Thursday, April 26, 2012

It seems everyone in Utah County has a "Pass of all Passes." This is an annual pass that gets you into both Seven Peak water parks, both Trafalga's, a few REAL soccer games, some BYU games, baseball games and more. We enjoyed going to Seven Peaks last year summer -yes we only went twice but Ian loved it. So I started watching for deals and got an amazing deal that was impossible to pass up. We have never been to Trafalga, and personally I am not a big fan (kind of small and a little dirty) but Ian loved the fact that he was able to do everything there! The first thing he wanted to do was ride the gokarts, since the line was a little longer we left daddy to wait there and rode the carousel and airplanes a couple times.

We played glow in the dark mini golf. Which Ian loved and so did Aaron. Then Ian spotted the Froggy Hopper ride (upper right). He was hooked! I cannot count how many times he rode this ride. It was great to be able to take him during the day when most other kids are at school. He was able to just stay in his seat and ride it over and over and over again. He even discovered that it was exciting to put your hands high in the air without holding on.

Jimmer and Amy also flew into town this week! It was great to see them as always the kids were beyond excited! 

The boys have been loving the warm weather and riding in the gator. Aaron is still obsessed with climbing up the chairs to get on top of either the table or the counter.

Don't worry Ian is only allowed to take Aaron if it is on Bunny speed (slow).

Aaron has been loving riding his tricycle (Ian's old one). He thinks it is hilarious when he scoots backwards. Ian has also had a blast playing soccer and baseball in the yard. Next week he starts tot soccer, I can't wait because I am really hoping he makes some new friends.  

This last week we finally ripped out the ugly bush/weeds in the front corner of the yard and replaced it with grass. We also uncovered a water hole that the previous owners decided to just cover. The grass looks great! Tim and Ian did a wonderful job and Aaron had fun playing in his old carseat. Now we need to fertilize the rest of the lawn.

Last week we also checked the sprinklers in the yard to make sure we did not have any broken ones. I have a feeling that we are going to live in the water this summer. Both the boys were going crazy with the sprinklers on! Good thing I got a double slip n'slide for the summer!

We made quick trip up to Logan on April 13th. We had to pick up a package that I accidentally mailed to our old house :) Since Tim was busy working we decided it would be a great time to enjoy hanging out with some of our friends. We always have a blast when we head to Logan and Ian loves playing with all of his friends again. After a busy day Friday we headed out to Hyrum Dam with the family Saturday (Aaron stayed home with my mom and Andrew -he was napping). Even though it was a little cold we still had fun cruising around in the boat. Ian loved laying down in the cuddy, having the wind blow through his hair, and feeling the cold water. Before we left Ian was sure that he was going to swim in the lake, after he put his foot in the water he decided that maybe next time he would swim. 

 I other news I somehow managed to nearly loose my pinky toe, as in amputation. Odd right? I wish I knew what happened -maybe I dropped something on it, stubbed it, I have absolutely no idea. One day it just started throbbing so I though maybe I broke it. I could hardly walk on it but I knew the doctor could do nothing for a broken toe anyway. The next day it was all red and seemed to have some kind of bad infection, then finally on Tuesday night I thought it looked better. I still could hardly walk but it looked a little better. That night I could hardly sleep my heart seemed to have moved to my toe. When I woke up my entire toe was a giant blister. Gross and a little painful. I called the doctor and got right in, he was in shock and a little worried. I was put on a strong amoxicillin 4 times a day. Yes, I had to wake up in the middle of the night to take it. Thankfully after about 48 hours it started to look and feel better. Which meant he did not have to cut into my toe and do who knows what. The doctor also wondered why I had not done anything about my gallbladder. Apparently that needs to come out as well. What a day! At least that surgery will not happen until end of May or June. This is definitely not our year as far as medical things go.

Ian has been learning a lot in school. This past week they have been learning a lot about earthquakes. He came home from school and said, "Mom, I need to pack an emergency bag. I need a candle, matches, flashlight, batteries, blanket, food, water, and lots of bandaids." He has been walking around with his emergency pack on for weeks. He takes it to the store, outside, to a friends house, everywhere. He always says, "Just incase mom." We have showed him that we have an emergency kit in the car but he still needs to have his as well.
I love that the food he choose to put in his emergency pack was Pop Rocks from St. Patricks day. He also knows that if there is an earthquake he need to stop, drop, and cover! Such a smart little boy!

Also blogger has changed...I am not sure that I am a big fan of it. It does not let me edit and format how I usually do so be patient if things look a little funny I am learning :) There are some good things about it but I am still undecided.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Spring Break

The boys have been crazy this week. The weather is gorgeous and we are all loving it. Ian is on Spring Break and it is so fun to have him home. We usually tend to head into town and go different places throughout the week but since it is spring break and everyone else is out we are just having fun at home! We even did a little yard work and ran through the sprinklers this week.

Below is the boys on their journey to catch the evil Emperor Zurg. While Ian is getting a little better about having his picture taken he still does not liked to be stopped during playtime.
Apparently Aaron shot Ian by mistake. Boy down, boy down.

In good new the Easter candy is gone! I am sure you can't possibly guess who ate majority of the Robin Eggs?!?!

The boys decided one afternoon they needed to fix the deck. Not sure what was wrong with it but after a lot of banging it was finally safe :)

We have been doing a lot of Arts and Crafts this week as well. Aaron is loving coloring and getting better each day. I like how Ian is explaining to Aaron how to hold the crayon properly below.
We have enjoyed a few movie nights (although it does look more like day time). Due to Ian's reoccurring nightmares we have been watching Letter and Number Factory for our movie nights.

Aaron discovered that he can bite directly into plastic in order to suck out cheese spread on Kraft cheese and crackers. As you can see he was quite excited.
We did make an adventure out to Chili's for dinner. Eating out is a rare occurrence for us because it is so much easier to just eat at home. Thanks to The Hinckley's we enjoyed a wonderful night out as a family. I had a coupon for free kids meals for the boys so we decided to enjoy a dessert as well. Our waiter was extra nice and got the kids balloons because they were so well behaved.

Daddy had the first part of the week off of work. The boys had fun playing dress up, going for bike rides, creating different things with the connectagons, etc. Below Ian and Tim are making their "creepy" faces.
I told Ian I like his beautiful smile the best!

In other news Ian is still having nightmares. On Easter night he woke up at midnight and we could not settle him down until after 5 am. The same thing happened the next night. Yes, we are all exhausted. He is still refusing to sleep in his bed. This is where he has been sleeping for the past three weeks.
Normally it would not bother me that he is sleeping on the ground but he has a nice big bed and he does not sleeping well on the ground. He is waking up a couple times during the night tossing around and sometimes having nightmares. Ian decided that he just needed a new bed. We informed him that he could not have a new bed unless he slept in his own bed. This meant nothing to him until we decided to actually go and look at beds. He found a bed that he absolutely loves and surprise has now been sleeping in his bed the last 3 nights in the hopes of getting a new bed. I wonder how long we can ride this out for??? I know it will be at least a couple months because he is thinking he will for sure get it for his birthday -although he did not specify which birthday :)


Our Easter week/weekend was great! There were a million different Easter egg hunts going on around utah county. Need I remind you that utah county also has millions of people. Therefore we enjoyed relaxing at home and having our own Easter egg hunt in the backyard with just us!

My parents were staying in Salt Lake City since Hunter was on spring break. So Saturday they decided to head down our way and enjoy the holiday with us. We decided to do a big Easter dinner on Saturday (instead of Sunday) so that we could enjoy all of the left overs on Sunday as well. Saturday morning I was busy making devils eggs, rolls, cheesy potatoes, salad, carrot cake, etc. Then that afternoon when the kids awoke from nap/quiet time Easter eggs were hidden throughout the house and the yard.

Ian was going crazy finding as many Easter eggs as possible. It was really a struggle for him to leave some for Aaron as well. Aaron was happy just fining one. He could have just played with the jelly beans for hours in the grass.

That evening we enjoyed Easter dinner which turned out great! In fact the only thing left was a little bit of ham. Which meant so much for leftovers on Sunday. We then headed down to discovery park in Pleasant Grove. The kids had a blast running around and hiding. Not to mention it was so much easier to go to that park with more adults than children. I always go crazy when I go with just the boys. There are so many little hideouts you blink and it seems one of them has disappeared.
After coming home the kids definitely needed a bath. Then Tim and I then headed out on a date! Thanks to my family for watching the kids -although I really would have rather stayed home! The movie was horrible -sorry not a fan of The Hunger Games. To each their own I guess.

The next morning we woke up (more like we did not go to sleep because of Ian's nightmares) and the Easter bunnies had been hoping all over the house. The bunnies tend to get yarn stuck to their feet, which they string about the house. Ian loved following his yarn all around to find presents that the Easter bunny had left for him. Aaron found the first present (crazy straws) and content with just that. The Easter bunny also brought extra large bouncy balls, sunday clothes, movie, beach toys, Blue Angel's kite, and more. Not to mention Ian got a much needed new swimsuit from Grandma and Grandpa along with special detective flashlights. Aaron has also figured out how to climb the bistro chairs. It is the most annoying thing in the world. He is obsessed. I tried doing what our friend does when her boys climb the chairs -having them already tipped over. Then Aaron just tries to tip them back up and usually succeeds or the chair falls on him. It is a lose lose situation.

After we all found our presents Hunter was still hard at work. We decided that Hunter's bunny may have been on something?!? It was hoping inside and outside, around the couch, railings, and chairs a million times, through the cars, and managed to hover his present in the recycling bin.

After all of our morning fun it was time for the boys to get a quick trim from Grandma. Aaron's second haircut at 18 months. He did fairly well. He was just singing along to Tangled.

It was then time to get ready for church. The boys looked so handsome in their new church suits. It was also a big day because it was Aaron's first time in nursery. We decided to ease into nursery since Aaron is somewhat of a mama's boy. Instead of attending the full two hours Aaron just joined everyone for the last hour which was playtime. He was so little and seems years younger than any of the other children. I was a little hesitant to even leave him but thankfully he did great and loved playing with all of the toys. We'll see what happens next week.

What a wonderful and relaxing Easter weekend. Glad that we were able to spend time with family and enjoy each others company. Thanks for coming down and spending the holiday with us!