Showing posts with label savings. Show all posts
Showing posts with label savings. Show all posts

Jul 30, 2009


I was looking at our bank statement and have realized how little we earn from bank interest. I don't think it would make much of a difference if we just keep the money in a safety deposit box inside the house. Well, another reason for that is that we don't really have much in the bank ;)

If you think about it, investing in a foreign currency is not that good either. With the worldwide recession, you don't want to be caught with money in a currency that has lost it's value overnight. If you really think hard and well about it, the best form of investment right now is gold. Im no smart pants when it comes to investments but just by reading business newspaper and researching deeper into the value of gold, even a 5th grader could tell you that it's the wisest investment to make. I remember our Pastor in church even mentioned it.

I would have to look into how much it would cost to buy gold right now and if we do have enough funds to invest on them I would need to make further research about it but I know that if I could come up with a good proposal the T would not hesitate and agree with me that investing on it is way better than keeping money in the bank.