The ink proved not to be waterproof but I’m pleased with it. For my watercolour class tomorrow we’re starting a study of flowers in the style of Kurt Jackson. He uses a lot of recycled jars, like this one, below. My flowers will be:My pussy willow was from a painting this time last year and it dried happily. I wanted the ivy to drape but it’s firmly up-sprouting.
I’ve also been sketching. It’s been 10 years since Terry Pratchett died so I’ve made a sketch of him.

I don’t think I ve quite captured him but I’ll try again.

There’s a huge set of video tutorials from Adebanji Alade’s The Addictive Sketchers Movement site so I could sketch happily forever more!
When my knee improves, I’ll be going back up to see my aunt. I spoke to her on the phone this week and she’s better since she’s been in the MacMillan hospice, eating and drinking well, and was able to have quite a conversation with me. The nurse said she still has some confused days and with her cancer, she’ll not get better, but she sounds more comfortable. Fingers crossed that I can get back up there soon. I’ve had an X-ray and have a consultation in 2 weeks.
I had the idea of making her a twiddle mitt/ cannula sleeve. When I was six months old, she bought me a teddy bear which I still have so I thought I’d put a teddy on her twiddler, though less battered looking than mine.
It’s surprisingly easy to make them look demonic though:
See what I mean?
Redone, and improved, they’ve multiplied😹. What have those teddy bears been up to?
I’m very fond of giving them a nice fat belly. They look happier now!
Bella loves to have her belly rubbed, too, and sends you all purrs.
Her fur gets very staticky when she’s stroked. 😻And finally.
I can’t resist that one, this week, sorry!