Wednesday, October 16, 2013


45 quarts of applesauce, dried apples, and fruit leather.  Even Weston looks tired!  We are in apple heaven though and I am grateful for the work.  

Monday, October 14, 2013

Deer Hunting 2013

Lynn took me deer hunting this year.  I got my first buck.  We spent 3 days and 2 nights up in the mountains.  We had rain, hail, and snow!  Lots of hiking.  I loved it.  So grateful to my mother-in-law Pennie for watching our children while we were gone.  

I missed on the first shot...buck fever...I'll admitt I was pretty excited.  Got him on the second shot.  

Lynn also got a buck so we will be eating lots of Jerky this year!  Lynn shot his buck 680 yards away.  Clear down at the bottom of the mountain and camp was at the top.  It took about 3 hours of hard bushwhacking to get his to camp where we could 4wheel it out.

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Monday, September 30, 2013

First day of School

Jaxon started 1st grade

Ali is in 3rd grade

Weston is in PreSchool!

Friday, September 27, 2013

Ellsworth Mancation

This year Lynn and his brothers went camping in Alpine, Idaho.  The first day they did a 14 mile hike, the next day they rafted the Hoback, and the last day they went 4 wheeling and rode dirt bikes. I was lucky enough to join them for rafting day.  

Thursday, September 26, 2013


They think they can do Everest now. 

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Cataract Canyon

Steph is working in Moab this year as a river guide.  Lynn and I had the chance to go visit her and spend 4 days running rapids, sleeping under the stars, hiking to ancient Anasazi Indian Ruins, and swimming in cataract Canyon with Steph.  It was the trip of a life time.  

Monday, September 23, 2013

Ellsworth Family Reunion 2013

This year the reunion was at Camp Cascads by McCall in Idaho.  

We had fun playing on the beach, swimming, canoeing and paddle boarding.

The theme this year was Brave Heart.  All the men had to wear kilts and everyone had to participate in the Scotland Games.  

We spent a day at the cascade Kayak park floating tubes and boogie boards. 

The dads and boys took their bikes to a BMX park.

The last night we had a dance party.  Lots of fun!