Bridget could "save" her. We slept on the deck as usual, and Adam enjoyed being able to see the stars without glasses or contacts. I saw at least one shooting star every night we were there. Bridget learned to kayak by herself.
We went to Devils Postpile, and hiked to Rainbow Falls for Sabrina's Birthday.
The kids loved floating down the ditch with cousins when we got back to grandmas.


We went home to visit my family and celebrate my parent's 50th Anniversary at the beginning of August. (We celebrated a couple weeks early so Ryan could be there). It was fun to reminisce and visit with family and friends I haven't seen for a while. It was really fun to look through old pictures and reminisce while we were getting ready for the open house. I started scanning my parents old slides months ago looking for pictures we could use for the party, and found several gems we didn't know existed. We learned a little about my parents while searching for pictures. We have very few pictures of them together, more pictures of my dad as a child, and my mom is holding or playing with a child in almost every picture of her.

One of my favorite slide discoveries, taken at Laura Lee's 8th Birthday
My mom, Pops, Laura Lee, Dad, Aunt Nell, Lance
Aunt Nell was actually Great Grandpa's (Pops) wife, but my grandma and her sister couldn't bring themselves to call her "mom" so they called her "Aunt Nell" instead.
Another favorite. My (barefoot) mom and dad at the Idaho Falls temple shortly before or after they were married.

It's been a while since we've stopped at this rest stop... we thought it was beautiful. Dakota had to read the sign about the Boneville Salt Flats, and asked a lot of questions I couldn't answer about the races.
Cutting the cake, then and now.
They said the didn't want a cake, but luckily some of their employees surprised them with this awesome tractor cake.
These girls took their job of shooing flies from the food very seriously.
We finally got some family pictures!

Sunday, September 4, 2016



Adam got Lasik. We built a snow slide and snowman after an awesome storm. Bridget got a Principal's award. Dakota discovered the Treadmill.


Dakota got glasses! I tore out the gross carpet in the basement bathroom, only to discover that the concrete was in terrible shape, and just painted it anyway. My parents came to visit for a Farm Conference and my mom helped me hang the girls paintings in their room. The girls painted new pictures to decorate their room.


We celebrated my Grandpa's 96th birthday, Dr. Seuss Day, pi day, and Easter.