Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Uh Oh

Okay, the binoculars were broken...

How can they blame this face?

I say Lilly ought to be at least partially to blame - if she has such great ESP powers, why didn't she tell Mom I was gonna break it before I actually broke it?!?


Sunday, April 27, 2008


Today I am gonna follow in my love's footsteps and just take it easy all day! I may do a little chatting but that's it!

And for you Paris fans (both of you), here's a Paris Pic:

Hope you are having a great weekend!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Reverend Mother Lilly

I could hardly believe it.

See, I was riding down the highway on my cycle and noticed a sign that said:

And I thought "What in the world does that mean?"

Then I saw this sign and scratched my head:

You see I was beginning to get a little worried cause OUR Lilly has claimed to be psychic.

And when I saw this sign,

I got REALLY worried.....

But when I saw this sign just a few yards down,

It was full blown panic!!!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

I Love the New Math!







Sunday, April 20, 2008

Saturday in the Park

Remember that song from the 70's by Chicago? Anyhoo that was my theme song yesterday. Daddy and mom took us to the local park and we had a blast! Lilly had to stay home - something about she can't "behave right" around strangers.

Here's a picture of me telling dad to hurry up and drive faster:

Here I am giving dad directions to the park:

(Note my cute cookies n cream neck)

Here's Paris. She actually behaved in the car for the first time ever:

Finally we get there and fun ensues:

We didn't stay long cause it was getting kind of warm.

So we went on home cause I was getting tired and panting a lot. (Even though I din't want any water)

Dang my brachiocephalic (yet handsome!) self!

Friday, April 18, 2008

The revolution is over!

Hi everyone! & TGIF!

Lilly is doing much better. She's calmed down and has taken off that stupid beret.

Here's a video of her being calm (Which is a rarity):

Thanks to everyone for their sympathy about my butt problems. And the good advice too. Mom bought a can of punkin last night (Thanks Mr. Stains!) and it thoroughly rocked!

Not much news here otherwise. Tomorrow is cousin Katie's birthday and if we're lucky we may get to have another piece of b-cake! Sweet! Dad is promising to take us to the park tomorrow if the weather's good, but it's been raining like nobody's business this morning. Hope everyone has a super great weekend! Love ya!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Lilly, My butt & Happy Birthday Dad!

Hello everybody!! We're all okay - Mom doubled up on Lilly's meds and everything is back to normal!

Lilly still thinks she owns the place, but what else is new?!

Well today is our dad's 301st birthday! That's right - he's 43 in human years!

Happy Birthday!!! We all got to have a piece of Dad's cake. It was a pineapple butter cake made especially by Mom!

Mom couldn't take very good pictures of us enjoying our cake 'cause we eat so darned fast!

Yesterday I had to go to the vet and get my yearly shots. Well that's bad enough right there right?? It gets much worse...
While we were in the lobby mom noticed I had a "boil" on my bootay. Well anyway, it was not a boil! It was badly infected anal gland (MOM: YUCK). That meeeeean old vet drained it and I thought I was gonna hit the ceiling! That was the worst pain I have ever had in my life! I think I saw tears in mom's eyes! Lord knows I had them in my eyes!. I hollered and screamed like crazy. I felt SOO much better after it was all over, but I think Mom is still in shock.! Mom asked the vet how can she prevent this from ever happening again, and the vet didn't really have much to say except bring him back in when he starts dragging his butt! As if! I am a perfect gentleman and would never do such a thing! The vet gave mom some clavamox to give me for 14 days. Has this ever happened to any of you?
It gets worse. Mom told me she's gonna be taking me to Paris' groomer to get expressed every month or so! I don't like the sound of that!!!
If anybody has any advice for my mom, she would appreciate it! The woman is looney!

Monday, April 14, 2008

Revolucion: Part Uno

Listen up!

I hereby demand the follow items or else Mom and the others will wish they was never been borned!

1. I shall not be called Cataracts LaRue henceforth

2. The blonde one must go. I am the alpha female.

3. A date with that sexy Simba King Yes, I want to be queen of where ever he lives.

4. There shall be no more making fun of my warts, breath or body odor.

5. All time zones will switch over to Chihuahua, Mexico time.

6. Every man, woman, child and dog in the US will have easy access to cigars.

7. I shall have a servant available 24/7 for my convenience and to run my errands.

If all of the above demands are not met within 24 hours, with my highly developed brain, I will create a computer virus that will make Mom's computer emit stinky Mack farts.
As far as the other two, they will REALLY get it - I have a few tricks up my sleeve!

Viva La Revolucion!


El Bandito (AKA Lilly)

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Viva La Revolucion!

Details tomorrow............

Saturday, April 12, 2008

The Adventures of Baldo Part II

Look who went to the beauty shop and is now bald-headed again!

Me - well I'm just as handsome as ever. Here I am playing soccer:

Hope everyone is having a great weekend!

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Middle name game

I've been seeing this cool game around the internet so here's my version of it:

T - Too cute for words

H - Handsome as all get-out

U - Under-estimated (always)

N- No cuddling allowed

D- Downright silly

E- Extra special Boston

R - Ravenously hungry!

Ok - So maybe it's not that great - my mom thought up MOST of it! Anyhoo, here's some pictures of yours truly just hanging out, being handsome:

It's almost Friday!! YAY

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

It's RBS day!!

Happy BARKDAY Sweet Ruby!!!!!


And may you have many many more happy birthdays my love!

Monday, April 7, 2008

Guilty Monday treat #2

OMD it's Monday again.

We had so much fun this weekend we are not looking forward to Mom going back to work. At least we get a "guilty treat" :

Denta Stix for Lilly,

And smoked beef ribs for Paris and I.

**OH WAIT** I forgot. It's Pawty Time!! YIKES, Aire Ruby is gonna be here any second to take us to Asta's Welcome Home Pawty! REMEMBER: Don't tell you know who about her surprise birthday party! I gotta go! Aire Ruby is landing on my front lawn.....BYE!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Two Lights For Two Crazy Dudes!

These are just for our friends, Rocky & Ozzie. Ozzie had surgery (hopefully he won't need another) and Rocky is doing great, but has had problems with seizures in the past. Please go visit them and say hi. Ozzie is suppose to come home this Tuesday from the vet. Keep your paws crossed he gets to feeling better soon and is back to his wild & crazy self!

Well I went to the park yesterday with my cousin Sheila and her mom Katie, and it was fun and all, but when I came home, I had to have a BATH! Just cause I rolled around in some poo and got it all over my left side and on my collar and in my ear, Mom made such a big deal and kept saying in the car how stinky I was. I thought I smelled good! Why don't humans understand how wonderful poo is?? Anyway, here are some pictures Mom took before the batteries in her camera died:

Have a great Sunday!