Saturday, January 30, 2010

Cheese :)

Do you notice a theme in majority of these pictures??? Ian's cheese face -I love it!
January has come and gone and I don't even know what we have been doing. Ian's loves his train shirt from his Aunt and Uncle -he says toot toot and points to it and say's Ian! Don't be too impressed when I write Mom he says Ian too:) Any three letter word is Ian and anything beyond that is Hunter, Ellie, or Andrew. His grandpa taught him how to count to five and this past week he has learned to count to ten! Sometimes he says twenty when it is supposed to be ten -but it is hilarious. Here is a recap of the past couple weeks...
Making lots of messes -even more fun when water is involved!

Getting into things he should not be getting into -and feeding it to the dog.

Growing big and strong (he was licking the alfredo sauce off his plate).

Getting pretty good at basketball -the hoop was only about 7 feet above him :)

Like to see his picture -he wanted Pike to be in the picture too.

Tonight we had tons of laundry to put away and Ian had just taken a good head dive into the couch while playing with Pike. So while I put away laundry he laid in our bed and watched Baby Einstein: World Animals. He completely tore apart the bed while acting like a tiger during the show.
Here he is acting like a tiger and making various animal sounds.

He was having a blast playing catch with Pike then decided it would be more fun to play basketball with it. The beginning is the best by the end of it he did not want to play anymore.

While I love how fast the school year is going by, I would like the rest to slow down if possible! Here is to a relaxing February!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Loud Weekend!

Even though you can't hear it I am sure you can imagine what is coming out of that mouth...
Welcome to our weekend!

Lately Ian has been screaming to communicate -it is incredibly annoying especially since I know he is very capable of using his words or signing. Even when laughing he has developed this high pitch scream. I would like to say it is cute but WOW the volume that comes out of him is unbelievable. I am not sure what to do about it. When I tell him to use his words he tends to get more frustrated and scream even louder -if you can imagine. Above Ian is helping me get ready for the day -a little too much :)

Ellie came over this weekend, which is always a treat! The two of them played with the toy kitchen and food for at least an hour. This is them eating the food they ordered. They would go to the toy fridge and fill up there cups with pretend water. On the way to the piano Ian would end up tipping or dropping his pretend cup of water and would say "oh no." Then Ellie would sigh, say that it was ok, and walk him back to help him get more "water."
The past few weeks Ian has been sleeping horribly. Not wanted to go to bed and waking up a few times during the night. We realized that all of his eye teeth are coming in at once. Part of our bedtime routine is reading tons of books in bed. Pike usually reads with us as well and helps read a few books "bark, bark." Ian has decided that he likes having Pike sleep with him. Usually the dog has to sleep in his bed but occasionally I'll let Pike stay. He stays on the foot of his bed until I come and get him. Ian absolutely loves it!Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend -I am so glad it is not over -no work on Monday!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

New Year!!!

It has been a while since my last post -can you tell I am back at work? Not to mention it is the end of the quarter which does not help. Anyway our New Year was great! New Year's Eve the Thompson's came over and we played Ticket to Ride (love it!!!) while Ian and Ellie watched Bolt in the tent. They were very excited to see each other and did pretty well considering the late hours. Our night ended early with Tim heading off to work and the kids tired, but we had a blast and are definitely going to have to add this game to our collection.
Ellie is being the bad guys on Bolt - Ian was just loving life and probably laughing at Ellie!

The next day it was snowing like crazy!!! What better thing to do than build a snowman. Even if it was getting a little dark outside.
I lost track of how many times Ian wanted to sing "Once there was a snowman." He has learned so many things in nursery it is amazing. For Christmas they gave him his own picture of Christ which is in his room and a little beaten up because he likes to hold it. Our neighbor was watching him and thought it was funny that he would say Jesus if you pointed at the picture. When she would tell him that it is Jesus Christ Ian would quickly say, "Amen." As if he were saying his prayers. He loves helping you say the prayer and always says the last word you say. When we say our prayers at night we say "please bless we'll have a good night sleep" and Ian immediately begins shouting "no, no, no." I still cannot hold a straight face it is hilarious :)