When I first read the above verse, it did not make sense to me, for surely there are better things for a man to do than eat, drink, and be merry?! But as I studied the word ‘mirth’, which is originally the Hebrew word simchah, I understood that this scripture was referring to having gladness and joy of heart because of the realization of what our God and Lord has done for us. (See especially Ezra 3:8-13)
Yahweh has given us times and seasons for everything under the sun--and there is a time for mirth!
Anyway, I have this theory…just a theory, mind you…I believe that whatever game you excel at, it is an indication of a dominant spiritual gifting you have within you (I Corinthians 12:1).
Okay, yes, I am trying to give some balance to my blog by posting something fun instead of being so serious! The serious side of this (for you know I must have one) is that we as followers of Christ are much more than the outward appearance the world sees; for although we are physical beings, we are primarily spiritual beings.
My family and I especially enjoy playing board games when we’re together. I remember the first time I played Pictionary--a board game that is won by guessing what an assigned illustrator is drawing. It was becoming very popular and some friends of ours invited us to a game night where they were going to play it.
We played in teams, and my team kept winning all evening! It was my first time playing the game and I found that I was good at guessing what the sketch was. This seemed to impress my one teammate, Kevin.
“Watch this!” Kevin announced to the other team. “I’ll draw this next figure and I want Lyn to be the only one who guesses what it is.”
It was all in fun, so I went along with it. Kevin pulled out the next card to see what he was to draw cupping it so that only he could see. I moved to look over his shoulder and he quickly sketched a bunch of ‘X’es crosshatching them over and over, then stopped and looked up at me.
“Haystack?” I immediately answered.
Kevin slammed his hand down on the table. “Yes! That’s right! See what I mean? It's amazing!”
Many Pictionary games and years later I realized how this connected with how the Spirit of the Lord speaks to me many times through pictures that come to my mind. It is one of the primary ways He shows me what I need to pray for, especially when interceding for individuals. (But, honestly, I am not always right discerning what the pictures mean--whether in Pictionary or in the Spirit.)
Let’s talk about Monopoly. I think I have yet to beat my husband Tom in a game of Monopoly. He wins time and again no matter who he plays it with. His gifting is in business and stewardship (although he does not own a monopoly himself).
Okay, so what do ya think? What games are you good at? Does my theory hold or should I simply put an end to it thus proving true Ecclesiastes 7:8?
Better [is] the end of a thing than the beginning thereof…- Ecclesiastes 7:8a KJV
Are we having fun yet?:-)